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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"Heh, I haven't eaten in a while...so Zeke got me some food." he told the ligress with a smile.  "Care to share?"

"Sure" replied the liger standing from the couch

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"Sure" replied the liger standing from the couch

Happy that she had accepted, Cel turned the box around to face her--not that turning a cube really does much in most cases.  "Here, first pick."

(And seeing as I don't know what he got, 'cause he didn't say, go ahead and make it something she likes xP)

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Ugh... Zeke... She thought while watching the couple have their little romance. She tried to ignore it, but it was hard as it only reminded her of Zeke.

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"I guess I'll find him later...", Zeke thought as he slowly made his way out of the hall, back toward the lobby. 

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Happy that she had accepted, Cel turned the box around to face her--not that turning a cube really does much in most cases.  "Here, first pick."

(And seeing as I don't know what he got, 'cause he didn't say, go ahead and make it something she likes xP)

(Uhhhhhhhh, how about chicken, that's anytime food)

"Thanks" Bri said as she took a bite and handed the fork to Cel(there was only one)

Ugh... Zeke... She thought while watching the couple have their little romance. She tried to ignore it, but it was hard as it only reminded her of Zeke.

(Arashikage: now you know how I feel)

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(Arashikage: now you know how I feel)

(Poor Arashi)

(Uhhhhhhhh, how about chicken, that's anytime food)

"Thanks" Bri said as she took a bite and handed the fork to Cel(there was only one)

(Yeah, chicken's always good lol)

Nodding in response to her thanks, Cel took a moment to take a bite for himself, handing the fork back afterward.

He was glad he could do this sort of thing with Bri...He'd miss her over that next week.

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(Poor Arashi)

(Yeah, chicken's always good lol)

Nodding in response to her thanks, Cel took a moment to take a bite for himself, handing the fork back afterward.

He was glad he could do this sort of thing with Bri...He'd miss her over that next week.

They repeat the process until the chicken is down to one bite left(you don't mind that I skip ahead right?)

"Your turn" Bri replied

(do with that what you will)


Arashikage walks over to the group

"Guys, I'm getting deployed tomorrow" He said "I'm headed down to the station today so that I can get briefed, It seems we are being hired by the CDF to help take care of some interplanetary army"

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Zeke continued making his way toward the lobby.  The hallways seemed to get longer and longer at every pause he made to rest. 

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They repeat the process until the chicken is down to one bite left(you don't mind that I skip ahead right?)

"Your turn" Bri replied

(do with that what you will)

(No, I wanted to post eating every piece of chicken one by one, gosh dang it. 

Yeah, you're fine =P)

Stabbing the chicken with the fork, Cel held it out towards Bri, giving a welcoming nod.  "Go for it."

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Arashikage walks over to the group

"Guys, I'm getting deployed tomorrow" He said "I'm headed down to the station today so that I can get briefed, It seems we are being hired by the CDF to help take care of some interplanetary army"

"How long till you come back?" She asked, thinking of him maybe being one of the only guys she could really talk to, maybe other than Cel.

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Arashikage walks over to the group

"Guys, I'm getting deployed tomorrow" He said "I'm headed down to the station today so that I can get briefed, It seems we are being hired by the CDF to help take care of some interplanetary army"

Nomine, at hearing Arashi's comment, makes hast towards him

"did they mention they species? Is it okay if you tell me?"

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"How long till you come back?" She asked, thinking of him maybe being one of the only guys she could really talk to, maybe other than Cel.

"That depends really, it seems like they're deploying me to a hot zone" Arashikage said "Could be weeks, could be years, could be not at all" Arashikage said, the tone of his voice growing darker with each choice

(No, I wanted to post eating every piece of chicken one by one, gosh dang it. 

Yeah, you're fine =P)

Stabbing the chicken with the fork, Cel held it out towards Bri, giving a welcoming nod.  "Go for it."

"No, I'm not that hungry anymore, you take it..... what?" She asked her attention turning towards Arashikage

Nomine, at hearing Arashi's comment, makes hast towards him

"did they mention they species? Is it okay if you tell me?"

"They're called the combine, they have a bunch of soldiers and the CDF is hiring us to make sure they don't get here, it seems to be a low risk mission, but last low risk mission I was on ended up badly" Arashikage said to Nomine

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"That depends really, it seems like they're deploying me to a hot zone" Arashikage said "Could be weeks, could be years, could be not at all" Arashikage said, the tone of his voice growing darker with each choice

"Kage, you know darn well you can't die on me. That should be inspiration enough to live." She said while getting up and hugging him.

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"Kage, you know darn well you can't die on me. That should be inspiration enough to live." She said while getting up and hugging him.

Arashikage smirks at this remark "O'Rourke knows better than to send me into combat without the best equipment.  I should be fine, seeing as how combat is not guaranteed, but war is unpredictable." he replied, his confidence being built up

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Zeke had finally made it halfway down the hallway to the lobby.  He was too tired to think of anything at the moment, and he collapsed into a sitting position against the wall.  "There's....gotta.....be....an...easier....way!", he muttered while panting heavily.

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Balsa walked over

"MAy you conserve your ammunition as your enemies flee in terror, Arashikage." She said, joining the hug.

Nomine looked around, shrugged, and joined in on the group hug.

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Balsa walked over

"MAy you conserve your ammunition as your enemies flee in terror, Arashikage." She said, joining the hug.

Nomine looked around, shrugged, and joined in on the group hug.

Bri joins in also, even though she barely knows Arashikage she feels that it's the least she could do for someone who is helping protect her planet

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Arashikage smirks at this remark "O'Rourke knows better than to send me into combat without the best equipment.  I should be fine, seeing as how combat is not guaranteed, but war is unpredictable." he replied, his confidence being built up

"He better, or else he will have to be hearing from me!" She joked while breaking the hug, hoping to get his spirits a bit higher.

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"He better, or else he will have to be hearing from me!" She joked while breaking the hug, hoping to get his spirits a bit higher.

(you broke the group hug =O how dare you)

"Heh, I'm sure I'll be fine" He said "It's just going to be hard to leave a place as peaceful.......well almost peaceful, as this into a desolate planet on the outskirts of this system guarding a citadel while diplomats battle with words"

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Balsa continued to hug him.

"Pah... Diplomats are only a way to stall until they enter your snipers crosshairs"

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Balsa continued to hug him.

"Pah... Diplomats are only a way to stall until they enter your snipers crosshairs"

"Heh, they may be keeping me alive though" Arashikage pointed out "If there's a peaceful solution, we don't have to worry.  Otherwise, my unit may be the only thing standing between the combine and this very planet" He said trying to make it sound better than it really is but failing miserably

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"I've got it!", Zeke thought as he had a sudden epiphany.  "If I can find those old crutches I used to have, they'll come in handy!!, although they are somewhere in my room", he continued in his mind, knowing he'd have to either make it to the elevator or climb stairs. 

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"No, I'm not that hungry anymore, you take it..... what?" She asked her attention turning towards Arashikage

Well, if she insisted...

Popping the piece of chicken into his mouth, his ears perked up and focused on Arashikage once Bri had.  He missed most of the story, though--everything up to that point.

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"Hey, where's Zeke, he should know this too" Arashikage said

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Zeke had been slowly dragging himself up the stairs on his stomach, using his upper body strength most of the time, but his legs did come in handy too.  The elevator closest hadn't been working, and he decided to just take the stairs.

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