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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"Not to be rude or anything but it's about time you left, I was gonna sue the hotel for some work labour. I'm heading to the roof now." Norman said, walking to the hallway...

(His insainity leval must be high...:o )

"Ohh, it's not the hotel's fault.  See, -I- was the one who chose to work here.  They said specifically in the contract that I might have to work long shifts, but I signed it anyway.  Now someone came to take my place, so it's all good, right?"  He turned his head towards Norman with a smile, though the smile faltered.  Norman was gone.  "Ah...Um...R-Right..."

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Nomine arrived in the lobby, a dishevaled balsa behind him

"now who else did you tick off?"

Balsa lost it

"listen you chitanous peice of garbage, i dont know. I really dont know. You have been dragging me all through this nice hotel, just to say sorry to people. Why do you care? i have seen your species before and god knows they dont play nice with others. I am covered in liquids to horrable to identifuy, being pulled around by an alien with a voice like microsoft sam! why cant you leave me alone?"

Balsa took a breath and prepaired for another tirade, before looking round at the others staring at her

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Gin silently bent over and picked up the cell, straightening up again and holding it out to Sarah.

She put her hand on front of her, Denying to take back ownership of it...

"Keep it, Scott's got a million of'em Saved up..." She said before retreating hand into her coat pocket. "They go to around 40 to 50 bucks a piece since they're Source world is un-named and extremly hasordis, So Buy something nice with..." She said to Gin while trying to pick up a smile...


"It's fine, Sarah, you just got a little spooked..." Airi reassured her.  "Come on, let's go, 'kay?"

Though she was still down about the thing still crying a bit, She Nodded to at least try and acknoledge her words...

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"We don't have time for questions right now. Somebody could be on the roof and making their getaways!" Norman replied...

"Perhaps. I will make sure they

are not using the backdoors." Replied

Ramiro. Then he made his way down.

(Alright, I am off for now. See you later.)

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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman quickly ran in the hallway as fast as he could...occiansionaly stopping to take a few breathers, then he made his way to the roof's door...

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The kiss continued, without any end in sight.  It was pretty obvious that neither side wanted to end.

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She put her hand on front of her, Denying to take back ownership of it...

"Keep it, Scott's got a million of'em Saved up..." She said before retreating hand into her coat pocket. "They go to around 40 to 50 bucks a piece since they're Source world is un-named and extremly hasordis, So Buy something nice with..." She said to Gin while trying to pick up a smile...

Though she was still down about the thing still crying a bit, She Nodded to at least try and acknoledge her words...

Looking back down at the cell, he shrugged, stuffing it in his pocket with a little smile.

'Whoo, just made fifty bucks.'

'You just stole fifty bucks.'

'Wh--No, she gave it to me!'

'I meant at the store.'

'Oh...Well, yeah.  You agreed with me that we should.'

'Doesn't change the fact that you stole it.'

'...I never denied it...'

'I never said it was a bad thing, did I?'


The vixen smiled over at her brother before looking again at Sarah, gently tugging her hand along in the direction of the hotel.  Gin kept her going the right way, his tail pressed to her side.

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Guest Mr. Mario

(I think Demy give Norman the wrong pills!)

Norman waited 3 seconds and knocked the door down to the roof, he looked left and right evry fast, not taking notice of Zeke and Rynian...

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The loud crash shocked Rynian as she turned to see that it was Norman. Under her breath she spoke, "You have got to be f*cking kidding me..." She was angry, but knew Norman was working out his issues. "Norman, what's wrong?" She said normally, really upset and angry about being disrupted again.

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"Goddammit!", Zeke yelled as he turned around and saw it was Norman.  "Norman, what exactly are you doing?"

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Guest Mr. Mario

"I don't know who you are but I know somewhere...there's an asassian here." Norman said, not regonizing Zeke or Rynian at all...

(He'll return to normal at night...)

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"Ok, something isn't right here", Zeke stated as he wondered what was going on."

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Now very pissed at Norman, but wanted to be the mature one, "Norman, maybe you need to get some sleep. There is no assassin here." She said, trying to sound calm, but Zeke knew she was equally as pissed.

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Arashikage dissapeared to his room where he continues sulking

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Guest Mr. Mario

"Don't lie to me. The sercurity cameras are broken, the shooting range has now become a criminals favorite!" Norman growled...looking side to side of the roof...

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"Is there a problem here?" the rhino asked towering over Nomine

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She sighed while standing. "You might want to call your friend now, I'm gonna dry off." She said to Zeke, sounding obviously ticked that no place they found in this hotel would be quiet or uneventful for five minutes. She got up and walked to her towel and clothes.

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Guest Mr. Mario

Norman's pain in his arm quickly occured and he layed down on the ground, obviously injured...

"Ugh...damn these crminials..." He groaned

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"Ahh...It's nice being off-shift..." Cel quietly spoke to himself as he wandered a random hallway, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his plain white dress shirt, his dark red tie already hanging loosely around his neck.

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Zeke got out of the tub, walked over to Norman, and handcuffed him.  "Ryn, I'm gonna take him downstairs, wanna meet up somewhere after?"

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Guest Mr. Mario

'No way, a officer! I've got to break free!' Norman struggled, moving his hands left and right...

The handcuffs started to break and Norman could move his hands again...only they were bleeding...

Then he started to become normal...

"What am I doing here?! Zeke? Rynian? Oh no..." He looked at his hands... "That syndrome got me..."

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Nomine nodded

"this one arrived in the lobby last night and proceded to piss everyone off. i have been attempting to take her to apologize. but she refuses to agree."

Balsa continued to yell at nomine, including his mother twelve apples and a roast beef in her commentary.

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Zeke got out of the tub, walked over to Norman, and handcuffed him.  "Ryn, I'm gonna take him downstairs, wanna meet up somewhere after?"

"Sure, I'll think about it." She said, sounding annoyed as she finished re dressing for the most part and headed for the door that was now kicked open. She did want to be with Zeke more today, but she hated that someone always came in and ruined the moment at one point.

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"The what got who now?", Zeke asked, obviously confused.  "I'd better use the stronger cuffs next  time", he thought as he waited for Norman's answer.  "We could meet up in one of our rooms, that way no one can intrude", he suggested to Ryn as he un-cuffed Norman and pulled him up.

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'Of course only I would suggest

going to a place where I just been to.

Lazyness...' Though Ramiro, as he

quietly waited for Norman to appear again.

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