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Hey there! How's everybody going? :)

I'd like to say how I've loved SF ever since Star Fox 64 or whatever, but truth be told, I didn't discover it until Star Fox Adventures on the GameCube. That's the only game I'm familiar with, sad to say. In fact, I had no idea Star Fox: Assault even existed until I found it on that Star Fox Wiki a few weeks back. Deadly serious. Just a few years too late, huh (though I did stop playing video games at some point in late '05, so that may have been the reason as to why I incredibly never managed to hear of it. But still...)? :facepalm::lol:

Anyhoo, it's all good. Every now and then, I'll bust out the 'Cube and play either SF Adventures or Super Smash Bros. Melee, so I can't forget about Star Fox now, can I? *laughs on the inside* For the last six months, I've been into reading and writing fan fiction--something I'm enjoying greatly--and Star Fox happens to be one of the fandoms I'd very much like to write stories about. Thankfully I have here and the SF Wiki for valuable sources of information (I thought it'd be best to learn as much as I can before I start to write stories).

And having said that, I've found--through my, uh, research--two characters who are just, like, the best. Yes, I'm obviously talking about Wolf and Falco. Seriously, I love those guys; they're just so boss. But I think Wolf edges out Falco as being a lil' more awesome. And how's this? The only SF game I had featured about five seconds of Falco and no Wolf. I am disappoint! :(

Just a quick question: apart from reading the SF Wiki, these forums and stories, would it be a good idea to further acquaint myself with game walkthroughs on YouTube to help me learn more about this fandom? Strange question, I know.

Thank you kindly, and I look forward to chatting with you guys here! 

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:welcome: to the forum! I hope you have fun.

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Why hello there, welcome to SFO! :)

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Guest Scorpion03

Hiya and welcome to SF-O

Just a quick question: apart from reading the SF Wiki, these forums and stories, would it be a good idea to further acquaint myself with game walkthroughs on YouTube to help me learn more about this fandom? Strange question, I know.


As for ure question its not too hard to pick up copies of the old games, starfox 64 (lylat wars if ure from the uk) is available on the gamecubes vc, or pretty easy to get a cart if your more interested in the retro consoles, as for assault thats a little harder but theres usually a few copies going on ebay. Probably more fun than watching hours of naf quality video.

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Welcome! And yeah, getting starfox retro games are pretty inexpensive. Assault might be a bit hard to get your hands on, but at least 1 Gamestop around is bound to have it. If not, the internet will solve your problems. And if you don't have money, You can always just look up the scenes from the games, not the gameplay.

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WELCOME TO SF-O! :) DON'T drink the water :)

And Star Fox Assault is like dirt cheap now, so stop by GameStop sometime :) It's pretty amazing!

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:welcome: to SF-O! Good to have you!

To get yourself acquainted with the series, play all the games (they're dirt cheap to buy, and there is always emulation).  Also, check out some of the old official sites, the backups are hosted somewhere on SF-O :lol:

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:welcome: and nice user pic :)
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Greetings Plaything, and welcome to SF-O.

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