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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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'Yeah like I'd like another power to balance ontop of telepathy. I"m sure  you know well from Airi that telepathy isn't all sunshine  and rainbows.'

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"I'm not too sure", he replied, trying to stifle laughs.  "Something was tickling me".

"Did you want me to continue them?" She said jokingly while giving him a hug and light kiss.


"Not a race, per se," he began with a grin and a light flick of his tail, "but I don't want people thinking I eat a ton on my lunch breaks."

He took note of him and chuckled. "That makes sense. Come on then!" He said while picking up the pace a little, not sure how fast Cel could run, and not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

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'Yeah like I'd like another power to balance ontop of telepathy. I"m sure  you know well from Airi that telepathy isn't all sunshine  and rainbows.'

His ear twitching, the fox asked, 'What do you mean?'

He took note of him and chuckled. "That makes sense. Come on then!" He said while picking up the pace a little, not sure how fast Cel could run, and not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

Cel was perfectly fine at the pace Flux had picked.  He wasn't the strongest, but he was fit, had good stamina, and a natural sense for speed.  The running was actually making the tiger feel even happier.  He liked the feel of his blood pumping, adrenaline flowing through him--and all this just for going to the pool, too.

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'Telepathy can leave you more open Emotionally to people you can feel their pain and it can overwhelm you if your not trained enough.' Krystal explained in thought. "look into me my mind is open to you  read me like a book if you must ,Gin I seek only to be a good friend and possibly help you.' Krystal added in thoguht blocking out her thoughts about  giving Airi  her sight back and her thoughts to give Gin a voice.

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"That's an understatement", She joked, moving closer.

(OMFG RL sucks)

"It is" Arashikage said

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'Telepathy can leave you more open Emotionally to people you can feel their pain and it can overwhelm you if your not trained enough.' Krystal explained in thought. "look into me my mind is open to you  read me like a book if you must ,Gin I seek only to be a good friend and possibly help you.' Krystal added in thoguht blocking out her thoughts about  giving Airi  her sight back and her thoughts to give Gin a voice.

'I -can't- look into your mind.  Airi's the telepath, not me.' Gin remarked, just a titch annoyed by the vixen's suggestion.  'And Airi's never complained about that sort of thing.'

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"Did you want me to continue them?" She said jokingly while giving him a hug and light kiss.

"I'd rather fall into a fire pit than be subjected to that tickle again", Zeke joked, hugging her back. 


Max continued to search for the missing ammunition clip, but currently had no luck.  He began to look through the different draws, being careful not to destroy the draw.

(OMFG RL sucks)

"It is" Arashikage said

(DAAAAAMN, what took you? XD)

Sasha stayed quiet, enjoying his presence. 

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(DAAAAAMN, what took you? XD)

Sasha stayed quiet, enjoying his presence.

(Had to go to a friends house for dinner, then go to some youth group thing nobody told me about....)

Arashikage holds Sasha close again "You think we should get out now?" He asked realizing the incredibly long time they were in for

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(Had to go to a friends house for dinner, then go to some youth group thing nobody told me about....)

Arashikage holds Sasha close again "You think we should get out now?" He asked realizing the incredibly long time they were in for

(I hate those kind of surprises :lol:)

"That may be a good idea", She replied as she carefully made her way out of the tub. 

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Cel was perfectly fine at the pace Flux had picked.  He wasn't the strongest, but he was fit, had good stamina, and a natural sense for speed.  The running was actually making the tiger feel even happier.  He liked the feel of his blood pumping, adrenaline flowing through him--and all this just for going to the pool, too.

Flux smiled as they jogged up the steps. They finally got to the roof eventually. Flux opened the door and motioned for Cel. "After you."


"I'd rather fall into a fire pit than be subjected to that tickle again", Zeke joked, hugging her back. 

Rynian rolled her eyes and pulled back. "Well, we have been here for a bit. Shall we go back?"

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'I -can't- look into your mind.  Airi's the telepath, not me.' Gin remarked, just a titch annoyed by the vixen's suggestion.  'And Airi's never complained about that sort of thing.'

'maybe she didn't want you to worry.' Krystal thought.
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(I hate those kind of surprises :lol:)

"That may be a good idea", She replied as she carefully made her way out of the tub.

