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And... back

Zero Flare

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So I've decided to come back. Things seem to be fine between my sister and I now, since we've been talking on MSN lately and such. I think I just needed a break from the internet in general because I've been so stressed lately, for many reasons.

Well, that break was certainly refreshing. I better catch up on posts and get acquainted with the new members who registered during my absence. I missed you guys, it's been weird staying away from here (not to mention rather difficult). And I would like to apologize for the little bit of drama caused by my departure. I can't see it happening again.

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Woo! Welcome back sis! :D

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*Attempts to tackle hug Zero but misses and falls down a well*


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I love my sister. :3

And I thought things between us were fine? The only reason we weren't talking was because you left? We had no fight at all before that. :S

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Guest Para Astaroth

Welcome back, comrad!

The mother site welcomes you with open arms of welcomeness!!!

I'm glad to see you came back, alot of us here really did miss you... k_e_smile.gif

*Chuckles*  Yeah, I know a certain someone who has missed Zero DEARLY.  *Looks for Kursed*

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Welcome back, comrad!

The mother site welcomes you with open arms of welcomeness!!!

*Chuckles*  Yeah, I know a certain someone who has missed Zero DEARLY.  *Looks for Kursed*

Erm, s'use me Princess but I don't think anyone could have possibly missed her more than I.  :D

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Guest Para Astaroth

Erm, s'use me Princess but I don't think anyone could have possibly missed her more than I.  :D

*Hides*  Sorry, my king...  Er, I mean, missy.  :lol:  :nervous:

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*Hides*  Sorry, my king...  Er, I mean, missy.  :lol:  :nervous:

Lmao, bite me you cheeky son-of-a-b.  :friends:

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Wow, I'm not even good enough for Astaroth/HD to bite? Never knew he had standards. :P

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Guest Para Astaroth

(I just realized the initials of my username is "HD".  For High-Definition @_@)

Lol, well, we all have our reasons to not bite anyone, 'Deemer.  ;P

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Hmm, good thinking, I don't want your diseases. :P Just kidding, I ruv yoo. :3

And yoo.

*huggles Zero*

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(I just realized the initials of my username is "HD".  For High-Definition @_@)

Hah! you just reminded me of that old KFC. k_e_lol.gif

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Welcome back, comrad!

The mother site welcomes you with open arms of welcomeness!!!

*Chuckles*  Yeah, I know a certain someone who has missed Zero DEARLY.  *Looks for Kursed*

*Smacks PAra aside* Welcome back Zero and thanks.
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Welcome back dawg.

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Glad to have you back Zero, as people said before, many of us missed you here.

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