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Lylat Fugitives


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He'd eat the Arwings! :o

Thanks Julius (well done on your fan fic by the way) ;)

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Guest Julius Quasar

He'd eat the Arwings! :o

Thanks Julius (well done on your fan fic by the way) ;)

He might.

Thank you, and you're welcome!

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  oh and Todd WAKE UP *pokes Todd's buttox with a pin*

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Sadly no breaks for them. :( But that's alright. I love how Marcus and Jessica are now together. I bet Peppy bribed her to do it so He could be related to the McClouds! Jk. Great way to end the chapter though! :D

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Awesome!!, as usual! :D.  Great job evilwaffles, I can't wait to see what happens next! :P

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Thanks again Nick! :friends:

This is a completly different Jessica to Jessica Hare, the Jessica in this story is an attractive grey wolf and is romanticly involved with Marcus. (To be honest I forgot I named Peppy's daughter Jessica :oops:

Thanks Crazy. :) You are too kind. (Really, those PMs made my day.) ;)

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Okay, thats good. I'm sorry if people find me to be spiciest or not, but I could not see a Fox with a Rabbit. And I might be missing something, or you might just cover it, but why is it forbidden? Because of the rank difference? Race?

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Okay, thats good. I'm sorry if people find me to be spiciest or not, but I could not see a Fox with a Rabbit. And I might be missing something, or you might just cover it, but why is it forbidden? Because of the rank difference? Race?

I think it's because she's working  as the secratary to bill and mArcus is a merc.... not that theres anything morally wrong it's just their jobs.
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Thats what i was thinking, but i just wanted to make sure. :?

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Yes, Kursed is 100% correct on this. It is forbidden since it is between a merc and a military personal, therefore being a conflict of interest, if Jess and Marcus were found out then Jess would lose her job.

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Guest Julius Quasar

  oh and Todd WAKE UP *pokes Todd's buttox with a pin*

Lola: "It won't work, hon, when he's out, he's out, unless you got some Malt Liquor to open under his nose."

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Oh well. It's a good thing you let Marcus live or else he wouldn't be here to have a Dirty Little Secret. (That song was the first thing that popped into my mind as I read that part.) :D

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Lylat Fugitives

Chapter 3:

Battle for Aquas


Marcus, Todd, Lola, Kadie and Reece all stood in the elevator, they waited for it to reach the level of the hanger. Reece yawned,

“Fighting on half a night’s sleep… great… while I’m at it why don’t I just hit myself in the head with a mallet?” Reece grumbled sarcastically,

“I hear you bud’.” Todd replied,

“Guys, think positive, there is nothing that can possibly stand against us.” Marcus told the older vulpines,

“Guess you’re right.” Reece added, “I still want some coffee though, this is ridiculous.” The elevator reached the ground floor, the back doors of the elevator opened, revealing the large and almost empty hanger, most of the ships had been sent off to Aquas already. Bill walked up to them, followed by the Lieutenant General,

“Marcus buddy,” Bill greeted, “I haven’t seen you in person for ages, as much as I would like to chat we do kind of have an invasion on our hands.” He added, Marcus nodded in response,

“So this is the mercenary squadron you oh so rave about?” the Lieutenant General asked,

“Yes they are, you should be glad that they are here to help us, Hue.” Bill told his inferior.

“I don’t believe you should put all your faith into these five pilots, remember, all they want is the money of Corneria.” Hue advised Bill,

“Yeah, yeah whatever, I have complete trust in Marcus and his crew.” Bill snapped, “Anyway as I was saying. The planet of Aquas is being attacked by another hive of Aparoids, we thought that after you guys killed the queen that they were done for, seems we were ignorant.” Bill explained,

“So it is simple then, we go blow up these Aparoids, save Aquas, go home and sleep. Correct?” Reece asked, he was sitting on the floor, his eyes closed, realizing where he was, Kadie delivered a sharp but soft kick to Reece’s thigh,

“Ouch.” Reece groaned as he opened his eyes and looked up at her, rubbing his thigh, Kadie quickly tilted her head up and returned it to its original position, signaling for Reece to get up on his feet, Reece understood, he got up onto his feet.

