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Starzone: Liberation 2

Guest Para Astaroth

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Scott does have alot of power, but like i said he doesn't always have complete control over it. I'm terrible coming up with ideas for weapons So I  Decided to replace alot his old weaponry (since they sounded completely ridiculous in my old journal) with thr Weapons I carry with me in Fallout 3.

There is eventually going to be a built in quest, clothing, and other stuff for the Starfox mod so i thought it felt appropriate.

They range from both Small Firearms to heavy weaponry but can't stand using explosives. He also Carry's a Normal Sword with him which he uses whenever faced with Small Common thugs to save on ammo.

He really only the heavy weapons and his Ability to Summon fire when faced against extreme odds, so you don't really have to worry about me cheating...

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If they have attributes that make them seem unkillalbe or indestructable, then I won't allow them in this RP.  My rule, and the site's, applies to everyone:  Keep the godmodding to a bare minimum, or none at all.

That is why I keep Commander out of

this one; probably Liutenant as well.

(After all, the first is a 'Greater Hyperian'

and the second is a 'Lesser Greater Hyperian').

What about the Spy and/or the Detective?

You know, Ramiro and Interlocke?

(Those Lazarus saw at the bar.)

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Guest Para Astaroth


Scott does have alot of power, but like i said he doesn't always have complete control over it. I'm terrible coming up with ideas for weapons So I  Decided to replace alot his old weaponry (since they sounded completely ridiculous in my old journal) with thr Weapons I carry with me in Fallout 3.

There is eventually going to be a built in quest, clothing, and other stuff for the Starfox mod so i thought it felt appropriate.

They range from both Small Firearms to heavy weaponry but can't stand using explosives. He also Carry's a Normal Sword with him which he uses whenever faced with Small Common thugs to save on ammo.

He really only the heavy weapons and his Ability to Summon fire when faced against extreme odds, so you don't really have to worry about me cheating...

If you're going to use him, then here's the deal:

1)  He will be supplied with Vektran and/or Hellfurion weaponry, so theres no need for you to make up any weapon for him

2)  The sword is fine.

3)  Don't use the summoning fire ability because it just wouldn't be fair to the rest of the RP'ers in this

4)  Just make him like any other soldier in this RP, but make him stand out from the rest.  For example, having the sword with the ability to sprint really quickly is enough.


That is why I keep Commander out of

this one; probably Liutenant as well.

(After all, the first is a 'Greater Hyperian'

and the second is a 'Lesser Greater Hyperian').

What about the Spy and/or the Detective?

You know, Ramiro and Interlocke?

(Those Lazarus saw at the bar.)

Explain to me who Ramiro and Interlocke are.

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speaking of weapons should I list the weapons krystal adn the two she-wolves will be carrying?

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Guest Para Astaroth


speaking of weapons should I list the weapons krystal adn the two she-wolves will be carrying?

Sure, go ahead!  I'll evaluate them and see what I would need to adjust them to fit the RP

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KRystal will be carrying her psionic sword basicly a lightsaber on steroids kinda it runs off of Krystal's energy so it's capable of harming Spirits too she will also have her staff of course  her non-melee weapons will include the gatling gun from assault and a custimied Laser Battle Rifle.

Lupe will have a  customize  laser battle rifle and that's it.

Tala Will have her rail sniper rifle similair to Ruby's and  also a customized laser battle rifle.

as Far as equpment besides the standard armor

Krystal will be carrying mostly medical gear and stuff like that

Tala will have a set of Macro binoculars.

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He will be supplied with Vektran and/or Hellfurion weaponry, so theres no need for you to make up any weapon for him

Can at least keep the Plasma Pistol as a side arm, or is that a little much?

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Guest Para Astaroth


Can at least keep the Plasma Pistol as a side arm, or is that a little much?

I don't mind laser weapons; just make sure you don't overuse your RP powers during the RP


KRystal will be carrying her psionic sword basicly a lightsaber on steroids kinda it runs off of Krystal's energy so it's capable of harming Spirits too she will also have her staff of course  her non-melee weapons will include the gatling gun from assault and a custimied Laser Battle Rifle.

Lupe will have a  customize  laser battle rifle and that's it.

