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Commentary on the attitudes towards Command.

Star Fox Runner

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I'm getting annoyed with the immature comments about Star Fox Command. Yes, the game was subpar, and is probably the weakest game of the franchise. However, I keep on hearing people say immature comments like calling it THAT game, or calling it the pile of crap.

I also don't like how people are constantly saying that they want to ignore it's existence, and insisting that it isn't canon. That is basically the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!

Tell me, where is the maturity here? Why is that we have to constantly whine about this game? Wake up people. Accept the fact, that it wasn't as good as we had hoped. It was created, manufactured, published, and shipped worldwide, so there is no doubt that it exists.

It takes place in the main story, and so far, at the end of the timeline, and the multiple endings, just like real life, are affected by our decisions, so as a result, each and every one of these endings are canon, hence why the game is at THE END OF THE TIMELINE! Nintendo never said that game isn't canon.

Stop with the immaturity, grow up, and accept the game for what it is, because that's what it is, it's A GAME! I love this franchise just as much as anyone here, but it doesn't mean can't act our age and accept the fact that the game was made.

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Thank you, there is a reason I don't like posting in places where Command is present, then it just turns into a large [fuzz] storm of the same stuff I've heard over the last 2 years, talk about beating a dead horse.

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I also don't like how people are constantly saying that they want to ignore it's existence, and insisting that it isn't canon. That is basically the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!

Online, it says that at this point that none of the endings to Command are considered to affect the storyline. And the only way to get each different story line is through multiple different scenarios. So, THAT is why people call it non-cannon. And sure, some people are a bit immature when it comes to describing the game, but you have to realize that people will still treat some games like that, or will still express their OPINIONS on a game. All you can do is either hope an Admin says they can't say bad things towards the game, or just deal with their opinions on the game. : /

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Online, it says that at this point that none of the endings to Command are considered to affect the storyline. And the only way to get each different story line is through multiple different scenarios. So, THAT is why people call it non-cannon. And sure, some people are a bit immature when it comes to describing the game, but you have to realize that people will still treat some games like that, or will still express their OPINIONS on a game. All you can do is either hope an Admin says they can't say bad things towards the game, or just deal with their opinions on the game. : /

I'm not saying that people shouldn't express their opinions on Command, I was disappointed with it too. I just think people need to be be mature about their opinions.

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I also don't like how people are constantly saying that they want to ignore it's existence, and insisting that it isn't canon. That is basically the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!

The trouble is that the gameplay was just... okay.

Thus, dependant on the storyline, the game was

simply: bad. It was nothing at all like it's predecesors,

and you are hearing this from someone who did not

play Adventures nor Assault. The gameplay, sure,

was not that bad, but it was so-so. The story, yes,

I have to say it, lacked originality, style... it was

the definition of bad.

It takes place in the main story, and so far, at the end of the timeline, and the multiple endings, just like real life, are affected by our decisions, so as a result, each and every one of these endings are canon, hence why the game is at THE END OF THE TIMELINE! Nintendo never said that game isn't canon.

The trouble with this theory is that it negates

itself. Why or how, you may ask? Well, it is simple:

You can not be at two different places at the same time.

On one ending, we have Krystal becoming Kursed, leaving

to a distant galaxy, and then running many years later

into Fox in Kew - So, how is it possible that they have, at

the same time, a child called Marcus? (who in turn, forces

his father into retirement).

Another example: Fox & Krystal. Sure, Amanda joins the team,

everyone is togheter and happy again. Great. Now, how is it

possible that Amanda and Slippy have lots of children, and live

togheter at Aquas (oviously retired from the team) if they are still

part of Star Fox?

Sure, feel free to say the BEGGINING of Command is canon.

That is right - as much as you may like or not it, there are no

contradictions in the team breaking up (as unoriginal as it might

be). But the endings, since they contradict each other, are completely

non-canon. We cannot have Dash become member of Star Falco, all

the while his leader, Falco, is with Fox racing at G-Zero, who in turn

is with Krystal making a kid.

Hence, we can say the anglar attack is cannon too, as in [almost] all

of the endings they are defeated by one or another. The team breaking

up can be canon too - There are no contradictions either. But when the

timelines split, there are direct contradictions, some of which I named


So sure, I am not against acting maturely - I understand sometimes

people exagerate and everything, but do not go around claiming Command

is 100% canon, because it can not be.

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So sure, I am not against acting maturely - I understand sometimes

people exagerate and everything, but do not go around claiming Command

is 100% canon, because it can not be.

Alright, I made a mistake right there, I admit that.

Still, that really isn't the argument here, what is is the maturity level people take when discussing it.

