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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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Feeling a little embarrassed that Flux had asked, not wanting to give him the real reason but not wanting to lie either, Cel said in response, "What, can't it just be you and me time?"

(Watch out there, that can be interpreted two different ways)

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"Right." Krystal replied Sarcastically toned to Scott. 'Well I woke up one morning hearing my mom and dads thoughts..' Krystal relpied remembering vividly the moment.

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Feeling a little embarrassed that Flux had asked, not wanting to give him the real reason but not wanting to lie either, Cel said in response, "What, can't it just be you and me time?"

Flux smiled, hiding his embarrassment quite well. "Sure thing." He said with a nod. "Go ahead and do a length, and I'll be able to see where to improve." He started. "You can swim that far at least, right?"

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(Watch out there, that can be interpreted two different ways)

(Hmm...So it could.  XD)

"Right." Krystal replied Sarcastically toned to Scott. 'Well I woke up one morning hearing my mom and dads thoughts..' Krystal relpied remembering vividly the moment.

'I heard all of Gin's thoughts, but that was it.  When we woke up, we didn't know where we were.  It was all just grass...Lots of it.  Like a really big field or something, and we couldn't see anyone else for miles around...Well, I mean, I definitely couldn't, but neither could Gin...'

Flux smiled, hiding his embarrassment quite well. "Sure thing." He said with a nod. "Go ahead and do a length, and I'll be able to see where to improve." He started. "You can swim that far at least, right?"

"Right, right..."

Cel hadn't really thought that it would be embarrassing swimming in front of his new-found friend, but he was a lifeguard.  He had seen lousy swimming a lot in the past, right?

"Okay..."  Getting into position in the deeper end, the tiger began to swim towards the other side of the pool.  His speed was decent and it was obvious he had enough control not to drown, but his form was sloppy.  The main problem was that it just looked bad.  Reaching the other side, Cel grabbed onto the wall, shaking his head to let the little drops of water flick off.  "H-How was that?" he asked, assuming he knew what the wolf would say.

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'So you could see before that?' Krystal asked.

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'So you could see before that?' Krystal asked.

The vixen gave a subtle shrug of her shoulders, her tail idly swishing behind her.  'I...Well...We're not sure...' she admitted, a little embarrassed to do so.  'Just...Well, sometimes I can see things in my dreams, and when I tell Gin about them he says that's how things actually look...'

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'Would you like me to teach you about telepathy so that maybe you can use yours better?" krystal asked.

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"Right, right..."

Cel hadn't really thought that it would be embarrassing swimming in front of his new-found friend, but he was a lifeguard.  He had seen lousy swimming a lot in the past, right?

"Okay..."  Getting into position in the deeper end, the tiger began to swim towards the other side of the pool.  His speed was decent and it was obvious he had enough control not to drown, but his form was sloppy.  The main problem was that it just looked bad.  Reaching the other side, Cel grabbed onto the wall, shaking his head to let the little drops of water flick off.  "H-How was that?" he asked, assuming he knew what the wolf would say.

He chuckled a tiny bit, controlling himself well. "Well, I'll show you what you look like." Flux said. He went along with just about the same exact way Cel did. He came to the other end and looked at him. He explained a tiny bit of how his arms, legs and hips were not in proper proportion, or doing the right motion. After explaining, "...And when you put all of that together..." He stated while starting the process and showing him how it really looks. He did it with not gold medal speed, but had a fairly nice amount and with great form. he popped out on the other side. "That's what it looks like!"

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'Would you like me to teach you about telepathy so that maybe you can use yours better?" krystal asked.

'But...But Gin tells me I shouldn't use it unless I'm talking to him or he says otherwise...'

He chuckled a tiny bit, controlling himself well. "Well, I'll show you what you look like." Flux said. He went along with just about the same exact way Cel did. He came to the other end and looked at him. He explained a tiny bit of how his arms, legs and hips were not in proper proportion, or doing the right motion. After explaining, "...And when you put all of that together..." He stated while starting the process and showing him how it really looks. He did it with not gold medal speed, but had a fairly nice amount and with great form. he popped out on the other side. "That's what it looks like!"

When Cel watched Flux reenact his own swimming, the tiger's ears slowly drooped and a heavy blush crossed his face.  'I looked like a train wreck...'  He knew he was bad, but that was just sad.

The tiger paid careful attention to Flux's words, though he was still disappointed with himself.  When the wolf was finished, he nodded in understanding, not sure whether or not he wanted to try again.

(Suck, I've gotta go.  I'll be back on later tonight...See ya^^; )

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When Cel watched Flux reenact his own swimming, the tiger's ears slowly drooped and a heavy blush crossed his face.  'I looked like a train wreck...'  He knew he was bad, but that was just sad.

The tiger paid careful attention to Flux's words, though he was still disappointed with himself.  When the wolf was finished, he nodded in understanding, not sure whether or not he wanted to try again.

(Suck, I've gotta go.  I'll be back on later tonight...See ya^^; )

(No prob.)

Flux quirked in confusion of his hesitation. "Come on! If you mess up, there is always another try!" He said with a smile. At most things at least...

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'But...but...your not Gin are you?' 'This won't concern Gin you are your own person and I understand you love him ,but somtimes your going to have to make your own decisions' Krystal Thought back.

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"Right." Krystal replied Sarcastically toned to Scott.

