Kursed Posted July 2, 2010 Share Posted July 2, 2010 And I thoguht i was the only one who thoguth krystal's eyes glowed when she was angry or feeling something strong.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 4, 2010 Share Posted July 4, 2010 Skipping out on posting the next chapter due to it being a holiday. Well, a national holiday to be exact. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted July 7, 2010 Share Posted July 7, 2010 Quote And I thoguht i was the only one who thoguth krystal's eyes glowed when she was angry or feeling something strong..I thought that too. Quote Skipping out on posting the next chapter due to it being a holiday. Well, a national holiday to be exact.Great job, though! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Star_Dragon Posted July 9, 2010 Share Posted July 9, 2010 Oh. My. God. That.. Was... AWESOME!!! *Head Explodes* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 9, 2010 Share Posted July 9, 2010 Chapter 5Kursed's finger pressed down on the trigger and the rifle started kicking into her shoulder as shots flew out rapidly towards the guards positioned behind the elevator door. The soldiers themselves returned fire -- laser rounds whistling by -- and a few scorched small portions of Kursed's fur as she dove towards a steel crate a few feet from the elevator. Squenting her eyes and staring out in front of herself as she pressed her back to the crate, blood soaked around her left shoulder and started to slowly seep down her arm -- staining and matting it in a purple-ish tone as it continued down her arm. "ARGH!" She grunted under her breath, staring to her arm and gripping her shoulder with her right hand, "Blasted, I'm hit...! Just hope I do not get hit in any other areas... Could be fatal.." She shook the pain off and twisted her body around the corner firing a few more rounds, then laser rounds pounded against the crate and the wall Kursed was staring at in front of her. She let out a sigh of relief.Suddenly, the rifle's clip slot slid open and the ammo indicator behind the bridge of the rifle was blinking red with a '0' displayed on the screen. Growling to herself, Kursed held the gun up vertically, clip flying out and landing at her feet, then pulling a fresh clip from her ammo belt, and placing it in the ammo slot. The ammo slot shut after the clip was placed and it reloaded itself with a sudden kick to Kursed's shoulder. She closed her eyes to focus a little -- ears rotating to get the sound of the soldiers advancing since the gunfire ceased -- and heard the lead officer talking aloud to his comrades:"LOB A GRENADE TO HER POSITION! MAKE SURE SHE IS CRIPPLED ENOUGH TO BE TAKEN PRISONER!!!"Kursed shot her eyes open and whipped her head to the side of the crate with a look of disgust, then walked to the other end of the crate -- peering around slightyly to get a better view of the squad of soldiers attacking her. Soon, she heard an object bounce along the ground beside her that sounded like a flimsy toy and her eyes grew wide for a split second as she spun her head around to see a yellow grenade with red glass-like holes glowing red, and soon growing brighter. Throwing her arms up to shield her body, Kursed dove backwards away from the crate and the grenade exploded into a cloud of shrapnel and the sound echoing throughout the deck. Kursed remained still for a moment to let her ears die down from ringing of the explosion and for the debris to stop falling around her. Groaning to herself, she rolled herself onto her back and realised her breathing became harder to do, then felt around herself. She soon ran her hand along a small piece of shrapnel petruding out from her right rib cage, and a few cuts were on her arms. Her suit was torn a bit from the shrapnel pieces flying blindly by her. She soon felt a tickling sensation going from around her rib cage and down the to her back, and realizing what it was."Ugh... Buh... Blood... HUNH!!! Should have expected it...!" Kursed groaned to herself through the pain and slowly rolled over onto her knees. Coughing from lack of oxygen, blood started to run down her lip and down to her chin as she her lungs were having a difficult time flushing the blood out. Soon, she coughed up a small puddle of blood and sat back as she heard the soldiers walking slowly in her direction. Kursed looked for her rifle, then saw it several yards from herself -- she frowned while breathing heavily in disappointment. "Guess... Guess I only have... A pistol... Left..." She huffed out while coughing lightly to herself. She reached to the holster on her right leg and pulled out the pistol she mentioned.She held it to her chest as she scooted her way to the crate and rested her back onto it. Painfully groaning to herself, her head rose up with her teeth bared and eyes squented closed in pain from the shrapnel, and the gunshot wound. She soon began breathing heavily as she looked around the corner for the soldiers and they were aiming their rifles to Kursed's direction, but did not know she was on the other end. Shooting her head back around, she got to her feet and placed her