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Right now, we don't know. That is also another reason people don't call it Cannon. It just ended the series blatantly, even though they said they might be making another one. (Well, when they talked about it years ago that is.)

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Right now, we don't know. That is also another reason people don't call it Cannon. It just ended the series blatantly, even though they said they might be making another one. (Well, when they talked about it years ago that is.)

There's planety of room to go forward. If a designer wants to keep the status quo, it can be set in between games.

The main reason (imo) people don't like it is because it violates their fanon. (Fanon is basicly a fans idea of how the canon should be) As a result the break up of Fox and Krystal in ending 1 makes Krystal fans scream NOOOOOO! Likewise, gay starfox fans dont like the ending where Fox and Krystal get married and have a kid because, again, it violates their fanon of Falco <3 Fox.

I should point out fanon isnt a bad thing. I'm a resident evil fan who ignores 0 and anything not in the numbered series. However, I don't lose it when Wesker uses super powers in 5 either.

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There's planety of room to go forward. If a designer wants to keep the status quo, it can be set in between games.

The main reason (imo) people don't like it is because it violates their fanon. (Fanon is basicly a fans idea of how the canon should be) As a result the break up of Fox and Krystal in ending 1 makes Krystal fans scream NOOOOOO! Likewise, gay starfox fans dont like the ending where Fox and Krystal get married and have a kid because, again, it violates their fanon of Falco <3 Fox.

I should point out fanon isnt a bad thing. I'm a resident evil fan who ignores 0 and anything not in the numbered series. However, I don't lose it when Wesker uses super powers in 5 either.

Okay, correction. Some of the endings they couldn't really advance in without pulling Fox out of it, or pulling some really big crap that makes it sound a bit cheesy. (And I am the same with resident evil as you)

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Does fox die in any of them?

i dont think so :/ i havn't finished all the endings

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I personally believe that Command is the end of the Star Fox timeline, not the end of Star Fox. Any of the next games can be prequels or remakes, as is the case with Star Fox 64 3D.

Plus there is still plenty of open space in the timeline for a prequel game, 8 years between 64 and Adventures, 1 year between Adventures and Assault, and an unknown number of years between Assault and Command. Not to mention there if they ever DO decide to go beyond Command, there are plenty of endings to go off of.

But because people don't like how Command ended, and because it's the last in the timeline, people take it as the end of Star Fox. They're afraid of that, so they don't want it to be Cannon.

I'm not saying people shouldn't think that, they can think what they want. What I'm saying is that they should do what Sabre does with Resident Evil 0 and criticize it in a mature manner.

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To me its actually benicfial that people argueing about the subject. Game company's Focus alot of work into features and gameplay that would Satisfy their buyer's, that includes Story's and plots as well. So they look over alot of Forums, Media sites, Fansites etc. To get an idea of what people would want in a another addition to a Franchise...

With that type of info it gives them a good idea on what to avoid as well as improve in the Deveolopment of a Game. Which kind of gives me small bit of hope that they might actually go with a continuation starting off From Assault Rather then one of the many endings in Command...

But knowing my luck when it comes to making a prediction of an Un-released title, Its Probably going to go in the Direction that a fair amount of us Fear...

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I'm getting annoyed with the immature comments about Star Fox Command. Yes, the game was subpar, and is probably the weakest game of the franchise. However, I keep on hearing people say immature comments like calling it THAT game, or calling it the pile of crap.

I also don't like how people are constantly saying that they want to ignore it's existence, and insisting that it isn't canon. That is basically the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!

Tell me, where is the maturity here? Why is that we have to constantly whine about this game? Wake up people. Accept the fact, that it wasn't as good as we had hoped. It was created, manufactured, published, and shipped worldwide, so there is no doubt that it exists.

It takes place in the main story, and so far, at the end of the timeline, and the multiple endings, just like real life, are affected by our decisions, so as a result, each and every one of these endings are canon, hence why the game is at THE END OF THE TIMELINE! Nintendo never said that game isn't canon.

Stop with the immaturity, grow up, and accept the game for what it is, because that's what it is, it's A GAME! I love this franchise just as much as anyone here, but it doesn't mean can't act our age and accept the fact that the game was made.

Fully agree with you, but that doesn't change the fact that the same people will still keep raving on, til the end of days.

BTW, do you want me to move this to the Portable SF section?

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Fully agree with you, but that doesn't change the fact that the same people will still keep raving on, til the end of days.

BTW, do you want me to move this to the Portable SF section?

If you think it belongs there, I probably should have put it there since this is about Command.

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If you think it belongs there, I probably should have put it there since this is about Command.

Yes I do. It might also hit more of the people complaining if it's placed there.

Okay, I'll move it.