“That’s right Reece.” Bill replied to Reece as he stood up, “But we have had two waves already, I don’t know if this wave is the last.” Bill added,

“Sir, you put too much trust and faith into these five, it will get you killed.” The Lieutenant General told Bill,

“Dude, chill.” Bill told Lieutenant General Hue, he turned his head to face Marcus, “Now what I need you guys to do is to activate a beacon on Dover Cliffs, the entrance to the base is at the base of Dover Cliff, unfortunately you will have to climb stairs as the station is unpowered. At the top floor is the power generator which will power the facility and activate the beacon.” Bill explained, he looked at Lieutenant General Hue, “And when that beacon is emitted, you will order the men to attack, helping group 1 assault the Aparoids.”

“Understood sir.” Lieutenant General Hue replied, Bill turned to face  the mercenary group,

“The Great Fox is ready to be warped, we’ve done all necessary stuff to make sure it is ready.” Bill noted, “So off you go, and good luck guys.” Marcus signaled for his team to follow him to the Great Fox. Reece quickly followed, hoping there was still that strong coffee that he made two days ago.


The Great Fox orbited in Aquas’s atmosphere. Reece, Kadie, Marcus, Lola and Todd all sat in their respective aircrafts in the hanger of the Great Fox.

“Come on let’s go!” Reece demanded impatiently, he had drunk four cups of strong coffee, he had too much energy and was literally bouncing in his seat.

“Just a minute old man, we need to finalize these settings.” Marcus replied, Todd had drunk a few cans of highly caffeinated soda but unlike Reece the caffeine only woke him up without any side effects.

“The coms are open, we can depart.” Kadie told Marcus,

“Yeah, I am getting bored just sitting here hun’.” Lola added,

“Alright,” Marcus announced, “Let’s go, I have sent the co-ordinates to your ships.”

“Lead the way Cap’n.” Reece told Marcus, Marcus activated his Arwing’s engine, he disengaged the brakes and landing gear, he pulled on the thruster and flew out of the hanger, the others followed him.

The team flew towards the co-ordinates that Marcus gave them, the small islands that poked out from the vast, almost endless ocean, were full of flames, rubble and glowing objects, Todd, Lola, Kadie and Marcus were all in shock by the sheer destruction that the Aparoids were causing, Reece tried to avoid looking at it, it brought back bad memories of his experiences with the Aparoids.

The group landed their ships at the base of the 300 foot high Dover Cliffs; a mild fog filled the area, the group exited their Arwings with their favored weapons, Todd held his Hyper Laser Collapsible Assault Rifle, Lola held her Hyper Laser Pistol, Reece held his pump action shotgun, Kadie held her SMG and Marcus held his burst fire plasma rifle. The group walked up to the hidden door, it was a gray stone wall with a large scratch in it. Marcus placed his fingers in the scratch and found the switch Bill had told him of. HE pulled the switch, a large amount of steam was puffed out from underneath the door, Marcus pulled his fingers out as the door slowly slid open, Reece jumped back in fright, a trail of blood lay on the floor leading up some stairs, Marcus smirked and looked at Reece,

“Squeamish?” Marcus asked in a mocking tone,

“No, I just didn’t think there would be fresh blood in here.” Reece snapped back, Marcus chuckled, Marcus flicked a switch on his rifle, activating the LED flashlight beneath it. The group entered the generator base, as they did the door slid shut behind them, leaving them trapped inside the base in complete darkness. Reece flicked a switch on his shotgun also activating a LED flashlight. He and Marcus supplied the only light in the base.

Marcus moved his flashlight around, looking for a door,

“Okay, we need to get to the top of this place so we can activate the generator which will emit the beacon.”” Marcus noted,

“I suggest we look for some stairs in an office, they will surely lead us to where we need to go.” Todd suggested,

“Yes, but what offices? This is a generator after all.” Lola added,

“How about a fire escape?” Kadie suggested, she moved Reece’s shotgun light to a door, it was red and had a picture of a stick figure anthromorphic animal running down a set of stairs with fire coming out a door. Lola walked up to the door, she felt for any locks or safety engages, there were none. She swung open the door, a loud roar was heard, Lola was pinned down to the ground by a creature, Todd quickly ran to her and delivered a hard kick to the creature that was attempting to kill his wife, the creature flew over to Reece after it was kicked, Reece placed the barrel of his shotgun on the creature’s head, he pulled the trigger  and fired a round into its brain. The creature blew into pieces, most of it landing on Reece.

