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A game part or misson that pissed you off

Guest Mr. N

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Guest Mr. Mario

For me: Eternal Darkness: Sainty's Requiem

The thing is, you get 3 bars, one is for health, magick and sainty.

You die when you health is gone (Duh!), but if your sainty bar is empty, you start to get strange or somethimes funny things occuring during your gameplay.

Here is what happened: My sainty bar was empty and things just kept gettin in my way, so I save my game and I notice the message appeared after saving the game saying DO YOU WANT TO DELETE THAT SAVED GAME?

I push the B button and saw my saved game go away, I was so angry I thought I lost all of my game data in my memory card, then it turns out to be fake, it didn't happen, my game is still saved.


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Simpsons Hit and Run. Getting caught by cops. MY 50 COINS

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The Mr. X fight in Resident Evil 2. He's alot harder than Birkin's 5th form.

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The Mr. X fight in Resident Evil 2. He's alot harder than Birkin's 5th form.

He's more annoying in darkside chronicles...I know! Star Fox Command! :D

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Starfleet Command Orion Pirates'

"Diplomatic Delivery" Mission.

I am getting fed up with it.

Are not there ANY other guys out

there to deliver diplomats? :x

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Guest Julius Quasar


Super Mario 2

Double Dragon 3

Time Lord

Top Gun


Star Fox Adventures: Test of Fear

SNES Star Fox: Sector Z, Sector Y

GTA 4: That mission where your diamond exchange gets ruined and the money and diamonds and money are

stolen by the goons and the bikers, also that finale option, "the Deal Mission".

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Guest Mr. Mario


Top Gun

:lolhyst: Seeing that game on your list reminded me of the AVGN review on top gun.


Why can't I land a plane?

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Guest Para Astaroth

A racing mission I was doing last night in Just Cause 2 using a propeller plane flying over and under bridges, but I couldn't pass it because the checkpoints were so freaking LOW to the ground or were too close to the bridge.  So, I ditched the plane and used a helicopter to finish the mission.

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Advance Wars Days of Ruin, the level A Hero's Farewell, no matter how hard I tried I never beat it, I had my cousin do it for me.

The enemy has more production facilities in better positioned places, there are two bottlenecks between my base and theirs, they got a rocket unit right on top of a resupply point so it has infinite ammo, and right behind a plasma barrier no less. They have an Aircraft carrier that keeps making those annoying seaplanes.

The odds are stacked against you and is just made to drive you nuts! :evil:

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Guest Julius Quasar


:lolhyst: Seeing that game on your list reminded me of the AVGN review on top gun.

Why can't I land a plane?

Totally! :yes:  That game was awful.  so was Karate Kid.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Trying to find all the Boo's in Luigi's Mansion  (This part got me so annoyed that I started getting constipated...  No joke.  And I'm not a freak!  Dx<)

Defeating the last boss in F-Zero GX  (All I can say is that I had to keep it cool and follow what my guide said to do:  "Just keep your distance and use your boost around the corner.  Use it ONLY when you and your opponent are near the end, then USE IT ALL UP!"

Lightfoot Test of Strength in Star Fox Adventures  (...It took me FOREVER to beat that bastard...)

Battlefield Bad Company 1 on Hard  (You get shot ONCE and your health goes from 100 to maybe 65 or 50.)

Defeating a few of the bosses in Star Fox Command to get to destroying the Mother ships  (The Octoman in one of those mission...  Jeezis, he was annoying)

Split/Second's elite car class races  (Oh, my GOD those races are SO FREAKING HARD!!!  It's like your car either is slower or can keep up with them.  The only way to get them behind you is to wreck them, which, too, is HARD!)

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Guest Julius Quasar


Trying to find all the Boo's in Luigi's Mansion  (This part got me so annoyed that I started getting constipated...  No joke.  And I'm not a freak!  Dx<)

Oh yeah, I HATED that.

I also hated "The Fall and Rise of Jimmy Hopkins, age 15" in "Bully". 

After you complete that pointless mission, the whole school hates you again, except for Russel and his gang, thank God.

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For me: Eternal Darkness: Sainty's Requiem

The thing is, you get 3 bars, one is for health, magick and sainty.

You die when you health is gone (Duh!), but if your sainty bar is empty, you start to get strange or somethimes funny things occuring during your gameplay.

Here is what happened: My sainty bar was empty and things just kept gettin in my way, so I save my game and I notice the message appeared after saving the game saying DO YOU WANT TO DELETE THAT SAVED GAME?

I push the B button and saw my saved game go away, I was so angry I thought I lost all of my game data in my memory card, then it turns out to be fake, it didn't happen, my game is still saved.


That's the point. It also pretends to play with volume to make you think you TV is on the blink. It will even pretend to kill you sometimes.

On topic. Almost any stealth or escort mission.

More specifically, gears of war 1. There is a scenewhere you fight elite gaurds after a long walk and unskippable cutscene. All of which have to be repeated each time you fail, which is 2 seconds after contact. If I never here "When did the wind last say hostiles to you?" it will be to soon.

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Guest Para Astaroth


More specifically, gears of war 1. There is a scenewhere you fight elite gaurds after a long walk and unskippable cutscene. All of which have to be repeated each time you fail, which is 2 seconds after contact. If I never here "When did the wind last say hostiles to you?" it will be to soon.

Yyyyeaahhhh, I didn't really enjoy that mission all too much, either.  I also thought it was a little funny how Dom tried to 'immitate' the Theron Guard saying "Hhhhooosssstiiiilllessssss."

Beating the last stage of Mario Kart Double Dash in reverse

Trying to beat Jinpachi Mishima with Mokujin in Tekken 5

Trying to kill the Wildebeast-like creature in the mountains in Uncharted 2:  Among Theives

The heist mission in GTA IV

Trying and TRYING to beat Twisted Metal 2 without cheats (LOL)

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Definitely the Monestary mission in Uncharted 2, wave after wave of enemies was incredibly tedious, hard, yet fun all the way through :D.

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Sly 3 Honor Among Thieves. Level 5's final mission. I died so many times on the Crusher part my first time through >...<

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Yyyyeaahhhh, I didn't really enjoy that mission all too much, either.  I also thought it was a little funny how Dom tried to 'immitate' the Theron Guard saying "Hhhhooosssstiiiilllessssss."

Beating the last stage of Mario Kart Double Dash in reverse

Trying to beat Jinpachi Mishima with Mokujin in Tekken 5

Trying to kill the Wildebeast-like creature in the mountains in Uncharted 2:  Among Theives

The heist mission in GTA IV

Trying and TRYING to beat Twisted Metal 2 without cheats (LOL)

I laughed too, but it gets really old really fast.

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me it have to be the game on the ps2 with tony hewk games' where 1 in ever game, it take 3 hrs of your time to get it right, like this 1 time i have to skate in the game to get all 30 can's in 1 min, and it take forever to just get it right, thx god of life i did it, it take me like 4 hrs to get it right

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i would have to say.....tomb raider II

the moving in general got to me ><

to try to run from tiger.....moveing side to side...it takes her forever to walk sideways ><


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Being told that if I got all of the medals on Expert Mode in Star Fox 64, I would be able to play missions as James McCloud...

Well, after all that, I got a pair of effin' sunglasses...

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Guest Julius Quasar


The heist mission in GTA IV

Totally hated that mission.

I also hate all the Guitar/Rock Band Hero games.  They remind me of Karaoke too much, and I hate Karaoke.

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