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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"Sounds good", Max replied, placing a "Out for Dessert" sign on the desk.  He began to walk out of the range, and motioned for Flux to follow.

Flux sighed the slightest bit and followed him out. He waited to follow where Max wanted to go.

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"So, what brought you to the hotel?", Sasha asked, continuing to nuzzle his neck, giving him a small lick.

"I had to leave earth.  I set a course for a near star system, got here, and needed a place to stay" Arashikage said

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"I had to leave earth.  I set a course for a near star system, got here, and needed a place to stay" Arashikage said

"Hmm....I've passed by that planet in the past...never stopped there though", Sasha thought aloud, resting against Arashikage.

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"Hmm....I've passed by that planet in the past...never stopped there though", Sasha thought aloud, resting against Arashikage.

"It was a nice place" Arashikage said

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"It was a nice place" Arashikage said

"Maybe we could go back and visit sometime", She replied, not realizing that Earth was potentially hostile.

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"Maybe we could go back and visit sometime", She replied, not realizing that Earth was potentially hostile.

"That isn't a very good idea" Arashikage said "Earth is dead.  All the resources expended, and the oxygen poisonous."

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Flux followed Max over to the ice cream parlor that the hotel had. He sat down, allowing Max to get what he wanted. Flux wasn't feeling any need to eat ice cream.

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"That isn't a very good idea" Arashikage said "Earth is dead.  All the resources expended, and the oxygen poisonous."

"We could always vacation somewhere else", She corrected, enjoying leaning on his shoulder.

Flux followed Max over to the ice cream parlor that the hotel had. He sat down, allowing Max to get what he wanted. Flux wasn't feeling any need to eat ice cream.


"You're not gonna help me eat this?", Max chuckled, pointing to his large sundae.

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"You're not gonna help me eat this?", Max chuckled, pointing to his large sundae.

(I could say the same of Max's ability to see Flux posted. :P)

Flux sighed. "Fine." He said while taking a couple bites at most. He knew this feeling would pass, just Max's endeavors weren't really what he needed.

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"We could always vacation somewhere else", She corrected, enjoying leaning on his shoulder.


(Even Arashikage settled for ice cream)

"Yeah" Arashikage laughed a little

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(I could say the same of Max's ability to see Flux posted. :P)

Flux sighed. "Fine." He said while taking a couple bites at most. He knew this feeling would pass, just Max's endeavors weren't really what he needed.

(Haha, you got me there :P)

"You gotta loosen up sometime", Max joked, taking a small bite of the ice cream. 

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"You gotta loosen up sometime", Max joked, taking a small bite of the ice cream. 

Flux rolled his eyes. "I just don't understand why you are trying to help me." He said, obviously cutting the fake happy expression when talking to Max. "And ice cream doesn't solve problems. I just am not too hungry."

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Flux rolled his eyes. "I just don't understand why you are trying to help me." He said, obviously cutting the fake happy expression when talking to Max. "And ice cream doesn't solve problems. I just am not too hungry."

"Fair enough, I just don't like seeing people in general so down in the dumps over something so trivial.  You should enjoy your life, and then ruin it with a relationship", he joked, puffing on a cigar.

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"Fair enough, I just don't like seeing people in general so down in the dumps over something so trivial.  You should enjoy your life, and then ruin it with a relationship", he joked, puffing on a cigar.

"So 'Trivial'?!" He almost snapped, then regained his composure. "I know. I am never like this. I feel this way, yes. But with others I put that aside so they can have a good time." Flux added, setting aside his spoon. "I shouldn't be complaining at all. I'm sorry."

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"Flux, to put it bluntly, quit your bitchin', enjoy your life, and you will find someone one day.  The time will come", Max replied, continuing to puff on the cigar.

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"Flux, to put it bluntly, quit your bitchin', enjoy your life, and you will find someone one day.  The time will come", Max replied, continuing to puff on the cigar.

I did quit my bitching... He thought while mentally rolling his eyes. "Sure thing, Max." He said with a heart warming smile as he took the spoon and started taking another bite or two of ice cream.

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"You know, you can't continue with those fake smiles all the time", Max chuckled, extinguishing the remnants of one cigar and lighting another.

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"You know, you can't continue with those fake smiles all the time", Max chuckled, extinguishing the remnants of one cigar and lighting another.

Flux chuckled as he took another bite. "Apparently not around you!" He joked. "Look. Even I know I shouldn't act the way I was just doing. But if I act like I just was, then it still will be bad. Your only able to tell cause your the only one I have looked depressed around with."

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Flux chuckled as he took another bite. "Apparently not around you!" He joked. "Look. Even I know I shouldn't act the way I was just doing. But if I act like I just was, then it still will be bad. Your only able to tell cause your the only one I have looked depressed around with."

"Well, I guess you've got me there", he chuckled in return, continuing to puff on the cigar.  "Really though, you can't go on like that, look at the positive's of life."

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"Well, I guess you've got me there", he chuckled in return, continuing to puff on the cigar.  "Really though, you can't go on like that, look at the positive's of life."

"Oh course. I see it that way too. It's just that inner jealousy and desire I can't hide. Throwing that inner feeling inside is a lot harder than most think." Especially with me... He said then thought while standing up. "Well, just about done?" He asked in a normal expression.

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"This is great" Arashikage said quietly after a long moment of silence

(It was so quiet because im playing Fallout 3 lol)

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"I had a hard time getting used to it to Anne..." Sarah commented before taking her fork and soaked the last bite of her pancakes in the syrup on her plate... "Though Its not like they're using they're gift as an exploit..."

"But..." She paused as the Vixen began relieving a bit the of stress from her shoulders, and a Relaxed Expression was on for a minute or so before continuing to speak..

"Tts still an invasion of privacy, its no different then walking into someones room and reading their Diary while they're asleep..."I

"Anne..." The Hybrid spoke in a Calm tone and placed his arm around her shoulder and pulling her a bit closer, knowing it had gotten her attention since Anne's pale face began to turn Bright red. "I'm Sure If you ask her nicely... She'll let you have your thoughts to yourself."

" just for the record Anne I wasn't in your head." Krystal noted.
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"This is great" Arashikage said quietly after a long moment of silence

(It was so quiet because im playing Fallout 3 lol)

"That's an understatement", She joked, moving closer.

"Oh course. I see it that way too. It's just that inner jealousy and desire I can't hide. Throwing that inner feeling inside is a lot harder than most think." Especially with me... He said then thought while standing up. "Well, just about done?" He asked in a normal expression.

"Yeah, I've been done for about twenty minutes now", he chuckled. 

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(Is anyone at the front desk?)

Krystal set a hand on Gin's shoulder "Gin you really need to let someone train Airi in her powers it would help her alot and you too."

Even though Krystal had already left him to comfort Anne, the silver-furred vulpine lightly shook his head. 'No, it wouldn't.  Like Anne said, it's an invasion of privacy.'

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" just for the record Anne I wasn't in your head." Krystal noted.

"Wait... So If you weren't, then... Who was?" She questioned... Thinking for a Second before looking up to Scott again. But he Shook his head indicating that really didn't have an answer for her...

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