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Outside the Bar: Part 2

Guest Julius Quasar

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(mind if I cut in i'm a little bored?) a odd fighter jumped into the system the pilot noticed the Sangheili Gunship sent out a hail "This is the fighter Cursed Sun to Sangheili Gunship Please Respond."

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(mind if I cut in i'm a little bored?) a odd fighter jumped into the system the pilot noticed the Sangheili Gunship sent out a hail "This is the fighter http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk34/Vixen2005/Cerinian%20ships/Starchasertop.jpg Cursed Sun to Sangheili Gunship Please Respond."

(Well, does that mean you're gonna be on?)

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As Scott and Tucker Were busy with their Breakfast, Sarah And Krystal Were Outside taking a Short walk through the Airfeild...

The Air Felt Cool as It flowed through Sarah's Hair, Reminding her of Some of the Times Where her And her Brother Did these Sort of things as kid. But Also Reminded her that at one point Could No longer so after they had pack and leave. And had a pretty hard time Believing that she could finally return to it, and whenever she pleased.

"Rather Peaceful huh?" She Said, watching the breeze graise itself over the green field... "Brings back memories..."

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"yeah a lot of memories some good some bad."Krystal replied with a sigh.

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"yeah a lot of memories some good some bad."Krystal replied with a sigh.

A moment or so after that Sigh, She remembered what Kystal had explained in the bar the other Day... "Again I'm... Very sorry to hear you went through something like that..."

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"Not like you can change the past."Krystal replied simply.

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"Not like you can change the past."Krystal replied simply.

"Yeah... I actually had to consantly keep Reminding Scott that very same fact after Mom and Dad Died... And took well over 3 months for him to finally let go of them." She Replied as a small tear fell from her Eye...

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"helps a little if you barley knew them."Krystal sighed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Srry I'm late posting a reply. Just read my topic in the time clock, you'll understand.)

"Um...Okay..."  Again hesitantly, the fox reached back and tightened his headband before walking down the ramp, turning around once he had reached ground and taking in his surroundings while he waited for Kyle.

Kyle walked down the ramp, almost methodically, and led Ris toward the bridge, buried deep within the Sangheili vessel. Speaking into his COM unit, he said, "Indari to bridge - we are safely on board. We can go to slipspace whenever you're ready."

    "Stand by, we just received an... unexpected guest.

*    *    *

(mind if I cut in i'm a little bored?) a odd fighter jumped into the system the pilot noticed the Sangheili Gunship sent out a hail "This is the fighter Cursed Sun to Sangheili Gunship Please Respond."

"Cursed Sun, this is the Sangheili gunship Retribution's Thunder, Identify yourself." Commanded the voice of Kylet'oran Jek'ari.

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"Don't tell me you can't regocnize my voice Kylet'oran."Kursed responded. "It's just me."

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"Don't tell me you can't regocnize my voice Kylet'oran."Kursed responded. "It's just me."

"Kursed!" Kylet'oran stated. "It's nice to know you're still alive. Hou might change your tune after you hear about the situation we're all in. I'm transmitting docking instructions now. Jek'ari out--"

    "Sir," Voro exclaimed, "I have three Kemorainian Birds of Prey approaching on what appears to be an attack vector!"

    "Shields up! Go to Red Alert!" Kylet'oran ordered. "Kursed, get to my ship's hangar bay! I'll hold these guys off!"

    As soon as he said this, three Kemorainian Birds of Prey de-cloaked behind Kursed's ship.

    "Open a channel to the Kemorainian ships." Kylet'oran commanded. Voro tapped his console a few times, then nodded to Kylet'oran. "Attention, Kemorainian ships; power down your shields and weapons or you will be fired upon. You have thirty seconds to comply."

    As it was, no such thing would happen. As soon as Kylet'oran finished his statement, the leading Kemorainian Bird of Prey opened fire. The Plasma cannon shot passed over Kursed and impacted on the Sangheili gunship's shields. Kylet'oran simply looked to Voro and nodded. He tapped his console and targeted the three birds of prey simultaneously. Looking to Kyle, he said, "Weapons locked."

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"I really am getting tired of this." KUrsed growled  pulling her ship in a loop downwards she soon began to attack the bird of  prey that had almost shot her figuring her ship was too small to be easily targeted by the weapons. soon the four  cannons on the Cursed sun lit up pounding the sheilds of the bird of prey.

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"I really am getting tired of this." KUrsed growled  pulling her ship in a loop downwards she soon began to attack the bird of  prey that had almost shot her figuring her ship was too small to be easily targeted by the weapons. soon the four  cannons on the Cursed sun lit up pounding the sheilds of the bird of prey.

Voro bit back a curse as Kursed went into his line of fire. When Kylet'oran gave the order, Voro opened up on the two Birds of Prey that Kursed wasn't attacking. The first took a Kadgeron Mass Driver slug to its main reactor and detonated like a grenade. The second took two overlapping blasts to the shields from three Plasma Torpedoes. The impacts made the shields flicker, overload, and fail. The Sangheili gunship fired several different Kadgeron Plasma Cannons and peppered the Second Bird of Prey to death.

