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Outside the Bar: Part 2

Guest Julius Quasar

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"Well if that's all you guys need we'll just go to the kitchen for dinner."Krystal noted.

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"Umm.. ok I guess i'm alright with eating here..." Scott answered sounding a little disapointed.

"Scott Your not even old enough to buy a drink..." Sarah noted...

"That law really isn't Valid, at least not wehn it comes to me anyway..."

"So unlike everyone else your allowed to get away with that?" Sarah sarcasticaly asked...

"No, its just impossible for me to get wasted...." 

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"Really now?"Krystal asked putting her hands to her hips looking at scott.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"Well, it seems this place is crawling with customers."  Marcus inferred by the number of people waiting.  "It just looks like there's friends and family waiting, so it shouldn't take too long for us to get a table."  Soon, two groups of people rose from their seats and walked with a waitor that was standing near the podium.  Marcus, Sereana, Scarr, and Shirrage all sat down in their new seats.

Suddenly, Marcus' stomach growled quietly and he held it gently while his eyes whipped back and forth; his cheeks turning a bright red.  Sereana noticed and heard his stomach and giggled to herself.

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"Din't think I would ever hear his stomach talk.'Lupe giggled.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Sereana giggled, "Me neither!  I never knew it demanded food!"

Marcus shushed Sereana as he looked to Lupe embarassed.  "Sorry, I just...  Didn't have anything like six hours ago."  he explained and looked down at the square device.  "Wonder how long we are going to wait?"

Soon, two more groups got up and were escorted by two separate waitors.

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Lupe stuck here tongue out facing Marcus "Neva."

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"Really now?"Krystal asked putting her hands to her hips looking at scott.

"Its the Stones Runoff effect..." He replied, still with with that mild tone.

"Oh! I see what he's talking about. The Life Stone's strange Aura not only rapidly increases the rate of regeneration  of damaged tissue and cells, But also enhances the immune system, So alien substances which would an harmful to a body would be quickly eradicated." Sarah explained...

"So for some odd reason that includes the negative effects of alcohol..."

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"you'll have to let me have that stone for awhile when i'm  near you."Krystal noted.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Marcus wimpered, "Please don't say that..."  His hand started to vibrate and the square device started lighting up with red rings around it.  "That's our cue, gang!  Let's go get some grub!"

"I hear you!"  Scarr said, shooting off his seat and walking ahead of Marcus.  Marcus then pulled him behind himself, then he and Scarr started goofing off a little while they were escorted by a waitor.  Shirrage followed the two, chuckling while they fooled around.  Sereana followed behind Shirrage while still giggling to herself.

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"I was just kidding."Lupe muttered as she followed beside Serena.

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Guest Para Astaroth

"You got to see that when Marcus gets hungry, he will believe anything!"  Sereana explained through her giggling, then started to calm herself down.

Marcus and Scarr soon seated themselves with Shirrage and Scarr sitting beside each other and Sereana sitting to Scarr's left.  Marcus sat at the end of the table as the waitor passed out their menus.  "Grubby time...!!"  Marcus chuckled happily to himself as he hid his head inside the menu.

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Lupe sat next to Serena. "hmm."She muttered looking over the menu.

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"you'll have to let me have that stone for awhile when i'm  near you."Krystal noted.

"I'd usually say no, but You've deffinetly earned my trust. Feel free to use it whenever you think you may need to..."

"Yeah, But can we please get off that subject? All this talk about drinking is making me Thristy...." Sarah asked before walking out of the living room and into the kitchen to get another soda...

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Guest Para Astaroth

Sereana peeked over into Lupe's menu, "See anything you like?"

Scarr picked out what he wanted and set his menu down.  "So, Lupe," he began, looking down the table to her, "Tell us a little about yourself."

Marcus set his menu down as his everything above his nose was visible.

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"Well i was born on the planet Ferinia then at about age 2 the planet was destroyed I ened up on Titania where I was adoped by a old pair of wolves..."Lupe began.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Scarr tilted his head, "Wolves?  Of what nature and race besides Titanian?" 

Shirrage looked behind Scarr to Lupe, "You know that we are not from these neck of the woods, love."

Marcus looked over to Lupe, "And Ruby was apart of that pair?"

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Tucker's head tipped uncertainly to one side, his hazel eyes shining lightly in concern.  "Um...Tala?" he asked, slowly waving a hand in front of her face to make sure she was still with them.  "Are you okay?"

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"Fine why?"Tala asked.

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Sarah came back into the room with another bottle of Root beer and Sat on the couch. Though its likely that the show's she used to watch were no longer on the air, but still she turned on the Tv with the Remote and began flipping through the channels but stopping periodicly to get an a small idea of whats going on before changing to the next...

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"What you whacthed before you wer well here will most likely not be on Sarah ,but I do have some dvds of old series."Krystal explained.

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"What you whacthed before you wer well here will most likely not be on Sarah ,but I do have some dvds of old series."Krystal explained.

"Its ok.." She replied before stopping at a Hospital themed sitcom "The channels I used to that had them don't even Exist in this system, I just have to adjust I guess..."

"What you're watchin is actually pretty decent..." Scott interupted who was still leaning against wall. "gives me a chuckle every now and then when its on."

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"What does that mean?"KRystal asked glaring at scott.

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"What does that mean?"KRystal asked glaring at scott.

"Some of the talk that goes on in-between operations, why? were you actually thinking I would laugh at someone dying on an operating table?"

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Guest Para Astaroth

Soon, a female waitor stepped up to the table with a small notepad in her hand and smiling.  "Hello!  How is everyone doing this afternoon?  My name is Liara and I will be your waitor this evening.  Can I start you with something to drink?"

"I'll have sweet tea with no lemon, please."  Marcus chimed in, looking up tothe waitor out the corner of his eye.

"Water with lemon."  Scarr responded.

"I'll have the same, love."  Shirrage added on.

"Ermmmm...  I will haaavvveeee....  Sweet ice tea with lemon."  Sereana said, figuring out her meal.

"And you, miss?"  The waitor asked Lupe -- looking to her.

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