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What is the most nightmare fuel for you?


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Nightmare fuel is defined as this:


I will start by mentioning the Out of this Dimension level for Star Fox SNES.

Picture this. You're in the asteroid belt happily shooting meteors left and right. Then you spot this really big one far off to the right and decide to shoot it. You blow it up and all is well for a while. Suddenly, this random bird THAT CAN BREATHE IN SPACE starts flying toward you. Perplexed, you forget to avoid it and it charges straight at you. Upon collision, everything fades out.

Then it cuts to you changing positions on the map with some eerie depressing music and you find this weird light that was not there before. Upon entering, you get the last known transmission from General Pepper screaming at you to report in because transmission was lost while his planet gets overrun by Andross's forces.

When you start the level, the background is extremely wavy, and all the planetoids objects in the background HAVE FACES. Now you are shooting pieces of paper that fold themselves into paper airplanes all to the tune of some tripped-out waltz music. After laying waste to them for awhile a giant slot machine comes out of nowhere, the track switches to "When the Saints go Marching in," and you are forced to "fight" it for one-God knows how long. When you finally win, you see it explode and the credits roll. You think you have beaten the game, then the letters THE END show up in random positions. No it is not the end of the game, but the end of YOU and the STORY and you are forced to shoot them until you get blown up by enemies or you hit the reset switch.

For the tl;dr version, You fly into a strange bird, never to be heard from again. You then fight strange enemies, to strange music, in a strange background, and become trapped there for all eternity. I highly recommend you don't see or play this level right before you go to bed. I was thinking about it during my paper route this morning and I became a little more paranoid.

If there's anything that can beat that, then I don't know what is.

The black hole deserves special mention too. First of all, if you get a good long look at the meteor (the trollface meteor) you are supposed to shoot, that can cause nightmares in some people. Then, upon entering the AWESOME BLACK HOLE you see some wreckage of an Arwing at the very beginning. I can bet you anything that I know what Fox is feeling right now.

And that's my end! Please post other nightmare fuel moments you have experienced!

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Learning that the weird zombies sounds in Half Life 2 are men screaming "Oh my god help! Help me please! Gaaaah!" played backwards. Setting them all on fire isn't as fun as it used to be. :(

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Learning that the weird zombies sounds in Half Life 2 are men screaming "Oh my god help! Help me please! Gaaaah!" played backwards. Setting them all on fire isn't as fun as it used to be. :(

I always thought it sounded like "YABBA MY ICING!"
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You watched that video, didn't you?

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You watched that video, didn't you?

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