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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"I could've sworn I heard gunfire......", she mumbled, still listening intently. 

'Gunfire' Arashikage thought 'Well, it can't be from the firing range, that's soundproofed... It would have to be in the actual hotel, but why?'

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Flux went to the lobby and sat in a couch. He thought about the people here; Trying to come to ease with the situation and calm it down.

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"It was at least eight bullets, if not more", she commented, still listening.  "There isn't any more though."

Flux went to the lobby and sat in a couch. He thought about the people here; Trying to come to ease with the situation and calm it down.

Max hadn't noticed the newcomer in the lobby.  He loaded a magazine into the Thompson, but sneezed, accidentally firing more rounds into the same general area as the last.  "Whoops", he remarked, unfazed. 

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Flux jumped a bit as the shot happened. "What the heck is wrong?"

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"It was at least eight bullets, if not more", she commented, still listening.  "There isn't any more though."

Max hadn't noticed the newcomer in the lobby.  He loaded a magazine into the Thompson, but sneezed, accidentally firing more rounds into the same general area as the last.  "Whoops", he remarked, unfazed.

(Just trying to help here, I thought it was spelled unphased)

"There's some more..." Arashikage said, not entirely surprised

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(Just trying to help here, I thought it was spelled unphased)

(Me too, but apparently Firefox's dictionary says that's wrong :P)

"There's some more..." Arashikage said, not entirely surprised

"We should probably continue now", Sasha replied as she rested her head on his chest.

Flux jumped a bit as the shot happened. "What the heck is wrong?"

"Oh nothing, just sneezed", the German Shepherd replied casually, loading more magazines with bullets.  Max continued to puff on his cigar.

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"Oh nothing, just sneezed", the German Shepherd replied casually, loading more magazines with bullets.  Max continued to puff on his cigar.

Flux sighed. "So why are you carrying a gun around anyway?"

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(Me too, but apparently Firefox's dictionary says that's wrong :P)

"We should probably continue now", Sasha replied as she rested her head on his chest.

(Yeah, flock says all the spellings of it are wrong, so I guess it's not a word...)

"Okay" Arashikage said, continuing to stroke her cheek

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(Yeah, flock says all the spellings of it are wrong, so I guess it's not a word...)

(Dictionary.com concurs with firefox's UNFAZED spelling http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unfazed)

"Okay" Arashikage said, continuing to stroke her cheek

"Wherever you learned this rub, I like it", She giggled, nuzzling his neck.

Flux sighed. "So why are you carrying a gun around anyway?"

"Well, I do keep the firing range up and running here, and knew I would get bored at the front desk", he joked, continuing to polish the metal and puff on his cigar.

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(Dictionary.com concurs with firefox's UNFAZED spelling http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/unfazed)

"Wherever you learned this rub, I like it", She giggled, nuzzling his neck.

(Well crap, Flock is not a good speller... even though it's a branch of Firefox)

"Learned?" Arashikage questioned smiling

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"Well, I do keep the firing range up and running here, and knew I would get bored at the front desk", he joked, continuing to polish the metal and puff on his cigar.

"Oh, okay. Well, since your an employee, and I am too, might as well get to know you." He stood and walked over. "I'm Flux."

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(Well crap, Flock is not a good speller... even though it's a branch of Firefox)

"Learned?" Arashikage questioned smiling


"Wherever it came from, I love it", She corrected, continuing to nuzzle his neck and shoulders.

"Oh, okay. Well, since your an employee, and I am too, might as well get to know you." He stood and walked over. "I'm Flux."

"Nice to meet you Flux", He replied, putting down the Thompson and outstretching his hand to shake.  "You can call me Max."

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"Alright, Max. Well, what do you enjoy to do?" He asked, still obviously a bit down. He didn't try to hide it all the way.

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"Alright, Max. Well, what do you enjoy to do?" He asked, still obviously a bit down. He didn't try to hide it all the way.

"A little bit of everything actually", he replied with a slight smile.  "What I'd like to know is what's gotten you down in the dumps", Max continued.

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"Wherever it came from, I love it", She corrected, continuing to nuzzle his neck and shoulders.

'it's only been a half of a day, but I think I'm in love' Arashikage thought as he slowly moved his hand to the back of her head

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"A little bit of everything actually", he replied with a slight smile.  "What I'd like to know is what's gotten you down in the dumps", Max continued.

"Oh, it's nothing too important. Just a little jealous is all."

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"Oh, it's nothing too important. Just a little jealous is all."

"If you don't mind me listening in, go ahead and pour everything out", he replied in a caring tone.

'it's only been a half of a day, but I think I'm in love' Arashikage thought as he slowly moved his hand to the back of her head

"Hmm, hand on the back of my head can only be one thing", Sasha joked to herself as she moved in for another kiss.

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"If you don't mind me listening in, go ahead and pour everything out", he replied in a caring tone.

"Hmm, hand on the back of my head can only be one thing", Sasha joked to herself as she moved in for another kiss.

Arashikage saw the vixen moving closer and took the hint as he moved in as well

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"If you don't mind me listening in, go ahead and pour everything out", he replied in a caring tone.

He chuckled. "Guess I'm just tired of finding the right one. And every time I meet someone like that..." He finished while sitting back down and putting his head in his hands. "It really is nothing. Sorry, I'm usually never like this. Just not me to show it."

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Arashikage saw the vixen moving closer and took the hint as he moved in as well

They both embraced, and began a passionate kiss.  Not even a crowbar could pry the two apart.

He chuckled. "Guess I'm just tired of finding the right one. And every time I meet someone like that..." He finished while sitting back down and putting his head in his hands. "It really is nothing. Sorry, I'm usually never like this. Just not me to show it."

"If you keep it pent up, you're going to explode one day", Max replied, puffing on his cigar.  "Don't worry, the time will come when you're ready.  Ha, look at me, I'm 45 and the time for perfection still hasn't come, I've been through my share of people, and I definitely know the feeling", he continued, polishing the Thompson.

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They both embraced, and began a passionate kiss.  Not even a crowbar could pry the two apart.

(Unless it was used by none other than this guy! )

Arashikage was thrown back into happiness like he has never felt before.  He holds Sasha close and strokes her back

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"If you keep it pent up, you're going to explode one day", Max replied, puffing on his cigar.  "Don't worry, the time will come when you're ready.  Ha, look at me, I'm 45 and the time for perfection still hasn't come, I've been through my share of people, and I definitely know the feeling", he continued, polishing the Thompson.

Flux did a small sigh chuckle. He looked with a small smile. "I don't think you would understand or relate to it."

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(Unless it was used by none other than this guy! )

Arashikage was thrown back into happiness like he has never felt before.  He holds Sasha close and strokes her back

(:lolhyst: I can't argue with that logic! :P)

The world stopped for the both of them.  At this time, Sasha knew she had definitively found the perfect one.  She began to massage his shoulders as he stroked her back.

Flux did a small sigh chuckle. He looked with a small smile. "I don't think you would understand or relate to it."

"Try me, I've been more than a gunsmith you know", he joked, reminding himself of old times. 

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"Try me, I've been more than a gunsmith you know", he joked, reminding himself of old times. 

He sighed and looked at the ground. "Well, this is my situation..." (Time for PM! Lol.)

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He sighed and looked at the ground. "Well, this is my situation..." (Time for PM! Lol.)

(O.O that graphic?)

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