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Fox McCloud Fan topic!


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Fox P McCloud, you do realize that's supposed to be a picture of James, right?

Anyway, since we're back, I'll be sure to dig up more fanart...

Please do! Are there any Arwing actions shots featuring Fox that you can think of off the top of your head?

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Yes, PLEASE do, 'cause I just got my new computer and I lost all my collection of SF pics... >>;

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Yes' date=' PLEASE do, 'cause I just got my new computer and I lost all my collection of SF pics... >>;[/color']

Prepared to get pummeled with fanart then.

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Hmmm, a thing of speculation: Are Fox's hands furry, or are they like his hands: skin?

I highly suspect that they are skin...but no one can tell for sure, sadly.

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  • 1 month later...

mmm, this thing was almost going to die...oh well, here I go...XD

mmm, I have to say...fox looked awesome in the SSBM, I´m specting a really great change on the SSB brawl, :P

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Guest Kit Airheart

Heh, I've had enough Krystal admiration for one lifetime! Bring on the Fox love!

Here's some awesome things!






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Awesome art!

I like pics of Fox as a kid. I like when people poke at unexplained story points.


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The one with him stretching his legs is probably the best, it's awesome.


The James McCloud and the baby Fox is very new.

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So my favorites are as favorable, what am I suppose to do, choose the same one which is overrated?

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I didn't mean any harm in that post. >>;

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Yes, they are very good... we need more though. That's not enough. 8)

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Guest Kit Airheart

Tell me about it! I swear, everyone draws Krystal...it's kind of making me nauscious. I mean, really, sure she's cute, but everyone is fine with doing the same thing over and over!? Fox needs love, too! *sniffle*

Man, as soon as I get out of school....

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yeah, it's a real pitty that the character responsible for the entire franchise gets practically no attention compared to Krystal. :twisted: Seriously.

Anyway, the 1st and 3rd pictures I particularly enjoyed; especially the first. The picture was drawn exactly as Fox was originally intended to be, blonde hair, blue eyes! :wink:

And before Krystal came along, Falco was more popular than Fox...so now Fox is 3rd most popular...

Please keep the pictures of Fox coming, Kit, I very much enjoy them.

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Guest Kit Airheart

Man, you have no idea how glad I am to hear someone say that...

Don't get me wrong, I do like her, but the things I've seen...ay caramba! Seriously, that's the best fitting thing to say I can think of.

I will most certainly be on the lookout for more fanart, and once I'm done with school, I swear I'll do some myself...Who knows? Maybe my sentiment will inspire a real artist ^^;

*looks around* Fox PWNS you all! XD

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I'll draw him for you Kit, I know what you mean....

Fox is the U-B-E-R-N-E-S-S!

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Kit drawing Fox, and she has requests. I fear I've caused something horrible...

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What's your personal favorite picture of Fox, Kit? (Or anyone for that matter) That's a really hard question for me to answer myself, but "The Fight" easily ranks amongst my favs.

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Guest Kit Airheart

Kit drawing Fox, and she has requests. I fear I've caused something horrible...

Well, it's not like I've never requested art of him before! I just...don't think I can post those XP

But the other day someone commented on one of Black Berry's pictures, saying she drew her so well that she wanted to draw her too. This second artist has never drawn StarFox art before, so you can imagine the impression that must've been left on her. Now I'll never ever be as good as Black Berry, but...if someone noticed that I would appreciate more art of him...it would be a nice sentiment.

My favorite...that's a tough one.

Right now I kind of like this one: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/15770893/

But I think Teles, AnonOmega and The-Nut are some artists that have drawn him pretty dead on. I also have a handful of Japanese sites and artists that draw him well.

Even Black Berry has drawn him well! I can tell he was a bit more of a struggle for her, but I guess that doesn't really surprise me; Krystal has such a tiny, tiny muzzle...and I think generally females are easier to draw for most people.

"The Fight"? Which one is that again?

Now I leave you with some more Baby Star Fox:



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here's the picture that I was talking about: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16006593/

I'll have to check out some of thoe Fox McCloud pictures by those artists that you listed...I'll post what I think about them later.

edit: Dang, I can't find those artists...what with DeviantArt's horrible search system.

As for the pics you provided; I like the first one...it doesn't really look like baby Fox, just Fox sleeping...but, oh well.

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