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I'm one who doesn't like rumours. Stories get distorted, changed ect. If I must listen to rumours, it has to have some kind of cercamstantial evidence to back up the claim.

So, if something big is going down and the people who know aren't talking, only then do I care about rumours, as possable misinformation is better then none at all. Of course, I take them with a massive pile of salt. Where do you stand?

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I don't like rumours. I like to know things based on fact.

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I don't like rumours. I like to know things based on fact.

Then it wouldn't be a rumour, it would be fact.

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Yes, but my liking of facts spawns my dislike for rumours. :P

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Rumours. Like how you don't know if something is true but you gotta rely on internet sources. Like for example. 1 year ago, the world HOPED for a gears of war 3, just because of how ign and other sites said there was gonna be one, and look at it now. da da da DA! Gears of War 3. BOOM baby. :lol:

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Rumors are for people who love stirring up drama - I don't, therefore I hate them. Unless you can hand me a copy of the police report showing that person X did evil deed Y, it isn't worth spreading. Most of the time it's either unfounded or started by someone with a vendetta.

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I don't mind rumors, so long as they are taken in the context OF rumors. In my experience, people put WAY more credibility on rumors than they deserve.

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I agree with Julius and Mr. K. *nods*

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