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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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Glad that he hadn't taken it personally, Cel's tail flicked to the side when he suddenly noticed something.  "Hey, Kage, is...your eye okay?"

"Not exactly.  When that bomb hit the citadel I was guarding, I took the blast too.  I don't really remember much about it, but when I woke up, I couldn't see out of my right eye" Arashikage replied

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"So you can't see out of that eye?!" Doggy exclaimed in shock. "How are you supposed to fire a gun or pilot a ship?!"

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"Not exactly.  When that bomb hit the citadel I was guarding, I took the blast too.  I don't really remember much about it, but when I woke up, I couldn't see out of my right eye" Arashikage replied

Ignoring Doggy for the time, Cel's ears drooped slightly.  "I'm...sorry to hear that, man, really am."

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"So you can't see out of that eye?!" Doggy exclaimed in shock. "How are you supposed to fire a gun or pilot a ship?!"

"That's the thing doggy, I'm not.  I was discharged from Shadow Element" Arashikage replied


Ignoring Doggy for the time, Cel's ears drooped slightly.  "I'm...sorry to hear that, man, really am."

"It's okay..." He said

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"Oh... well.... I'm sorry." Doggy said despondently. "You just got back in, too."

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"That's the thing doggy, I'm not.  I was discharged from Shadow Element" Arashikage replied

"It's okay..." He said

"Buddha the fat one... How are you holding up?" R.J. asks concern on his face.

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"Buddha the fat one... How are you holding up?" R.J. asks concern on his face.

"I'm doing okay.  It could be worse.  I could have died there" He said trying to look on the bright side

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"Ya know there are Ocular implants." Noted a odd she-wolf/Vixen hybrid passing by the group.

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"Artifical Eyes." Alex the hybrid noted. "Cyborg and  biological."

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"I'm doing okay.  It could be worse.  I could have died there" He said trying to look on the bright side

Balsa looked remorsefull and opened her arms wide "hug?"

"AH dont trust those tech idiots. Here come on, ill buy ya a drink, one veteren to another" R.J. says Nudging Barca to wake her up

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Balsa looked remorsefull and opened her arms wide "hug?"

"Please, no" Arashikage said


"AH dont trust those tech idiots. Here come on, ill buy ya a drink, one veteren to another" R.J. says Nudging Barca to wake her up

"I really shouldn't" Arashikage said "Nothing personal, but I don't drink"

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"They can grow you a new one too."Alex noted "But I'm no doctor and I need to get to my room have a good day gentle men>"Alex said slowly beginign to walk away.

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"Please, no" Arashikage said

"I really shouldn't" Arashikage said "Nothing personal, but I don't drink"

Balsa looked sad than replied " hug..."

R.J. responded "suite your self" Barca waltzed over to Arashi and sniffed him, licking his face, she rolled onto her back and panted

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Traithgren returns "It would seem your shift is up Mr. Cel.  I have come to relieve you" He said

(for all intents and purposes can we say that a few hours passed?)

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Traithgren returns "It would seem your shift is up Mr. Cel.  I have come to relieve you" He said

(for all intents and purposes can we say that a few hours passed?)

(ummm. sure i guess)

Balsa was pouting

Barca SLeeping

Nomine was tearing the bus apart peice by peice and moving it out the doors, as he attempted to clean up the lobby

R.J. was knocking back drinks and rambleing on about past glories and someone named Biggus Dickus

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Traithgren returns "It would seem your shift is up Mr. Cel.  I have come to relieve you" He said

(for all intents and purposes can we say that a few hours passed?)

Smiling, Cel offered the gruff rhino a grateful nod.  "Thank you."  Stepping out from behind the desk, the tiger loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt, relieved to have been...relieved.

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"so what do you want to do now Cel?" Bri asked standing up

Looking to the ligress, Cel smiled, making his way towards her.  "Well, it -is- night...How about the hot tubs?"

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Giving her hand a light squeeze, Cel said, "Well, do you wanna meet up there?  I have to get my swimsuit from my room, and we both still have to change."

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"Sure, see you soon" Bri said releasing her grip and heading towards the elevator

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"Sure, see you soon" Bri said releasing her grip and heading towards the elevator

"Right, see you soon."  Raising his hand in farewell, the tiger hurried into the employees-only room--the one he pretty much claimed as his own--closed and locked the door, then began looking for his plain black swimming trunks.

It didn't take too long to find them.  Stripping down, he slid them on, making sure they were tightened before giving a satisfied nod.  Grabbing a towel, he slung it over his neck, opening the door and heading out toward the elevator.

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