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Your worst fears/phobias


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Tell the community what scares the crap out of you.

I'm afraid of deep water, bonus points if murky. I can swim perfectly fine, but...

Secondly, I hate hate HATE roaches. Never had them before, but god if I see one in my house, I'll never sleep in it again.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Dying alone,

having nothing to show for my life at age 35 or older,

going bald or balding,

going blind...

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Drowning, burning to death and suffocation. I don't like the idea of being conscious while suffering through something that might kill me.

I'm good with most other stuff, though. Except really big spiders.

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Drowning, burning to death and suffocation. I don't like the idea of being conscious while suffering through something that might kill me.

I'm good with most other stuff, though. Except really big spiders.

I have the same phobia.

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Guest Para Astaroth

going bald or balding

Now, would you have half a set of hair or none at all?

The clowns...  just the F***ing clowns..........…

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Glowing red eyes always creeped me the hell out, but as far as actual phobias, I have slight claustrophobia. Elevators and stuff freak me out, but the scene from Aliens where Bishop has to crawl through the pipe I'd never be able to do. Would rather go out and face the Kainde Amedha than crawl through it.

Also, being buried alive is one of my worst fears. I wouldn't mind suffocating to death (not being choked), but being in an airtight room wouldn't be so bad, hear you just get really sleepy, then fall asleep.

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Getting hit in the head, Mostly just the possibility of brain damage in general...

And I have had a minimal fear of hights Since I fell out of that window...

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Guest Para Astaroth

Heights... oh god *pass out*

Yeah, no joke.  Try climbing up Sloss Furnace during the day.  Sucker is 200 feet tall!  Eye level with a water tower

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I'm claustrophobic and arachnophobic. What's the phobia of seeing other people get hurt called? When I see people get physically damaged, it makes me gag, sometimes I'm sick depending on how bad it is. That's why I can't watch fights when people flock to the street to watch, etc.

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Holy sh*t man, that's horrible and it's against a black background too. I love sharks, I'm fascinated by them, but the pictures of them where they're getting ready to bite make me crap myself.

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But they're only found in the DEEEEEEEP waters of Japan so I'm safe for now  :P

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You're planning to visit deep-sea Japan at some point? 0_o

And I don't know man, they were found in Australia in 1985, and later in Taiwan. They're spreading. :P

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Bah, they're rather harmless. I'd be more afraid of a bull shark.


Granted, that's an unusually massive one, but they are territorial, they are aggressive, they are capable of taking down hippos (one of the world's most dangerous animals), and they thrive in fresh water. Most other sharks will die in it, but a bull shark is capable of living in it for most their lives. The majority of attacks blamed on great white sharks are actually from bull sharks.

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Bah, they're rather harmless. I'd be more afraid of a bull shark.


Granted, that's an unusually massive one, but they are territorial, they are aggressive, they are capable of taking down hippos (one of the world's most dangerous animals), and they thrive in fresh water. Most other sharks will die in it, but a bull shark is capable of living in it for most their lives. The majority of attacks blamed on great white sharks are actually from bull sharks.

Looks like Bruce's cousin Bob.

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Aww that poor shark. :( And yeah, Bull sharks are terrifying. But still, the Great White makes me nervous. D:

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I'm afraid of deep water, bonus points if murky. I can swim perfectly fine, but...

Secondly, I hate hate HATE roaches. Never had them before, but god if I see one in my house, I'll never sleep in it again.

You got mine nailed just there  :P

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I've already talked about my only real fear in a previous topic. Due to the nature of the current rule situation, I won't repeat it here.

I will instead talk about my irrational... stressors.

Bisectophobia: the irrational fear of being cut in half down the middle.

Caused by my fainting in the third grade when my teacher told us about how "awesome college will be because you get to dissect frogs." After a particularly graphic joke on the subject, I remember waking up on the floor five minutes later and the whole class was looking at me. I had hit my head on my way to the floor. Some time after that, I began to grow extremely uneasy at the thought of being cut open, and I could not stand to have anyone touch the center of my chest or chin, and I was in agony whenever lines or wires pointed in that general direction (think the lines on the road as you switch lanes). I would even cross my arms and put pressure on my chest as if to hold myself together. Being a totally rational person, I had great difficulty with this, because I don't really fear anything about it and I know it's completely irrational, but it's as if my body reacts negatively to these triggers anyway. Desensitization failed to work, but over time the symptoms have been much more mild.

I have no fear of wasps/bees in the normal sense, but I will do everything I can to stay away from them. I mean, I have no problem getting right up next to them if I'm behind glass, but I have a history of them stinging me for no reason at all, even while others around me are unaffected. Whoever came up with "if you don't bother them, they won't bother you" was an idiot.

As for spiders, I actually like them. My apartment has lots of them, but I mostly leave them alone. They're the reason my apartment has no insects!

Not claustrophobic, love high places, love deep water.

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Mine is Silence.

Can't fall asleep to it. It unnerves me.

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This is kind of uncomfortable, but I kind of have a phobia with fire. Kind of a bad experience a long time ago. It was about a few years ago and my family and I went camping. We decided to grill burgers and they chose me to do it. A little while later the flames went crazy and I almost got 1st degree burns on my palms and fingers. Now everytime I see flames I just turn the other way and try to ignore it.

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Due to a recent incident, I remembered that knee injuries are a serious fear to me. Those have a good chance of not healing right.

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This is kind of uncomfortable, but I kind of have a phobia with fire. Kind of a bad experience a long time ago. It was about a few years ago and my family and I went camping. We decided to grill burgers and they chose me to do it. A little while later the flames went crazy and I almost got 1st degree burns on my palms and fingers. Now everytime I see flames I just turn the other way and try to ignore it.

Wow, that's terrifying, I hope you weren't hurt too much! I'd rather you weren't hurt at all, but obviously if you weren't there would be no story. :P

Aww Vydrach. :( I'm scared of permanent injuries too, I guess.

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