shaking hand to the wall with the pistol raised against her chest. Looking to the side of the crate in the direction of the soldiers, she took several breaths in through her nose before taking in one deep breath and pushed herself off the crate. She sprinted as fast as her body let her -- limping while doing so -- and soon heard the screams of the Venomian officer. Laser rounds began to zip by and burn small spots on Kursed's fur as she made her way to her ship.Placing her hand to the ship's hull, her hand was scanned and the cockpit window opened up. She pulled herself into the cockpit, leaving a trail of blood along her hull leading to the cockpit, and the cockpit window slowly shutting. "Come... Come on!!!" She ordered, pressing several buttons that projected up from the control pad. She then pressed the last button to start her ship and the engines hummed to live, but was suddenly shutting off. Looking around, Kursed continued to press the button, "What?! What's going on here?!?!" She slammed her fist to the control pad and the ship started to hum back to life. Grasping the handles to control the ship, it began to annonymously hover around with the lift-lock grasped onto her ship, then she pulled the handles towards her body and the engine's flame in the back growing larger. The ship then started to pull the lift-lock forward, causing the ship to moan under the pressure, and soon the ship broke free of it's restraints with the back tail torn off along with the body protection -- revealing the shield drive to protect the ship.Kursed then fired a Nova Bomb -- whistling loudly through the air -- and slammed into the large double doors; smoke arose around the door. As the smoke cleared and Kursed could see an opening, she slammed onto the gas and the Cloudrunner ship floored out of the flagship, but it's wings being ripped off at the tips. Now, the ship was left with torn parts, scatches everywhere, and a damaged body. Kursed manuvered her ship through the frigates and fighters still stationed outside and peeled off into the vastness of space. She looked behind herself and saw the armada fading slowly out view and turned her attention back to the control pad. Suddenly, her vision blurred in and out, and coughed a little more blood out that splattered onto the control pad and onto her outfit. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, Kursed gasped for air, but her lungs were too clogged to let air in and was suppressing it. Her body soon grew limp and slumped lifeless inside her ship as it flew aimlessly in space. As her body remained lifeless with blood all over her face, arm, and lower body, her ship seemed as though it were being pulled towards an object of unknown origins.But the origins would were known; the planet she was heading towards was a planet she was all too familiar with. The planet that she was saved on and helped save from the Aparoid invasion.Her ship was heading straight for Sauria. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted July 9, 2010 Share Posted July 9, 2010 :O Cool! Can't wait to see what happens on Sauria! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redeemer Posted July 9, 2010 Share Posted July 9, 2010 This is awesome. Nice job, HD! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 9, 2010 Share Posted July 9, 2010 Quote This is awesome. Nice job, HD! Thanks, Redeemer! Quote Cool! Can't wait to see what happens on Sauria! Yeah, I'm positive I will make it as exhilarating as I can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Whew! I finally got caught up on reading this, great story. Very exciting! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Very intersting please continue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 I am going to make two posts: One that has the cover art for the story itself and the other for the next chapter, so here is the cover art I have done so far. Sorry, but I'm still trying to understand my scanner because I can't change the file from a .PDF to any of the other formats. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 use gimp or somethign to save it as another type. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Problem is that whenever my scanner is done scanning, it instantly saves it in a certain format and I can't change the format after that, but I'll try it right now and see what I can do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Load it up onto the program then click save as that should do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Can't do it. I won't let me rename it :| Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 did you try to change the option in the drop down menu i don't suppose you could send me the file in a e-mail? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 I did, but i didn't show any other files I could save it under.I'll email you in a few. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 It hasn't gone through the scanner yet, but still, that picture of Kursed is awesome! