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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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from the Shadow's of a hallway  two seafoam green eyes whatch the Doc Rj and Zeke Carefully.

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, "You aren't following HIS example are you?""

"No Sir.  I can't drive anymore" Arashikage replied

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(Doc's rubbing? I'm confused.)

(rubbing, petting scratching, all the same. he scrathed her head didnt he?)

"a dinosaur" Balsa said in confusion

"a dinosaur" Nomine confirmed, sipping on a orange concotion

"a dinosaur" Balsa repeated oblivious to the world

"Damnit who broke balsa?" Nomine asked

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(Doc didn't touch her. Zeke did, kupo.)

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'When is Balsa -not- broken?' Cel mentally joked, regretting it immediately afterward.  'Dang it, Cel, that was rude...'

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The pair of eyes continued to whatch the group blinkin only ever 10 minutes or so.

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Traithgren walks up to the desk "Mr. Cel, we need to discuss a scheduling plan" he said

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"Umm, hey guys, anyone know when they installed those green lights over there?", Zeke asked the group, not knowing they were a set of eyes.

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(Doc didn't touch her. Zeke did, kupo.)

(well she doesnt know that shes blind! im also stupid but still!)

"what eyes?" r.j. asks

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"Not eyes, those green lights", Zeke replied, motioning over to a dark hallway.

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"Not eyes, those green lights", Zeke replied, motioning over to a dark hallway.

"I dont know" Arashikage said starting towards the hallway "Come on, lets find out"

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Doc strokes Barca's head for lack of knowing what else to do. "Green lights, you say?"

Doggy chimes in "What're you talking about?" Doggy follows Kage to check

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Traithgren walks up to the desk "Mr. Cel, we need to discuss a scheduling plan" he said

"Just Cel's fine.  But anyway, sure."  With a light nod and idle flick of his tail, the tiger asked, "What did you have in mind?"

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"I think it would be best for you to work the day shifts, and I will take over the night shift" Traithgren said

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Nomine shrugged and followed the group, hie electromagnetics picking nothing out of the usual insainity.

Barca's leg begins to shake as she really got into it. she rolled on her back and looked up expectantly

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"I think it would be best for you to work the day shifts, and I will take over the night shift" Traithgren said

Cel's ears perked up, rather surprised by the proposition.  "Really?  Well, I suppose that would work...so long as you really don't mind working nights."

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"I would work Nights for you if theres something in it for me Said a dark yet gentl voice as the two eyes walked up to Cel and his comrade body soon shimmering into existance as the figures cloak turned off. revealing  the Bounty hunter Kursed.

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Cel's ears perked up, rather surprised by the proposition.  "Really?  Well, I suppose that would work...so long as you really don't mind working nights."

"No, I don't mind working nights." Said the rhino to the two of them "And another thing." he added, turning to Cel "It's regarding Ryn.  She hasn't been showing up to work lately, and when she has, she has not been doing a very good job.  Can you talk to her?  Maybe teach her the proper places to put the sign in sheets and the order forms?"

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"No, I don't mind working nights." Said the rhino to the two of them "And another thing." he added, turning to Cel "It's regarding Ryn.  She hasn't been showing up to work lately, and when she has, she has not been doing a very good job.  Can you talk to her?  Maybe teach her the proper places to put the sign in sheets and the order forms?"

"Is that so?" Cel asked, looking to the desk.  "Well, that would certainly explain some things about the paperwork..."  After another few moments of thought, he nodded.  "I'll talk to her.  Thanks for letting me know."


"I would work Nights for you if theres something in it for me Said a dark yet gentl voice as the two eyes walked up to Cel and his comrade body soon shimmering into existance as the figures cloak turned off. revealing  the Bounty hunter Kursed.

Turning to the vixen, Cel offered her a friendly smile.  "Well, you're more than welcome to talk to the manager about getting a job, Miss."

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"Is that so?" Cel asked, looking to the desk.  "Well, that would certainly explain some things about the paperwork..."  After another few moments of thought, he nodded.  "I'll talk to her.  Thanks for letting me know."

"Sure thing" Traith said as he left the lobby, having said what he needed to say

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"And who is the manager?"

Kursed asked Her voice was gentle and dark ,but her face showed no emotion despite a hint of Depression

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"And who is the manager?" KUrsed asked Her voice was gentle and dark ,bu her face show'd no emotion despite a hint of Depression

"Well..."  Leaning just slightly over the desk, Cel pointed to a door a ways away from the front desk.  "There's his office if you'd like."

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(is somebody playing him?)

"I'll check later thanks.

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Doc catches up to the search team with Barca. "What happened? Did you find anything?"

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