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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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The wolf walked up to the front desk and to the employee. "Excuse me?" He asked with a nice smile.

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"It's right before the Gym, to the left", Zeke replied, continuing his walk.

"And that's how the cookie crumbles", he joked.

"ah dont worry" Balsa says, cracking her neck and knuckles. "from what i can tell, she has the attention span of a dead muskrat. Now, do you have to buy weapons, or can you rent them?"

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"ah dont worry" Balsa says, cracking her neck and knuckles. "from what i can tell, she has the attention span of a dead muskrat. Now, do you have to buy weapons, or can you rent them?"

"Ha, can't argue with that, and you can rent and buy weaponry around the range", he replied, suddenly thinking of something.  "I'll be right back, I should probably go check on Ryn", he called as he rushed back toward the nearest stairwell, located in the lobby.

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"Sorry?" Cel asked with a light grin, giving her a short, gentle nuzzle on the cheek.  "Sorry for what?"

"Just how abrupt that was" Bri said holding Cels hand again as she led him to the elevator

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Ryn got up from her bed, and went to the bathroom. She was feeling a lot better. More self confidence and she felt good about herself. Maybe it was something else?

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"Just how abrupt that was" Bri said holding Cels hand again as she led him to the elevator

"Oh, not a problem.  Surprising?  Yes.  Enjoyable?"--He lightly flicked Bri's back with his tail--"Yes."

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The wolf walked up to the front desk and to the employee. "Excuse me?" He asked with a nice smile.

"Can I help you?" The employee asked

(I can't play more than one character on my iPod, can someone please take over?)

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"Can I help you?" The employee asked

(I can't play more than one character on my iPod, can someone please take over?)

(I'd try, but I know nothing about his personality ^^; )

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Zeke swiftly made his way through the lobby, toward the stairwell.  He climbed the stairs at a swift pace, making sure to be there as soon as possible.

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"Yes, I would like to know if there are any jobs here for being a life guard." He asked nicely, innerly hoping for a nice job.

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Zeke swiftly made his way through the lobby, toward the stairwell.  He climbed the stairs at a swift pace, making sure to be there as soon as possible.

As Charles turned, he saw Zeke, climbing the stairs fast.

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"Ha, can't argue with that, and you can rent and buy weaponry around the range", he replied, suddenly thinking of something.  "I'll be right back, I should probably go check on Ryn", he called as he rushed back toward the nearest stairwell, located in the lobby.

"you do that" Balsa says gazing at the collection of rifles "now im no fan of guns, to flimsy to beat people with, but can you recommend any of them for me?" Balsa asks the clerk.

(anyone wanna help me on this?)

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"Oh, not a problem.  Surprising?  Yes.  Enjoyable?"--He lightly flicked Bri's back with his tail--"Yes."

(laptop now, lets hope i dont break this one)

Bri smiles at this comment, it was good to know her boyfriend didn't mind when she did something abruptly "Okay" She said as they entered the elevator


"Yes, I would like to know if there are any jobs here for being a life guard." He asked nicely, innerly hoping for a nice job.

"Uhh let me check the computer" He said pressing a few keys and checking the job listings "Uhh we have janitor, maid, towels, cook, uhhh ah here we are, lifeguard!  Yes there is a job opening, I can schedule you for an interview tomorrow at the earliest" He said hoping he was doing a good job on his first day

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(laptop now, lets hope i dont break this one)

Bri smiles at this comment, it was good to know her boyfriend didn't mind when she did something abruptly "Okay" She said as they entered the elevator

(Yes, let's hope and pray =P)

Once the doors had closed and the compartment had begun its ascent, Cel casually asked, "Anything in particular you wanna do once we get there?"

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"you do that" Balsa says gazing at the collection of rifles "now im no fan of guns, to flimsy to beat people with, but can you recommend any of them for me?" Balsa asks the clerk.

(anyone wanna help me on this?)

(Gotcha covered! :P)

"Hmmm...", the clerk mumbled as he looked over the inventory and finally made a selection.  "Try this one on for size!", he recommended, handing her a rifle with bayonet



As Charles turned, he saw Zeke, climbing the stairs fast.

"Did I just see Charles?", Zeke asked himself as he continued sprinting up the stairs.

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"Did I just see Charles?", Zeke asked himself as he continued sprinting up the stairs.

Charles followed Zeke too.

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(Yes, let's hope and pray =P)

Once the doors had closed and the compartment had begun its ascent, Cel casually asked, "Anything in particular you wanna do once we get there?"

(You guys can pray, I'll just be extra careful)

Bri just looks and smiles at Cel wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek "I'll give you three guesses" she said


(Gotcha covered! :P)

"Hmmm...", the clerk mumbled as he looked over the inventory and finally made a selection.  "Try this one on for size!", he recommended, handing her a rifle with bayonet

(Sorry Crazy, I don't believe M1's ever had bayonets.  the barrel is weird on them)

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(You guys can pray, I'll just be extra careful)

Bri just looks and smiles at Cel wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek "I'll give you three guesses" she said

With a joyous smile, Cel turned his head and gladly returned the affection, his tail slowly swishing with more purpose now.  "How about I guess once we get inside?"

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(Sorry Crazy, I don't believe M1's ever had bayonets.  the barrel is weird on them)

(They actually did :P)

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(Gotcha covered! :P)

"Hmmm...", the clerk mumbled as he looked over the inventory and finally made a selection.  "Try this one on for size!", he recommended, handing her a rifle with bayonet

"ah yes... wait... nope, i know nothing about this, besides it fires bullets and i have new knife attached to the front" Balsa says, examining the bayonet.

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With a joyous smile, Cel turned his head and gladly returned the affection, his tail slowly swishing with more purpose now.  "How about I guess once we get inside?"

"I think you'll know by then" Bri said as the elevator doors opened on Bri's floor


(They actually did :P)

(Well they must not be very popular because that's the first I've seen one)

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"ah yes... wait... nope, i know nothing about this, besides it fires bullets and i have new knife attached to the front" Balsa says, examining the bayonet.

"Well, walk over to that there area, point at the target, and pull that little lever there.", the clerk instructed.  "Then we can switch it out, depending on the results I can get you something that fits better".


(Well they must not be very popular because that's the first I've seen one)

(Not quite sure on the popularity, but they definitely were used in combat :P)

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The wolf smiled happily. "Thank you so much." He finished. He walked off happily, he wanted to take a dip in the  pool.

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"I think you'll know by then" Bri said as the elevator doors opened on Bri's floor.

Cel certainly wasn't going to complain.  Still hand-in-hand, the tiger walked with Bri to her room--by this point knowing the number by heart--and waited for her to unlock the door and lead him inside.

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Her ears perking up at the elevator doors opening up, Airi turned towards them, gesturing for Krystal and Sarah to follow her in.  "Come on, guys."

Keeping her eyes closed for a moment as a small smile worked up Sarah's face, She walked over and took Airi's hand before walking her inside...

"If he's just getting up, your brother is probably going to have alot of work his hands..." Sarah said with smirk as she placed her arm around Airi's shoulder...

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