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What the heck?

Four-eyed Vulpine

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I was busy doing my maintenance of the SF-O gallery today when I happened to glance at one of the Command endings images and make an interesting observation.

I stopped and wondered if I really was looking at what I thought I was looking at.  A quick Google image search verified this.

The Anglar Emperor, Part 1


That planet looks oddly familiar...



Has anyone else come across this?

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Guest Scorpion03

I never did notice that, either they were being very cheap and couldnt be bothered creating a planet of their own or being very clever and trying to see if anyone did notice.

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I noticed that too and thought it was rather odd. Maybe they are trying to tell us something. I swear, if the next game is "Starfox: Invasion on Earth!" I am going to have take some people out. *Loads shotgun*

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I never did notice that, either they were being very cheap and couldnt be bothered creating a planet of their own or being very clever and trying to see if anyone did notice.

With all the other art in the game, I'm starting to think the latter.

They must have gotten really lost, since we would be about 20,000 - 30,000 light years from the Lylat System or so.

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They must have gotten really lost, since we would be about 20,000 - 30,000 light years from the Lylat System or so.

I wish. That would pretty dang cool to see it or have some way of seeing it one day! :D The Lylat System that is.

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I have a feeling you're making such a little detail get to ya four eyes. It's probably what they did to add a little ZING! to the picture, like maybe some shooting stars

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I agree with the creators just be being lazy :lol:

But I guess it could be a subliminal message..

maybe.. :P

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well, it would make sense for a life supporting planet to look like earth, why not use the picture?

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Interesting find. I wonder if there are other images in there that are stolen referenced from something.

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Interesting find. I wonder if there are other images in there that are stolen referenced from something.

Actually, since this came up, I have been trying to find some more. lol. I am not seeing any though.

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For Hyperia!

Does "Star Fox Command"

have something ORIGINAL?!

(Other than the ships). :evil:

...  :oops: I could tell you the answer to that question, but you might not like the answer.  :lol:

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...  :oops: I could tell you the answer to that question, but you might not like the answer.  :lol:

Okay, let me correct myself:

For Hyperia!

Does "Star Fox Command"

have something ORIGINAL


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Okay, let me correct myself:

...Well.... Lol, Jk. I do like 1-2 of the endings. Other than is being a Starfox game, not too much else IMO.

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That'd be odd if the starfox team came into contact with humans.

Yes but... *They land their arwings* Me: "OMFG! Take me with you!!!"

Best summer, ever.

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Yes but... *They land their arwings* Me: "OMFG! Take me with you!!!"

Best summer, ever.

What would they look like in real life? Ha

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Corneria is similar to Earth, but not *that* similar. :wink:

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Is that suppose to be Corneria?

And I heard that the Lylat System is near the center of the Milky Way galaxy.:Source Arwingpedia

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ha, execpt we don't even no if they brath oxgen. but think of it this way star fox is 4000 years in the futrue when man kind is dead and animals inhert the earth and name it cornilia  :|

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