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Sandwich Sanwich Samwich Sa'wich Sounch Sammich Samptch


How do you personally pronounce "sandwich"?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • sand-wich (every consonant enunciated)
    • san-wich
    • sam-wich
    • sã-wich (nasalized vowel)
    • sounch (one syllable)
    • sammich
    • samptch (one syllable)
    • other (please describe)

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Depends on how I feel. Usually I say sandvich, as the TF2 Heavy does, but sometimes I feel like releasing the inner redneck and saying "sammich."

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NOOO!!! The perfect time for it, and the Instant Heavy site's down! Sad-2.gif

For me? Sand-witch.

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NOOO!!! The perfect time for it, and the Instant Heavy site's down! Sad-2.gif

For me? Sand-witch.

Sändoitsj? :3

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Sand-wich. XD

And awesome lmao, EazyIN.  :D

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I love to say SAMMICH! :D

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San-wich or on very rare occasions sammich. I always giggle when someone says "sangwich". I find that cute.

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Sand-wich or san-wich.  Sometimes I just make the 'd' really quiet lol

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Whenever i say it usually comes up as san-wich. But for the hell of it i sometimes say Sandvich... k_e_blush.gif

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Guest Para Astaroth

I say sand-wich because I was just brought up saying it that way, but my brothers and my dad always pronounce it 'san-wich'.

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ever since TF2, I've always said "sand-vich." For example, sitting at school eating my lunch, whenever that awkward "can't talk, must eat" silence falls, I'll just say "OMnomnom- Sandvich," pretty much out of nowhere.

I ordered a sandwich at a deli last week, and said "sandvich." I got a bit of a weird glance, but I still got my sandwich.

Of course, there is one exception: "Fetch me a sammich, Ho!" In that case, it has to be "Sammich."

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I say sanwich or sandwich. nom nom nom!

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