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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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'Nothing at this hotel ever seems to change...' Mike thought, his eyes were still closed...

'Man it would be embarassing if someone came up here and...looked for me.' He thought...

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"Nice to meet you I'm a friend of Sarah's." Krystal  replied 'gee this guy is tough skinned.' Krystal thought to herself.

'Well what do you know?  So am I.'

The vulpine couldn't help but mentally remark how persistent she was.

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Scott had finally finished putting the last of his food he wanted on his plate, though it took him the longest time since his other arm was supporting the wieght of an angered vixen on his shoulder...

Before he sat down at the Same table, he placed Anne down In a chair to seats away from Gin and rested himself and his plate In between them...

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"Nice to meet you, Flux."  Gesturing towards the vixen beside him with a flick of his tail, Cel said, "And this is Ryn.  She and I work the front desk."

"Yes, nice to meet you, Flux." She said with a smile and shaking his hand.


"Nice to meet you too." Flux replied. "So, what are the benefits to being an employee here? I kinda forgot to ask the manager." He said while rubbing his neck in a little embarrassment.

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mentall shruggin off Gin's feelings krystal replied "A friend of my friend is a friend don't you agree?"

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"Yes, nice to meet you, Flux." She said with a smile and shaking his hand.


"Nice to meet you too." Flux replied. "So, what are the benefits to being an employee here? I kinda forgot to ask the manager." He said while rubbing his neck in a little embarrassment.

"Well, you obviously get paid," he began with a light grin, "and the room's are free--though I've kinda taken the employee's only room as my own personal storage area, I guess we can share--"

'After all, I usually don't sleep there anymore...'

"--And...Well, you get the idea."

mentall shruggin off Gin's feelings krystal replied "A friend of my friend is a riedn don't you agree?"

'Not necessarily...but they get the benefit of the doubt.'

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"Better see if anyone can cover the firing range", Matt thought to himself as he approached the desk, waiting behind the fellow in front of him.  He hoped they wouldn't mind his cigar.

(Hey, just a question, thinking about changing this character's name to Max Vega, what do ya think? :P)

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"I see." Krystal muttered looking over to Airi "enjoying your meal Airi?"Krystal asked calmly.

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"Well, you obviously get paid," he began with a light grin, "and the room's are free--though I've kinda taken the employee's only room as my own personal storage area, I guess we can share--"

'After all, I usually don't sleep there anymore...'

"--And...Well, you get the idea."

'Not necessarily...but they get the benefit of the doubt.'

"Wait, what do you mean by share a room?" He said, hiding the small fluster that came to him masterfully.

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"I see." Krystal muttered looking over to Airi "enjoying your meal Airi?"Krystal asked calmly.

The young vixen nodded her head in response, though Gin felt a little offended that he had been turned away after Krystal was the one who suggested they start over.

"Wait, what do you mean by share a room?" He said, hiding the small fluster that came to him masterfully.

"Well, if you needed a place to keep your things, there's still plenty of room in there." Cel replied, obviously not catching the wolf's uneasiness.  "You could always get another room in the hotel, though, if you'd rather."

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(Name officially changed, :P)

Max continued to wait his turn at the front desk.  He was eagerly awaiting his first meal in quite a long time, but knew it would be better to get a replacement clerk for the firing range temporarily.  His tail swished back and forth slightly, and he continued to puff the cigar.

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When Sarah Finished Collecting her meal She walked over to the table and Next to Airi... Though Looking in the Direction of Gin and Krystal She Could Tell that the Young Vulpine was having a mental argument with her do to both of the expressions on their faces...

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"Glad to hear." Krystal smiled turning to Gin. "You were saying?" She asked.

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"Well, if you needed a place to keep your things, there's still plenty of room in there." Cel replied, obviously not catching the wolf's uneasiness.  "You could always get another room in the hotel, though, if you'd rather."

"Oh. Sure. I can do that." He said hiding everything perfectly. "Well, I don't want to keep this guest waiting too long. I might as well transfer my stuff." He said while motioning to Max and walking back to his room.

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"That was nice of him....hope I can introduce myself sometime", Max thought, moving closer to the desk.  "Morning to you two", he addressed to Cel and Rynian.

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"Glad to hear." Krystal smiled turning to Gin. "You were saying?" She asked.

'Look, do you want to be friends or not?'

"Oh. Sure. I can do that." He said hiding everything perfectly. "Well, I don't want to keep this guest waiting too long. I might as well transfer my stuff." He said while motioning to Max and walking back to his room.

(Name officially changed, :P)

Max continued to wait his turn at the front desk.  He was eagerly awaiting his first meal in quite a long time, but knew it would be better to get a replacement clerk for the firing range temporarily.  His tail swished back and forth slightly, and he continued to puff the cigar.

With a light nod, Cel turned his attention towards the clerk.  "Morning, Sir.  How can I help you?"

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"That was nice of him....hope I can introduce myself sometime", Max thought, moving closer to the desk.  "Morning to you two", he addressed to Cel and Rynian.

"Morning! What can we do for ya?" She asked politely after waving Flux off.

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'Yes what is it I need to show you that I'm not some pedophile? Krystal thought back deciding to leave the conversation in mental words.

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"I guess I'll respond to both of them", he joked to himself, putting out his cigar.  "I was just wondering if anyone could cover the firing range's attendant's desk while I'm out for a bit.", Max replied, regretting putting out his cigar.

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'Yes what is it I need to show you that I'm not some pedophile? Krystal thought back deciding to leave the conversation in mental words.

'See, this is where you're not understanding me...People don't win my trust by just doing something.  Over time, I'll decide for myself whether or not Airi and I are fine around you.  That's all.'

"I guess I'll respond to both of them", he joked to himself, putting out his cigar.  "I was just wondering if anyone could cover the firing range's attendant's desk while I'm out for a bit.", Max replied, regretting putting out his cigar.

"Erm...Heh, well, I know nothing about guns..." Cel mumbled, looking to Ryn.  "You up for it?"

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"Erm...Heh, well, I know nothing about guns..." Cel mumbled, looking to Ryn.  "You up for it?"

"I guess I could." She said while standing up and heading over to the halls and to the firing range.

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'whoa whoa whoa back up Airi? why can't she make her own decision of me?" Krystal asked metally.

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'whoa whoa whoa back up Airi? why can't she make her own decision of me?" Krystal asked metally.

'Because she's my sister.' Gin thought in reply, adamant in his decision.

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'Does she agree to this?'Krystal asked.

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"I guess I could." She said while standing up and heading over to the halls and to the firing range.

"Thanks a lot!", the Shepherd called out to her, relighting his cigar and continuing his walk toward the dining hall with a nod given to Cel.  "I hope she doesn't touch that Dillon-Aero", he thought as the smell of food distracted him.

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