His Face was about as Red as a Tomato seeing that she Didn't Buy it... "If you ladie's will Excuse me.." He said Quietly as he slipped his free arm under Anne's leg's and Carefuly lifted Her Up from the Chair...

"Oh Common Scott, Don't take it so harshly it was just a Joke to Light'n the mood a bit..." Sarah commented But really didn't get much of a response other then an annoyed glare...

Though as he got to the Frame of the Door Anne started to slowly open her Eye's, smiling as she saw his face...

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"Cute when he's mad isn't he?" Krystal asked Anne.

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"Cute when he's mad isn't he?" Krystal asked Anne.

"I guess..." She Replied but her voice did sound pretty drowzy, though as she started to Regain her focus She began to Realize that he wasn't in the best of moods... "Are... you alright?"

All he Did was just look down at her in his Arms, not sure wether he was should angry or not as alot of confused emotions swirled around in his mind...

'I honestly Don't know... Half of me say's its alright, but the rest keep telling that Tie's are better left off broken or never made in the First place... Not mention I'd have Even more Merc's shoved down my thoat then before. He began to Argue with himself as he Contiued to stare into the Collie's eyes...

"Scott?" She Asked again... But her tone sounded more Concerned.

"Just a little exausted..." He finally Replied setting her down...

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Flux quirked in confusion of his hesitation. "Come on! If you mess up, there is always another try!" He said with a smile. At most things at least...

"W-Well...I'm just..."  Cel rubbed the back of his neck, looking away slightly in embarrassment.  "So you won't think less of me if I mess up again, right?"

'But...but...your not Gin are you?' 'This won't concern Gin you are your own person and I understand you love him ,but somtimes your going to have to make your own decisions' Krystal Thought back.

Whether or not she agreed with Krystal, the young vixen found it rude how she just left her to go talk to someone else.  'Maybe I'm not Gin, but I trust him.' she said stubbornly, her response fueled by Krystal's seeming lack of respect.

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"W-Well...I'm just..."  Cel rubbed the back of his neck, looking away slightly in embarrassment.  "So you won't think less of me if I mess up again, right?"

"Of course not! We're friends, remember?" He said with a sincere smile. Although inside something hurt him the slightest.

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"Of course not! We're friends, remember?" He said with a sincere smile. Although inside something hurt him the slightest.

Looking at the wolf, Cel gratefully returned the smile.  It felt like he had known Flux much longer than just a day.

"Okay...But could you show me one more time?  I-If it's no trouble?"

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Looking at the wolf, Cel gratefully returned the smile.  It felt like he had known Flux much longer than just a day.

"Okay...But could you show me one more time?  I-If it's no trouble?"

He chuckled and looked back with a smile. "No problem." Flux then showed the proper technique as he swam back to Cel. He popped up from the water and looked at him. "Good now?"

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He chuckled and looked back with a smile. "No problem." Flux then showed the proper technique as he swam back to Cel. He popped up from the water and looked at him. "Good now?"

'Well, I'll try...'

Giving the wolf a light nod and rather weak smile, Cel started off again to the other side of the pool.  Just from being shown his errors and watching what he -should- be doing, the tiger had greatly improved--but that didn't say too much.  Flux still looked much better than him.

Still, though, Cel grabbed the wall on the other side with a triumphant grin, turning back towards Flux.  "How about that time?"

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'Well, I'll try...'

Giving the wolf a light nod and rather weak smile, Cel started off again to the other side of the pool.  Just from being shown his errors and watching what he -should- be doing, the tiger had greatly improved--but that didn't say too much.  Flux still looked much better than him.

Still, though, Cel grabbed the wall on the other side with a triumphant grin, turning back towards Flux.  "How about that time?"

"Much better!" Flux spoke out while swimming towards him. "Just a bit more work on it, and you will be great in no time." He said while smiling.

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"Much better!" Flux spoke out while swimming towards him. "Just a bit more work on it, and you will be great in no time." He said while smiling.

Flux's praise made him feel even better, glad to have someone like him around.  Even if he wasn't giving him free lessons, the wolf seemed to make a great friend.  "Heh, sorry about taking up your time, though.  I'm sure you have better things to do than try to teach me."

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Flux's praise made him feel even better, glad to have someone like him around.  Even if he wasn't giving him free lessons, the wolf seemed to make a great friend.  "Heh, sorry about taking up your time, though.  I'm sure you have better things to do than try to teach me."

Flux rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled lightly. "Heh. No way. I don't know what I would be doing right now if I wasn't here teaching you."

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Flux rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled lightly. "Heh. No way. I don't know what I would be doing right now if I wasn't here teaching you."

With a light twitch of his ear, Cel tipped his head to one side, obviously growing curious.  "What, no other hobbies?"

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With a light twitch of his ear, Cel tipped his head to one side, obviously growing curious.  "What, no other hobbies?"

He blushed in a little embarrassment. "Oh, no. I like to do other things too. Just, I guess so far your the first person here I know well. And seeing as my other friends," Yeah, all my other small amount of acquaintances... "Aren't over here at the hotel, hanging out with you is pretty nice."

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He blushed in a little embarrassment. "Oh, no. I like to do other things too. Just, I guess so far your the first person here I know well. And seeing as my other friends," Yeah, all my other small amount of acquaintances... "Aren't over here at the hotel, hanging out with you is pretty nice."

His expression of curiosity turning into a warm, friendly one, Cel's tail gave a light flick underwater.  "Then how about we make hanging out a regular thing?"

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