“Ugh!” Reece groaned in disgust, “I just got these trousers last week!” he complained, Marcus inspected the remains of the creature,

“Aparoids!” Marcus yelled, “How the hell did they get in here?” Marcus wondered,

“Who cares, we have a problem on our hands.” Reece told Marcus,

“Yeah, we know this staircase leads to the generator but it is crawling with Aparoids.” Todd added,

“So Reece and yourself will need to spot those disgusting things and kill them before they eat me.” Lola added,

“What about us?” Kadie asked,

“You are expendable.” Lola joked,

“Right well I’ll try to be a spotter and you guys take them out since I won’t be able to reach them.” Reece stated, the group agreed with the plan, they started moving into the fire escape.

Reece nervously walked up the stairs first, he quickly scanned the area all the time, he didn’t like the idea of being stalked by mutant bugs who wanted to eat his brains for breakfast. The others weren’t as nervous as Reece, they could tell Reece was on edge, he was shaking and not from the coffee he had earlier. Reece spotted something moving, he yelped and fired his shotgun, a piece of metal fell from above, it hit the railing of the stairs as it continued to fall to the bottom,

“Reece, take a deep breath, we need you to focus.” Kadie told him, rubbing his neck, knowing it calmed him down. Reece sighed and nodded, he continued up the stairs.

The group managed to reach the generator floor with almost no difficulties, Reece was very relived, he believed that the Aparoid that attacked Lola must have been the only one. The others didn’t think like Reece, they were cautious, they knew there were more, but where was the one thing they didn’t know. The group continued walking up to the generator switch, they heard a very loud, deafening roar, Reece jumped back in fright, almost knocking Kadie and Lola off their feet. A large, humanoid Aparoid stood in front of them, it was 12 feet tall with blade for limbs. Reece swore, he wasn’t too happy to see another Aparoid, the group opened fire on the Aparoid, the bullets landed in its natural armor but failed to do any further damage, Reece swore loudly, the Aparoid took a swing at Reece, he leant back, far enough to avoid being killed but not far enough to avoid being cut, the blade arm left a large slit across Reece’s torso. Lola noticed there was a soft, pink, fleshy area between its joints, Lola thought for a second, she had a plan. Lola snuck behind the Aparoid. Reece growled loudly at the Aparoid, he felt some blood coming to his flesh. The Aparoid saw Reece as a threat, it took another swing at him. As it raised it’s blade arm, Lola fired several  rounds into the flesh of the Aparoid’s shoulder joint, the Aparoid screeched in pain, it seemed to lose control of its arm as it went limp. Lola quickly fired some more rounds into the back of the Aparoid’s knee, it buckled and fell on its front, Todd quickly but gently threw his combat knife to Lola, Lola caught the knife on the handle, she jumped on the back of the Aparoid, there was some flesh behind its neck, Lola purposely fell down, driving the knife into the back of the Aparoid’s neck, the Aparoid screamed and yelped in pain, desperately trying to use its free arm to attack Lola, Lola twisted the knife and moved it around the Aparoids neck, making sure she killed it. The Aparoid let out one last groan before it died. Lola panted; she felt such an adrenaline rush. Reece was panting in fear, afraid of any others that may appear.

The generator lever was in sight, Todd ran over to it. He put his hands on the lever and pulled with all his might, the lever was stubborn and almost refused to move. Marcus helped Todd pull, the lever switched to the on position, Todd and Marcus fell to the floor as it went down due to the pressure they put on the lever. The others noticed a loud humming, the computers turned on, pumps started working. The generator was back online, the signal was now being emitted.