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 HA Score one for the bounty hunter it works on Vueprint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Chapter 6As Kursed slipped into unconsciousness, her ship’s cockpit began to release a warning alarm signaling her premature arrival into Sauria’s atmosphere. The cockpit itself began to flash red as her ship began to increase in speed and velocity, then the shaking began to happen in moments. Her ship, nose-diving straight to the planet, sudden fish-tailed around and began to flip, roll, and cartwheel out of control. Kursed’s arms and head bobbed around as her ship lost its grip on autopilot then her ship suddenly started to show a bright light below it as the ship continued on it’s aimless path. By now, the ship was in Sauria’s atmosphere – still tossing about – as the light below the grew brighter and brighter, and soon stretched around the ship as though it were pushing against a large barrier; a sudden boom followed the sudden stream of light.On the surface, it was night time and all of Sauria’s inhabitants were snuck away in their dens, or nests, asleep. But their slumber would be cut off sooner than they would shut their eyes and doze off. As some were fast asleep and some were dozing off, the area around Thorntail Hollow was lit up by a golden light as Kursed’s ship was now rocketing across the sky. As the Thorntail’s head rose to the sky to see the anonymous object roar across their land and bringing a wall of wind with it, the ship started to sink towards the surface. It passed by the Lightfoot’s hideout, Cape-Claw, and soon then disappeared among the treetops around the surrounding the area’s the ship passed over. As all of the inhabitants looked at one another and back to the sky, they soon heard a felt the ground shake beneath them – shooting their attention to their feet as they tried regain their balance – and all was quiet after that.Clouds began to gather over the different areas with the sound of thunder amongst it. Suddenly, a bolt of electricity crashed near the crash site and scorching a few tree’s near it. Alternately, a few droplets of rain tapped the ground, followed by a few more, and began to increase in numbers as it soon turned into a thunderstorm. The inhabitants rushed back into their dens and nests, shaking off the rain and huddling back into their resting spots as the rain continued to fall. But, amongst the falling rain, an adult Earthwalker stood his ground as his mouth hung slightly open to the sky and his eyes open to the scene. “What in the name of the Earthwalker Tribe was that?” he uttered and began to walk towards the sound of the rumble he heard earlier. Back at the crash site, the ground in which the ship crashed showed a long, wide area with parts torn apart and thrown about with the ground destroyed with a long skid mark of scorched dirt and an area where the ship rested it’s cockpit against a large oak tree – the ship itself was a mangled mess. Kursed, inside the cockpit, remained unconscious as blood soon started slowly trinkling from the side of her head, soaking her fur a dark purple, and dripping onto the cockpit window. As several flashes of lightning shown their selves across the dark, storm skies, the Earthwalker from earlier stumbled across the crash site among the large oak trees and walked alongside the large skid marks. He climbed carefully over the parts scattered about in the woods and soon saw the ship resting itself against a tree.“That must be what everyone saw a minute ago,” he said to himself in amazement and quickly looked around. “Well, they did not show any signs of checking it out. Goes to show how interested they are.” As he made his way to the ship, a Cloudrunner flying overhead swooped in and perched itself on a tree near the Earthwalker.“Greetings, King Tricky!” He said aloud the rain and thunder. Tricky quickly looked around, trying to find whom called his name. “Look above you, my king! In the treetops!”Tricky turned his attention to the treetops to the Cloudrunner, “I see that you among all of the Cloudrunner Tribe is interested in this site?”“A tiny bit, my king,” the Cloudrunner said to Tricky as he swooped down to the ground and placed his wings onto his body, then walked towards the ship. Leaning his head towards the ship and tilting it in several directions, he walked slowly around to the cockpit and looked back to Tricky. “There is someone inside here!”“I should have expected!” Tricky announced and trotted over to the other side. Placing his Triceratop-like head to the hull of the ship, his eyes looked to the Cloudrunner, “Can you… Give me a hand? It’s quite heavy for an Earthwalker, such as myself!”