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What's your fursona like?


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Mine is more or less like Fox McCloud. Cornerian Fox. He is an outstanding Leader and Pilot, not very skilled at Close Combat, but more skilled in Vehicle Transportation (Medevacs, HotDrops, Hotpickups) Also very good at Sniping.

He is one who is kind to all, and neutral on all topics. He is kind and loyal to all friends. Though he does have a weak spot in talking to women, he gets rather nervous and shy. Though once he become comfortable, he can be more open.

His family history is not the greatest, never really knew his father, and his mother simply just disappeared. He wears the same style clothing as Fox, though goes for more darker colors. Reference pics below.

Has blue eyes and darker fur.




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^Gotta love $00PAH Nin10D'OH! XD

I thought it was funny too. Although seeing those pok'emon chicks still creep me out.

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I thought it was funny too. Although seeing those pok'emon chicks still creep me out.

So I'm the only one that looked for a pause button? :P

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So I'm the only one that looked for a pause button? :P

Theres a pause button? I thought that was just a joke. O_o

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Theres a pause button? I thought that was just a joke. O_o

No, it was a joke :D.  A good one at that too :)

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