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Guest FoXXX

It wasn't a total fail, I would like to play MP on it. I just don't like the direction it can take the franchise in.

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There were only a few things I liked about it.

1. Online multiplayer.

2. Custom themes.

3. James McCloud as a playable character. :D

Other than that me no likey.

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To me its actually benicfial that people argueing about the subject. Game company's Focus alot of work into features and gameplay that would Satisfy their buyer's, that includes Story's and plots as well. So they look over alot of Forums, Media sites, Fansites etc. To get an idea of what people would want in a another addition to a Franchise...

With that type of info it gives them a good idea on what to avoid as well as improve in the Deveolopment of a Game. Which kind of gives me small bit of hope that they might actually go with a continuation starting off From Assault Rather then one of the many endings in Command...

But knowing my luck when it comes to making a prediction of an Un-released title, Its Probably going to go in the Direction that a fair amount of us Fear...

The problem with doing that is you end up just doing fan service crap. Stuff that is good takes chances for the big payoff. Let's look at Halo 3, great ending, but it angered many people who worship master chief. Starfox can't play it safe. Krystal gets married to fox, Falco gets with cat, the bland and obvious evil is sealed in a box until the next game, the end, boring.

Let's face facts. Games have moved on. Attempts to modernize starfox have failed. Keeping it the same doesn't work because people hate it for being to simple. What's keeping it alive is the soap opera story which, as already said, could be wrapped up by command and that will be it.

What if Starfox was revealed with a new trailer. You hear voice of a now aging fox talking about past glorries and the sacrifies he's made while holding a photo of krystal. An army or robot shock troops falls from the sky outside the window, and the sky lights up with an image of Slippy saying how Fox will pay for what he's done. Cut to title of starfox 2011. Ok, that's dumb, but the point is that some amazing reveal that has you going "Oh Shit! I have to see what that's all about!"

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To me its actually benicfial that people argueing about the subject. Game company's Focus alot of work into features and gameplay that would Satisfy their buyer's, that includes Story's and plots as well. So they look over alot of Forums, Media sites, Fansites etc. To get an idea of what people would want in a another addition to a Franchise...

With that type of info it gives them a good idea on what to avoid as well as improve in the Deveolopment of a Game. Which kind of gives me small bit of hope that they might actually go with a continuation starting off From Assault Rather then one of the many endings in Command...

But knowing my luck when it comes to making a prediction of an Un-released title, Its Probably going to go in the Direction that a fair amount of us Fear...

Starfox for the Snes was dropped from cannon so i don't see why they can't drop command I've heard many many difrent variations of what is cannon i shalll list themĀ  The begining is cannon ,but nothing else, Only the defaultĀ  ending is cannon,Ā  non e of it is cannon.....etc. on down the line those are the main ones i've heard.

I'll be honest I don't like command I liked playing as krystal....I hated the gameplay I hope it isn't cannon. I mean it may have been a good game ,but overall in my opinion not only did I not like the game i don't like the gameplay either aNd the onlyĀ  endings I really liked where the ones where krystl and fox got together (not the marcus one) and the kursed one.

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Agreed. Just Didn't have that Starfox Feel to it When Flying, and the Dogfights were just plain Terrible... I probably would have enjoyed it better If it wasn't almost Entirly Dependent on using a Stylus. The Variety of playble Characters in their's ship's was a nice bonus though. But The Many questions that have been asked over the last 4 year's have yet to get a single answer...

Lets just hope they don't make the same mistakes in the Next game...

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I have said it before. This game is an Epic Fail to me. The ONLY good thing about Command in my view was its introduction of new character ideas that have great potential. Amanda, Lucy Hare, and Marcus McCloud would bring some great story developmentsĀ  in the hands of a competent developer. That is all the positive-nessĀ  I can express about this game.

And as for the endings being canon, Mr. Krystal summed it up well:

...the fact that the endings cannot possibly all occur means that they can't be canon. Accepting one ending removes the ability to accept another. A paradox can't be made official, it doesn't exist.

And Nick1349, you have got it.

Online, it says that at this point that none of the endings to Command are considered to affect the storyline. And the only way to get each different story line is through multiple different scenarios. So, THAT is why people call it non-cannon.

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  • 2 years later...

I liked it-for once I didnt have to play as Fox McCLoud, the tocuh screen-ness was a bit tricky at first but then it was a fun breeze once you got the hang od how the turns work, and the timed battles worked. Sadly I dont have multiplayer capability, and sometimes if you touch the DSI in a "funny" way it will give the "Something has happend to the system. Power it down, take the game out, then put it back in" message. But It was fun...mabye I ought to play it again sometime (if I can find it in my nest of a room I should clean up).

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