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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"Haha, the Doc is pretty good at dodging", Zeke chuckled to himself as he continued to slowly depress the accelerator pedal farther and farther.  He careened around a corner and dodged several parked cars.

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"Just a few days ago.... Balsa please get off me, I'm having trouble breathing" Arashikage said

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"Just a few days ago.... Balsa please get off me, I'm having trouble breathing" Arashikage said

"hug" Balsa refused, resisting Nomine's attempts to get her off him

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Is he fond of hospital beds?! The Doc thought to himself as he saw Zeke's car going faster and faster. "Looks like I'm waiting for a bit." He says to himself as he sits down and waits for Zeke to finish.


"You don't say?" Doggy says. He pulls out a crowbar and offers it to Nomine.

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Zeke continued to tear up the lot, leaving skid marks around the pavement.  As he neared a wall, he slammed on the brakes, bringing the car to a stop.  The reverse lights came on, and the car shot backward, moving at a speed comparable driving forward. 

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Grabbing the offered crowbar, Nomine pried Balsa off Arwashi, who looked bluer than the sky.

"hug" balsa sighed resighned to not getting a hug from anyone.

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"OK's. Now that's Kage's saved. Who's that?" He asks gesturing to R.J.

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"i am Sargent Rico J. Hopkins (retired) call me R.J. Please." he held out his hand

"and that there is Barca. be carefull, she is blind as a bat."

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As the car continued to speed backwards, Zeke pulled the handbrake, slammed the wheel into the opposite direction, and spun the car back around, making it face forward.  "Alright, one more go and I'll head back to the hotel", he thought as he revved the engine.  The tires began to squeal, and produce smoke as he initiated a burnout.

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"Looks like I have a chance." The Doc says as he walks into the hotel.

Doggy shakes R.J.'s hand, "Nice to meetcha! Name's Doggy,  Doggy Green."

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"Looks like I have a chance." The Doc says as he walks into the hotel.

Doggy shakes R.J.'s hand, "Nice to meetcha! Name's Doggy,  Doggy Green."

"like wise" R.J. said, shaking his hand.

Barca sniffed Doggy, sticking her head right into his hair.

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"Wha-what?" Doggy said in response to Barca sniffing him. "I shampoo'd, I promise!" He said jokingly.

"A dinosaur here on Coreneria?" Doc asked as he came in. "Orpheus, you seem to find the strangest of people."

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"Wha-what?" Doggy said in response to Barca sniffing him. "I shampoo'd, I promise!" He said jokingly.

"A dinosaur here on Coreneria?" Doc asked as he came in. "Orpheus, you seem to find the strangest of people."

BArca sneezed, then sniffed the doc, antiseptic and death and... pudding? BArca swung her head in confusion.

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"Not the usual reaction I get from people." Doc remarked. "I assume it belongs to you?" He asks R.J. "Doctor Derek S. Ventiuno." He adds as he extends his hand.

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Zeke parked his vehicle and began to walk toward the hotel.  As he pushed open the door, he noticed a large group standing in the lobby.  "Haha, what I miss?", he joked as he walked toward them.

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"Thankfully, ME!" The Doc says in response to Zeke's question. "I must say, you seem to like cutting it close." Doc then switches modes. "On the other hand, you seem to be alright since you could drive like that and not ends up in the scrap heap."

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"Not the usual reaction I get from people." Doc remarked. "I assume it belongs to you?" He asks R.J. "Doctor Derek S. Ventiuno." He adds as he extends his hand.

"pleased to meet you" R.J. said "im Rico J. Hopkins, please call me R.J."

He turned to the confused Barca "this one here? naw, shes not a pet. She travles with me on a lack of better thing to do."

Barca rested her head on top of the docs and licked his face with her long leathery tounge.

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"Thanks....I think?", Zeke replied to the doc, scratching the back of his head.  "Good to see ya again Doggy, and you too R.J, and especially you Barca", he continued, gently scratching her head as she licked the doc's face.

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Arashikage turns to the doc "Hey, Doc.  What brings you here?"

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"Ugh, no tongue on the first meet."Doc mumbles to himself. "Anyway, I have come to see how're you were doing, and to inform you to pay the first part of my fee." He says to Zeke.  "And that is what brings me here." He finishes in response to Arashikage. He gives him a look and says, "You aren't following HIS example are you?" (referring to Zeke)

"Hmm, Zeke? Was that you driving out there? You kinda annoyed Didi with all the noise. Me, I found it cool but she didn't understand." Doggy says. "Can I drive sometime?"

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"oh geez..." R.J. mumbles as BArca looks enchanted by the doc's rubbing. Pressing her head under his arm, she looks at him expectantly. her milky white eyes gazing at him

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"Alright, that sounds fine", Zeke replied to the doc, handing him the first part of the payment on a card.  "Whenever you want Doggy."

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(Doc's rubbing? I'm confused.)

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