    "Sir," Keesha exclaimed, "The last Bird of Prey has their weapons locked onto the Cursed Sun!"

    "Got any tricks?" Kylet'oran asked. Keesha smiled.

    "Way ahead of you, dad." she said. Setting to work immediately, she hailed the Cursed Sun. "Keesha to Kursed; I'm going to transport your vessel inside the enemy ship's shields. Attack their shields generator, then set your shields to a rotating modulation so you can exit their shields barrier. We'll take care of the rest."

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"Right  Charging cannons!" Kursed replied stopping the Cursed Sun  Just under the bird of Prey.

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"Right  Charging cannons!" Kursed replied stopping the Cursed Sun  Just under the bird of Prey.

(Just out of curiosity, Kursed, how big is the Cursed Sun? I'm trying to determine the size difference between your ship and the Kemorainian Bird of Prey, which is right at 200 meters.)

    "Acknowledged," Keesha stated. "Energizing..."

    The Cursed Sun disappeared...

    ... and re-appeared just two meters below the Bird of Prey's Ventral Shield Generator dome.

    "Success. Kursed, Move it or lose it! You've got about thirty seconds 'till the b***ards figure out where you are!" Keesha exclaimed.

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Kursed let go of the trigger letting the  four cannons fire a charged blast at the sheild generator. "Shield on modulation  I need a hole now!" Krystal noted. looking for a weak point in the structure of the  ship.

(I think it's small enough considering tehre is a ship in that same game o the pictuer i took that looks like a bird of prey)

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Kursed let go of the trigger letting the  four cannons fire a charged blast at the sheild generator. "Shield on modulation  I need a hole now!" Krystal noted. looking for a weak point in the structure of the  ship.

(I think it's small enough considering tehre is a ship in that same game o the pictuer i took that looks like a bird of prey)

(Okay. And technically, you should be able to leave as the shields are collapsing. The rotating modulation basically works like a Poleron Torpedo, allowing you to bypass the enemy shields altogether.)

Fortunately for the crew of the Kemorainian Bird of Prey, no one was anywhere near the shield Generator dome when it suddenly shattered like a glass window. But the results were just the same. The Commander barely had time to exclaim in surprise when the shields spontaneously collapsed. (Assuming your ship has left the BOP) The crew in the hallways mid-dorsal of the Bird of Prey had less than a split second to wail out their last moments as a Poleron Torpedo detonated its payload on the hull. The Retribution's Thunder followed up with an immediate Tri-Cobalt Torpedo to the breach. The torpedo blew out the Bird of Prey's Engines and weapons, and Kylet'oran asked Kursed,

    "Kursed, are you clear of the enemy ship? We can't destroy the enemy ship until you're clear!"

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"Way ahead of you I also left them a present give it time." Kuresed said  as she steered the Cursed Sun toards the gunships  hanger.

in the spot The Cursed Son had been a large detonato charge  counted down  exploding in a large explosion

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"Way ahead of you I also left them a present give it time." Kuresed said  as she steered the Cursed Sun toards the gunships  hanger.

in the spot The Cursed Son had been a large detonato charge  counted down  exploding in a large explosion

While the Command Crew of the Kemorainian Bird of Prey were nowhere near the charge when it detonated, but they were able to witness the effects firsthand. One of the crew shouted, "Warp Core Overload Imminent!"

    The Captain had less than a split second to murmur his final benedictions before his ship went up in flames as the Warp core detonated like a bomb...

*    *    *

    "Excellent work, Kursed." Kylet'oran complimented. "Now get in the hangar, and we'll get out of here."

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"Landed." Kursed noted waiting for the engines on her fighter to stop before she opened the cockpit.

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"Landed." Kursed noted waiting for the engines on her fighter to stop before she opened the cockpit.

"Acknowledged," Kylet'oran acknowledged. "Helm, set a course for the Epsilon Erandi System and engage Slipspace engines at your discretion."

    "Roger that," Dar-Ma answered. Her hands, clawed and reptilian they may be, danced gracefully along the console. "Hangar doors shut... engaging Slipspace engines... done. ETA to Epsilon Erandi; four hours, thirty minutes."

    "Star Dragon, let's go meet the guests." Kylet'oran said. At that, Everyone on the bridge--Kylet'oran, San, Keesha, Dar-Ma, M'raaj-Dar, Voro, and Jason headed down toward the hangar to greet Kursed and Ris...

(Speaking of Ris, where is he?)

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(As much as I don't want to leave him out of the loop, should we continue without him?)

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Ris hated those sorts of situations.  He knew nothing about spaceships or lasers, battle tactics or field instructions.  Whenever space combat erupted, the fox had to sit tight and hope everyone else knew what they were doing.

That was the downside of it all.

Thankfully, it seemed like this episode was finished.

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