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Attention all Artist... Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this I have a request a simple one really

invovling Knuckles From Sonic  and Krystal. I'm working on a new character but the thing is I've never had a picture so that I can eaisly show what it looks like at the moment I need a head and I need to combine Knuckles head with Krystals muzzle black n white only please.

I can't pay you anythign but my great thanks for doing this for me sorry i really would ,but getting money to people is not something I can do easily however your art will not be forgotten your username will be included in the  helper's once this character is done.

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I suppose I can give it a shot with my new program on my DSi. Any other details? This seems a little too vague...

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http://undyingnephalim.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d23eoxf  trying to match the adoble norin here really... that's all i can give because of this charater I making this one alien ,but while using some elements (Like her back jointed knees) I'm trying to draw as far away as I can from that while also using it as a refrence slightly.

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You mean like a.....drawing? sorta?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Then theres no need to post ziff  :wink:

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and I'm saying you don't have to say sorry or even post because this is a request you can accept or decline and if you delcine you simply don't reply I understand..

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