Bill attended some of his troops in the first fleet, they were injured, hurt and almost combat ineffective,

“Hurry up with that beacon guys.” Bill muttered under his breath, he noticed another wave of Aparoids appearing out from the water about 100 feet away. A beeping was heard on Bill’s visor,

“The signal, there it is!” Bill yelled happily, “Don’t worry boys, we will get through this.”

Lieutenant General Hue stood on a nearby Cliff, hundreds of soldiers and pilots stood ready behind him, he saw the hundreds of Aparoids starting to emerge from the waters. He heard a beeping from his gauntlet, he saw the signal was activated,

“Retreat boys.” Lieutenant General Hue ordered,

“Sorry sir?” a solider asked,

“Retreat, Bill sent out the signal, he is combat in effective and hopelessly outnumbered. We have no chance of winning here.” The soldiers and pilots, not knowing any better, followed Lieutenant General Hue’s command and retreated back to their drop ships to be taken back to their mother ship.

Bill looked up at the now empty cliff, he was speechless, he didn’t know what was going on. He turned around, the Aparoids were only twenty feet away. He and his troops fired upon them, many Aparoids fell to their blasts. Eventually Aparoids broke through, they attacked all that remained on the island, no one appears to have survived.


Reece, Kadie, Todd, Lola and Marcus all stood in the generator room, they had no knowledge of Lieutenant General Hue’s betrayal.

“Let’s activate these lights.” Reece suggested, he walked over to a computer and starting flicking through, the others came up to him and started watched the screen. A loud roar was heard, the group turned around, only to see a dark, solid object strike them in the face, knocking them out cold.


A/N: The main plot just begun. Betrayal, a classic in stories. Now, here is something I would like to throw out there. It is an idea I have had in my head for a while. I would like to know if you guys would like to have an option at the end of certain chapters to determine how the story goes, for example I will have a chapter, then in the A/N I would have:

Who would you like to save:

1) Panther

2) Pigma

Then you guys post either 1. or 2. For your choice that happens next chapter. Would you guys like me to do that? Note this won’t be every chapter, only some. So just post if you would like me to include this or not. ;)

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as much as aI hate panther  pigma doesn't deserve to live after what he's  done  so 1

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Uhm... that was just an example, not an actual poll. I'm going to assume you want me to include them? I used Panther and Pigma for example of the choices I may put in, hell, I might put in






So, would you like for me to do this in later chapters? Or just do what I usually do?

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Uhm... that was just an example, not an actual poll. I'm going to assume you want me to include them?

OH sorry no not really. Nice going by the way Sounds liek General Sheers or My Fc General Bulldog ( The Tiberium Venom series)
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Alright then, 1 for no.

Thanks Kursed, I am trying to make him look like a guy who wants to run a Corneria as a military dictatorship.

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"Ya I'll get mine  started again once this dang laptop updates.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Great job!

Todd actually hates coffee, but other than that you did great! :yes:

Uhm... that was just an example, not an actual poll. I'm going to assume you want me to include them? I used Panther and Pigma for example of the choices I may put in, hell, I might put in






So, would you like for me to do this in later chapters? Or just do what I usually do?

Do what you usually do!

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Great job!

Todd actually hates coffee, but other than that you did great! :yes:

Do what you usually do!

Okay, idea scrapped.

Alright, what would Todd drink/use to give him an energy boost so I can make an edit.

And thanks Julius ;)

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Oh NO!!! Bill got betrayed?!?! lol. Awesome chapter Evil! And I like your idea about the pick a character at the end of certain chapters, it is like that Final Destination movie where you could choose what the people did... Just hopefully no one (Cool I mean) would die because of it. Either way, Great job! :D

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HOLY SHIIITTT!!! :D.  That was one of the best chapters I've read in a fanficiton! :D.  I can't wait for more, and this storyline seems to be taking turns for the better, all the suspense, humor, happiness, and sadness all injected into a single chapter! :D.  You're doing an AWESOME job evilwaffles! :D

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Guest Julius Quasar

Alright, what would Todd drink/use to give him an energy boost so I can make an edit.

And thanks Julius ;)

Caffeinated soda (NO energy drinks).

You're welcome.  :wink:

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