“We Cloudrunners are not meant for strength, but I will do as much as I can.” The Cloudrunner said back and placed his wings to the other end with his head pressed against it, and they both began to push. They groaned under the strain of the weight and it soon began to roll over. “Keep… GOING!” Tricky announced through his groaning and they soon gave one final push until it slammed into the mud, throwing it onto the two. Groaning at the site of mudd on himself, the Cloudrunner then started to flap his wings and threw the mud onto Tricky himself. “HEY!!!” he complained while turning quickly away from the Cloudrunner. “Well, I hate to have filth on myself that will take a few hours to wash off. Excuse my rudeness, King Tricky.” The Cloudrunner explained and Tricky only grunted as he they walked over to the ship. As the rain puddle in certain spots of the ship and running off the sides of the hull, and the cockpit, they looked into the cockpit to see if they could get a better view of the survivor, but the window was too cracked to get a clear view. Tricky looked to the Cloudrunner and nodded. The Cloudrunner looked back to Tricky with a confused look, “What? Why are you nodding to me??”“I cannot break that glass unless it was at my eye level. So, with that strong beak of yours, maybe you could break it instead since you are taller than me.” Tricky explained and the Cloudrunner only grunted with a dissatisfied look. “Oh, all right…” the Cloudrunner said finally and began to peck at the window to get a better feel for it’s surface. Tilting his head, he pecked again, “It’s… A little tougher than I thought it would be.” He reared back a little, then struck the cockpit window with such force that it began to crack even more, and he struck it again in the same spot. This time, it shattered and the pieces fell onto Kursed’s limp body inside the cockpit. Squenting his eyes, he looked down into the cockpit to get a better view of the survivor and he looked back to Tricky. “It’s a blue vixen of some kind.”“Blue vixen?! Why, that’s KRYSTAL!” He said aloud and he jumped onto the side of the mangled ship and rolled it over. Looking down into the cockpit, “Krystal! It’s you! I thought it was—“ His excited uproar cut off as his happy expression faded. He shook his head and stepped back as the rain poured constantly onto the ship and onto the two Tribe members. “That’s… That’s not her.” He said, a bit shocked. “I… I-I don’t even know who that is.”The Cloudrunner looked back to Tricky disapprovingly, “Now, you said you knew who she was! Now you say you do not even know her?!” He turned fully to Tricky and leaned in with a tilted head, “Then which is it??!?”Tricky swung his head up to the Cloudrunner in anger, “I told you I did not know her! That vixen inside that ship is someone I have never seen before!” As the two continued to argue, Kursed started to moan a little and she slowly rose her wet arm, which had been drenched on by the rain in the opening the Cloudrunner made, to her head. Her eyes soon slowly opened slightly though being knocked senseless and only saw the smashed opening of her cockpit, the wet dirt pressed agasint the window, the rain running off the ship onto the ground, and the feet of the two Tribe members outside arguing. Blinking a few times to make her vision more clearer, she unbuckled her ship’s straps and kicked out the window – the two arguing stopped and looked over to the ship.Kursed grunted and groaned as she pulled herself from under the ship – mud getting on her suit and furr – and she rose up onto one knee as she paused to catch her breath. She looked around to the area that her ship had crashed in, to the sky with raindrops hitting her body, and to the two Tribe members staring at her. She got up onto her knees and took a step back towards the woods – the two Tribe members looking closer at Kursed. She soon was walking faster towards the woods and then she finally turned around and ran into the woods with the rain pouring down onto her, along with the larger droplets falling from the leaves of the trees.Her silhouette soon disappeared among the shadows of the trees with the two Tribe members staring towards the direction she ran off to. They looked to one another and back to the trees. “I suppose I should get back to my Tribe.” The Cloudrunner suggested.“Likewise,” Tricky agreed and they both began to separate themselves from one another. Tricky started to gallop in the direction he came from while the Cloudrunner gave a brief jog and flapped his wings a few times before soaring into the stormy skies back to his Tribe’s hideout.By what the two saw, they did not recognize her, but Kursed knew who they were. She met the years before. 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Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Sheese that takes alot of endurance to go through somthing like that and still be able to walk away you should have recived the gif files by now PAra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 She's basically running off endurance, Kursed. She'll pass back out soon enough -- just give her time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Para Astaroth Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Quote HA Score one for the bounty hunter it works on Vueprint.Link, please? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted July 16, 2010 Share Posted July 16, 2010 Quote Link, please?In a pm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted July 17, 2010 Share Posted July 17, 2010 Awesome! :yes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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