Arashikage also steps out of the tub, taking his towel and offering the other to Sasha

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Flux smiled as they jogged up the steps. They finally got to the roof eventually. Flux opened the door and motioned for Cel. "After you."

Lightly bowing his head, the tiger said, "Why thank you, Sir!" before stepping out onto the rooftop.  He had started walking to the hot tub purely out of habit, stopping only halfway there with a twitch of his ear.

'Heh...That's...not what we're here for this time...'

Turning towards the pool and making his way to it, Cel set his towel down on the edge, waiting for Flux before stepping into the water.

'maybe she didn't want you to worry.' Krystal thought.

'Ask her if you want.'

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'Will it anger you if I do?' Krystal thought back in responce.

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Rynian rolled her eyes and pulled back. "Well, we have been here for a bit. Shall we go back?"

"You're the boss", Zeke responded, preparing to drive again.  "So, I think I'm going to stay away from chocolate volcanoes for awhile", he joked.

Arashikage also steps out of the tub, taking his towel and offering the other to Sasha

"Thank you, for the towel, and the good time", She said, shaking her fur out slightly, and then wrapping herself in the towel. 

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"Thank you, for the towel, and the good time", She said, shaking her fur out slightly, and then wrapping herself in the towel.

"It was my pleasure" Arashikage said as he dried off

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'Will it anger you if I do?' Krystal thought back in responce.

'Your assumptions seem to do more harm, don't they?'

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Lightly bowing his head, the tiger said, "Why thank you, Sir!" before stepping out onto the rooftop.  He had started walking to the hot tub purely out of habit, stopping only halfway there with a twitch of his ear.

'Heh...That's...not what we're here for this time...'

Turning towards the pool and making his way to it, Cel set his towel down on the edge, waiting for Flux before stepping into the water.

Flux smiled sincerely as Cel went over to the pool. He quickly went to the small Lifeguard hut, and changed into his swim outfit. (Life guard pic) He jogged over to Cel, and got into the water. "Come on in! This is where the lessons take place." He said with a joking manner.


"You're the boss", Zeke responded, preparing to drive again.  "So, I think I'm going to stay away from chocolate volcanoes for awhile", he joked.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." She said with a chuckle and looking out the window at places.

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Flux smiled sincerely as Cel went over to the pool. He quickly went to the small Lifeguard hut, and changed into his swim outfit. (Life guard pic) He jogged over to Cel, and got into the water. "Come on in! This is where the lessons take place." He said with a joking manner.

"You sure?  I was thinking we could practice the strokes out of the water." he joked in return, stepping into the pool.  The water, at first, was surprisingly cool, sending a small shiver up his spine.  Thankfully, Cel quickly got used to it and the water eventually even seemed warm.

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Bri walks up onto the roof in her swim suit, seeing the boys, she runs over to them "Fancy seeing you here" She said


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'Your assumptions seem to do more harm, don't they?'

'Maybe maybe not.' Krystal thought back.
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"It was my pleasure" Arashikage said as he dried off

Sasha made her way toward the door, and opened it, holding it for Arashikage.  "Gentlemen first", she teased, waiting for him to descend the stairs.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." She said with a chuckle and looking out the window at places.

"Don't worry about it, I've actually always wanted to bathe in chocolate", he joked in reply as he backed out of the lot, and merged back onto the public roads.

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'Maybe maybe not.' Krystal thought back.

'Oh, just start talking to her already...' thought the fox, shutting his mind off to Krystal for the time.

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Sasha made her way toward the door, and opened it, holding it for Arashikage.  "Gentlemen first", she teased, waiting for him to descend the stairs.

"Isn't the term, ladies first?" Arashikage said as he stepped through the door and waited for Sasha to enter

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"You sure?  I was thinking we could practice the strokes out of the water." he joked in return, stepping into the pool.  The water, at first, was surprisingly cool, sending a small shiver up his spine.  Thankfully, Cel quickly got used to it and the water eventually even seemed warm.

Flux smiled, keeping himself under control quite well. "Well then. Let's see what you got and then go from there."


"Don't worry about it, I've actually always wanted to bathe in chocolate", he joked in reply as he backed out of the lot, and merged back onto the public roads.

"Mmmm... That sounds tasty." She said while imagining it and what it would be like. She also knew if Zeke could ever be surrounded by any food he liked he would be happy.

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