Tala Will have her rail sniper rifle similair to Ruby's and  also a customized laser battle rifle.

as Far as equpment besides the standard armor

Krystal will be carrying mostly medical gear and stuff like that

Tala will have a set of Macro binoculars.

The only problem I have with this is the gatling gun with Krystal.  Try to substitute it with another weapon less destructive.  You can use it as a supply drop item, but not like carrying it around like Superman, or in this case Superwoman.

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I don't mind laser weapons; just make sure you don't overuse your RP powers during the RP

The only problem I have with this is the gatling gun with Krystal.  Try to substitute it with another weapon less destructive.  You can use it as a supply drop item, but not like carrying it around like Superman, or in this case Superwoman.

okay drop the gatling gun then.
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Explain to me who Ramiro and Interlocke are.

In short, Ramiro is a common Hyperian

going as a Private Investigator. The 'Hyper'

part of his homeplanet rarely, if ever, has

all the need for police investigators, let alone

private ones. He thus goes here and there

solving crimes.

Salaka 'Interlocke' is a independant Spy.

She brings crime lords to justice, or does

standard spy work for a goverment/agency

willing to pay the price.

Not sure if they fit in. The Spy can do her

job, the PI... Not sure. :?

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Guest Para Astaroth

DRL, I'm not going to put my finger down on one of these because I don't know if they will cut it.  Are they like apart of some kind of law enforcement branch?

Kursed, you don't want to substitute a standardized sidearm for the Gatling gun?  Or do you think Krystal has enough equipment?

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DRL, I'm not going to put my finger down on one of these because I don't know if they will cut it.  Are they like apart of some kind of law enforcement branch?

Well, the spy likes going around the galaxy,

think of a rogue, hacking this and that.

Ramiro likes exploring new places every now

and then.

I might have a few other characters that could

fit, perhaps.

One is a scientist, another an adventurer/racer,

and a sentient ship.

Perhaps it is that I do not have a character that fits.

If so it is okay, after all it is not like you need me

or anything for the RP to be C00L.

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Well, seeing as everyone else is...

If you want him to, I'm sure Ris could find some standard-bullet pistols along the way, and Tyr'll just have his silver dagger with him. 

Though of course, they both also have full use of their bodies...

Yeah.  That's right.

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Guest Para Astaroth



Well, seeing as everyone else is...

If you want him to, I'm sure Ris could find some standard-bullet pistols along the way, and Tyr'll just have his silver dagger with him. 

Though of course, they both also have full use of their bodies...

Yeah.  That's right.

The Vektran's will supply him with what he needs.  That is, if he has his own stuff.

Well, DRL, I'd hate to say it, but your characters don't cut it for this RP.  I'm really, really sorry, man.  ;(

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Well, DRL, I'd hate to say it, but your characters don't cut it for this RP.  I'm really, really sorry, man.  ;(

No problem, when don not fit,

don not fit.

You can not make a cube

fit in a space for a cilinder...

Or a spy fit in the place of a

soldier, for the matter :wink:

Oh well, good luck with the RP. :)

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actually if you don't mind Para I'm going to replace the gatling gun in krystal's list with  a  Rapid Fire laser Pistol sidearm.

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Guest Para Astaroth


actually if you don't mind Para I'm going to replace the gatling gun in krystal's list with  a  Rapid Fire laser Pistol sidearm.

That's fine. :)

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Krystal will be carrying two of these heavy blaster pistols despite being heavy blasters they still take a few shots to take someone out especially  someone wearing armor so they are defintly a last resort weapon.
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Guest Julius Quasar

...just so you guys know, this RP is approved, but it'll have to wait its turn behind the other RP's.

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Guest Para Astaroth


...just so you guys know, this RP is approved, but it'll have to wait its turn behind the other RP's.

No biggie; I can wait

Kursed, that sounds good to me

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...just so you guys know, this RP is approved, but it'll have to wait its turn behind the other RP's.

Speaking of which, how many RP's are going to be approved?

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Guest Julius Quasar


Speaking of which, how many RP's are going to be approved?

3 at a time, though I *might* change that to more.

Earliest dated gets first play.

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Guest Para Astaroth

lol, no problemo, bro!  I'm still figuring out ideas to make this an interesting one since the first one was such a success.  So, waiting is the best option because I can come up with more ideas.

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