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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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Gearhart had thought of that before, but only did it a couple times. "Yeah, I could do that." He said while missing more shots. He knew he was very good with a blaster, just, only in his left arm, and for reasons never used it. "But i suck on both sides, so I am trying to train this one."

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"Well, if it's not working for you, maybe that side just doesn't want to be trained", Zeke joked as he helped Gearhart with his aim.

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Gearhart saw that Zeke wasn't going to stop trying to help him, and he hated coming off as weak. "Fine, here." He said while putting the blaster in his left hand. He closed his eyes and shot. If not a bull's eye, it would have been less than a millimeter off. As soon as he shot his left arm shook with pain, causing him to drop the blaster. "See."

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Zeke stood, awestruck, not only by the bull's-eye, but for the immediate pain encountered afterward.  "Is that a normal thing?", Zeke asked as he picked up the dropped blaster and handed it back to Gearhart.

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Gearhart rubbed his arm to ease some of the pain. "Well, for me, yes." He responded while thanking Zeke for picking up the gun. "That is why I don't use guns. Either I hit, and feel massive pain, or just barely scrape their body and waste time." He explained while putting the gun back in his holster. "It's nothing that needs to be worried about. Not much can be done about it."

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"Aaah, a brawler I see", Zeke commented.

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Gearhart's left arm was still twitching a bit, but it was getting better. "If you want to think of it like that, sure." He looked back at Arashikage. and looked to Zeke again. "I don't want to take all your time here. You can go back to him, I needed to eat soon anyway." He replied while heading out of the firing range.

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"I think I'll accompany you", Zeke replied as he said goodbye to Arashikage and left with Gearhart toward the dining hall.

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"Okay." Gearhart replied and the two went through the halls. Gearhart kept silent, not sure of what to say.

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"So.....what are you going to order?", Zeke said, trying to muster up some conversation.

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Arashikage finishes up at the firing range and decides to roam around (got civil air patrol in about an hour and a half, this will be a weekly thing)

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"I'm not too sure. I haven't been feeling to hungry lately." He replied as they continued forward. God, he probably thinks of me as a freak because of this whole thing... He thought while keeping the conversation going. "You?"


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(Ok Arashikage, good luck :D)

"I'll probably get the Chicken Fried Rice, it looks quite good!", Zeke replied, salivating at the thought.

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Arashikage is sitting on a couch in the lobby pondering the events of the past few weeks

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Nomine places his order at a dining table, watching the other guests, his face recovered by his hat.

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Gearhart chuckled at his comment. "It does sound good. Maybe just a burger or something. I haven't had something simple in a while."

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"Ahh, good point!", Zeke replied as the two entered the dining hall and sat down.  "This hall smells nicer and nicer every time I come in!", Zeke said.

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"Yeah..." He said while sitting down. "Hey, Zeke. Did you ever have to leave someone out to die as a cop?" He was wondering, especially since he couldn't get the subject out of his mind.

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Arashikage decides to go to the dining hall to get something to eat where he sees an unfamiliar face

"Hello" He said to Nomine

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"Yeah..." He said while sitting down. "Hey, Zeke. Did you ever have to leave someone out to die as a cop?" He was wondering, especially since he couldn't get the subject out of his mind.

Zeke stayed silent for awhile after hearing the question.  "Yeah.......too many times..", He said in a depressed tone, his mood instantly sinking.

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Nomine warily looked at the one who had greeting him before he grunted his response

"Godday, how may i, peice of crap..." He ended, smacking the box around his neck. "It almost never wor, CHICKEN!, damnit *sigh* how may i assist you?"

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"Heh, and is that an external voice box?  Can you not speak on your own?"  Arashikage asked

(Seriously waffles, go on AIM)

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Zeke stayed silent for awhile after hearing the question.  "Yeah.......too many times..", He said in a depressed tone, his mood instantly sinking.

"Did... Did any of them ever live through it?" He pondered. He noticed Zeke's voice tone change. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it though."

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".....it's.....it's fine.  I had to leave....a lot.......behind....even some teammates.", Zeke managed to stutter before he laid his muzzle on the table.

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Nomine stood up, his meal not even touched

"I cannot sppek any language, my mouth is not made to talk, i must use this externall Portcullis, dang it, i mean port to signifuy my thoughts."

He nodded at Arashikage "I will be in my room repairing the toilet, I mean the box"

Mumbling swears and household apllyances, NOmine walks to the elevator, then his room

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