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New Star Fox Video Montage


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I've been making some Star Fox video clips over the past few years with the intention of putting the together in a Star Fox Montage (like Mr. Krystal's).

It's been awhile since I've made a new clip, and I decided that I probably won't have time in the future to make more.  So, I compiled them all into one video and uploaded it to YouTube.

Not exactly fan art, but still "Creative Work".  Anyway, I had fun making it, I hope you like it!

Here it is:

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I enjoyed watching that. It does not matter that yours is not as funny as Mr. K's. I could tell you put hard work into it. Although, I do have to ask, why did you have a 40 second period of time where it says "thanks for watching"?

Other than that, well done.

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I enjoyed watching that. It does not matter that yours is not as funny as Mr. K's. I could tell you put hard work into it. Although, I do have to ask, why did you have a 40 second period of time where it says "thanks for watching"?

Other than that, well done.

Basically because I didn't have time to put in a long list of credits (I can't really change titles in the video after I upload it - I worry about having a spelling error or something and not being able to fix it)...  I may use YouTube's annotations feature to add the names of the songs and where to find the video clips later.

EDIT: Added the annotations for the music clips.  Now there should be something other than just a "thanks for watching" annotation!

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Just like Mr. Krystal, I see you added music from Dragonforce. Niiiiice. Dragonforce is my favorite band.

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I've been making some Star Fox video clips over the past few years with the intention of putting the together in a Star Fox Montage (like Mr. Krystal's).

It's been awhile since I've made a new clip, and I decided that I probably won't have time in the future to make more.  So, I compiled them all into one video and uploaded it to YouTube.

Not exactly fan art, but still "Creative Work".  Anyway, I had fun making it, I hope you like it!

Here it is:


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