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Just one more reason why SF-C rapes canon


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I was looking through some Arwingpedia articles and happened to come accross this little nugget. 

"There is some conjecture as to whether Solar is a star or a planet. In Star Fox Command, it clearly states that Solar is a planet and that there are some solid patches. However, it is in every other instance referred to as a star. "

Really, Command...really.  So I got to thinking, is there really an argument here?  Does anyone else think that Solar...who's very name is derived from the word part sol meaning star or sun? 

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Arwingpedia is wrong. The only canon source I have found that refers to Solar as a star is the SF64 guide. Everything else, even the Star Fox 64 website, refers to it as a planet:

The entire surface of Solar is covered with molten magma. Scientists are still uncertain as to why the planet never cooled from its original formation and remains in this "genesis" state. Some say that its position' date=' directly in the center of the Sector X-Y-Z Triangle, may be the cause.



Also, material from NCL and NOE at the time also refer to it as a planet. This is the only instance I have found where the SF64 guide is actually wrong about something.

This is why once our wiki gets on its feet, there is going to be some serious fact-checking.

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And yet.

Planets orbit Solar.


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Protip: Do not apply real astrophysics or any other science to Star Fox. Traumatic brain injury may result.

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Protip: Do not apply real astrophysics or any other science to Star Fox. Traumatic brain injury may result.

Yeah, I've pretty much established that already.


Although, Command still dicks around with the canon, because Solar goes from a wannabe red dwarf to a wannabe G type yellow star. Which is still a planet.

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And yet.

Planets orbit Solar.


Protip: Do not apply real astrophysics or any other science to Star Fox. Traumatic brain injury may result.


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