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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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(I'll be gone from here, as always to work on the storyline, I'll post it tommarrow tonight. Until I post the storyline, I will not be back here soon... by then I predict  10 more pages here...)

(XD, gotcha Mr. N :P)

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Bri and Cel arrive at the lobby in the elevator

Once the elevator doors opened, revealing Cel fidgeting with his tie--as often happened--the tiger took Bri's hand and led her into the lobby.  Letting go when they were near the front desk, assuming she would take her usual position on the couch, Cel walked behind the desk, nodding to the rhino.  "Thanks for taking those shifts for me, Sir.  By the way, what's your name?"

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"You can call me Traithgren" The rhino said in his usual gruff tone

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"You can call me Traithgren" The rhino said in his usual gruff tone

"Traithgren." he repeated with a smile.  "Thank you.  You can leave now, if you'd like."

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it was Barca who reached the bottom floor of the Hotel first. Walking out of the stair way, she calmly walked forward, smacking right into a wall.

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Nodding, Traithgren takes his leave

Bri assumes her post on the couch

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With a twitch of his ear, Cel saw the raptor, holding back a sigh.  "I hope she's not too much trouble..." he mumbled to himself.

(Assuming Barca's in view, right?)

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Snarling, Barca snaped at a lamp, ever so precariosly in her way. the lamp landed on the floor, Barca's 3 second attetion span elsewhere.

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"What?" Bri asked

"Just wondering if I should've allowed a pet to come in..."  He gestured with a flick of his tail towards Barca, letting out just a light sigh as the lamp was knocked over.  "See what I mean?"

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"I think it's cute" Bri said as she watched Barca

"It is until the manager makes me pay for it." he remarked.

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"You worry too much" Bri said

'Then again, he -has- let me get away with a bus parked in the lobby...Maybe Bri's right...'

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Barca turned to R.J. as he left the eletator. Chirping with joy, she rubbed her massive feather covered frame against him.

"easy girl, dont wanaa brake anything" he said, rubbing BArca's neck

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"pardon me" R.J. says to Arashi, BArca trailing him.

"can you tell me about the hotel? i just arrived and i"

he was interupted as Balsa, mostly a flash of flesh, carrened into Arashi, squeezing him with all her might.

"HUG!" she said, wrapped around his chest

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"GAH!" Arashikage yelled as he fell to the floor "Uhh, nice to see you too?" He said

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"GAH!" Arashikage yelled as he fell to the floor "Uhh, nice to see you too?" He said

'who and what is that?' He thought

"Hug" Balsa explained, Nomine following up to try and pull her off.

"What just happened?" R.J. Asked Barca who somehow was able to shrug in confusion

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(thought you said barca...... thats the reason for the who and what is that)

"Can you please get off me?  You're crushing my spine" Arashikage said

Bri looked and giggled at the show

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Zeke continued to drive swiftly around the parking lot, taking sharp corners and turns without letting up on the accelerator.  He was glad the lot was incredibly large, it gave him good practice room. 

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(thought you said barca...... thats the reason for the who and what is that)

"Can you please get off me?  You're crushing my spine" Arashikage said

Bri looked and giggled at the show

"Hug" Balsa disagreed, pulling him tighter. "Damnit girl get off of him" Nomine said, attempting to pry Balsa off Arashi. Barca caught sight of the Utahraptor and did  a double take. "why is a velociraptor in the hotel?"

R.J. snarled "its a Utah raptor!, you shmooke! Velociraptors are chicken sized!" R.J. continued to rant

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Doc comes in view of the hotel. "Now to see...." He then jumps back off the road to avoid being splattered by Zeke's reckless driving.


Doggy comes down to the lobby to see what the ruckus was about. He then sees Arashikage. "He-Hey, Kage! When'd you get back?" Doggy asks, quite happy to see him.

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