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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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His expression of curiosity turning into a warm, friendly one, Cel's tail gave a light flick underwater.  "Then how about we make hanging out a regular thing?"

Flux smiled, his ears raising the slightest. "You bet!"

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Flux smiled, his ears raising the slightest. "You bet!"

"Then let's start this off right:  What're you doing tomorrow?"

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"Then let's start this off right:  What're you doing tomorrow?"

"Well..." Flux thought, getting a little flustered inside, but not showing it. "I have some paperwork to fill out (My homework. :P) and other than that, I'll be free!" He said, smiling and feeling a bitter-sweet feeling inside.

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"Well..." Flux thought, getting a little flustered inside, but not showing it. "I have some paperwork to fill out (My homework. :P) and other than that, I'll be free!" He said, smiling and feeling a bitter-sweet feeling inside.

"Awesome!  I have the usual paperwork too, but then I can just take a break like I did today!"

'Today's a good day...'

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"Awesome!  I have the usual paperwork too, but then I can just take a break like I did today!"

'Today's a good day...'

"Great!" He said while pulling himself up from the pool. "So," No, no, no! You can't do that! He thought before finishing his sentence. "I guess you should be getting back to the desk, right?" Flux finished, sighing on the inside out of relief.

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"Great!" He said while pulling himself up from the pool. "So," No, no, no! You can't do that! He thought before finishing his sentence. "I guess you should be getting back to the desk, right?" Flux finished, sighing on the inside out of relief.

"Actually, it's the night shift by this hour...I only work during the day."  With just a light smirk, Cel clasped his hands together behind his head, his tail idly swishing behind him.  "Guess I ended up taking a pretty long lunch break, didn't I?"

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"Actually, it's the night shift by this hour...I only work during the day."  With just a light smirk, Cel clasped his hands together behind his head, his tail idly swishing behind him.  "Guess I ended up taking a pretty long lunch break, didn't I?"

"Heh. I guess you did." Flux said, getting back into the water. "What did you want to do now?"

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"Heh. I guess you did." Flux said, getting back into the water. "What did you want to do now?"

"Well, I've had my fill of swimming for a day...I'm open for the hot tub, though, if you don't wanna dry off just yet." he suggested.

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Bri(Remember her Ris? XD) is walking around the upstairs hall just outside the door to the roof weighing her options 'I think I should go see him, I havent seen him all day' She thought 'but he's embarrassed about something' She rethought

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Bri(Remember her Ris? XD) is walking around the upstairs hall just outside the door to the roof weighing her options 'I think I should go see him, I havent seen him all day' She thought 'but he's embarrassed about something' She rethought

(Yes, yes I remember her =P)

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Max continued his search for the missing ammunition while attending the night shift simultaneously.  "Now where could that thing have gotten off to?"


"Well, it took awhile, but I can see the hotel!", Zeke said, pointing to it from behind the windshield. 


Sasha continued to trail behind Arashikage, enjoying the time spent with him.

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"Well, I've had my fill of swimming for a day...I'm open for the hot tub, though, if you don't wanna dry off just yet." he suggested.

Flux smiled at this. "That sounds great, my back has been hurting today too. That should help." He said while pulling himself out and heading to a hot tub near by.


Ryn looked eager. "That's great!"

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Flux smiled at this. "That sounds great, my back has been hurting today too. That should help." He said while pulling himself out and heading to a hot tub near by.

His ears perking up happily, the tiger got out of the pool and followed after the wolf, his swimming suit dripping thoroughly along the way.  Once they reached the hot tub, Cel was the first to enter, slowly lowering himself in--letting out a long sigh the entire way.  "Dang that feels good..."

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Sasha continued to trail behind Arashikage, enjoying the time spent with him.

"So, where do you want to go?" Arashikage asked over his shoulder


Bri walks through the door to the roof "Cel, we need to talk" She said

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His ears perking up happily, the tiger got out of the pool and followed after the wolf, his swimming suit dripping thoroughly along the way.  Once they reached the hot tub, Cel was the first to enter, slowly lowering himself in--letting out a long sigh the entire way.  "Dang that feels good..."

Flux dipped in as well, and laid his arms out around the outer edge of where he was and also sighed. "You bet..." He trailed off, lost a bit in his own thoughts, but still having a lot of attention on Cel.

He saw Bri. "Oh, you might want to go, Cel." He said, not wanting him to get in trouble.

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Flux dipped in as well, and laid his arms out around the outer edge of where he was and also sighed. "You bet..." He trailed off, lost a bit in his own thoughts, but still having a lot of attention on Cel.

He saw Bri. "Oh, you might want to go, Cel." He said, not wanting him to get in trouble.

Bri walks through the door to the roof "Cel, we need to talk" She said

Looking back to the ligress, Cel smiled in greeting, but he was a little worried about how she said it.  "Privately?" he asked.

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Looking back to the ligress, Cel smiled in greeting, but he was a little worried about how she said it.  "Privately?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter" Bri said

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"So, where do you want to go?" Arashikage asked over his shoulder

"Anywhere is fine with me, although something to fill my stomach sounds quite nice", she replied with a smile, quickening her pace so that she now stood next to him.  Her tail gently and carefully brushed against his back as they walked 

Ryn looked eager. "That's great!"

"Haha, I hope the place isn't on fire by the time we get back", Zeke joked, slowly turning into the parking lot.  He began to circle the familiar area, looking for an open spot. 


"Come to papa!", Max muttered as he reached his hand behind one of the draws in the desk.  He could feel the metal casing, but just couldn't get a grasp on it.  Any guest walking in would find quite a comical sight. 

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Looking back to the ligress, Cel smiled in greeting, but he was a little worried about how she said it.  "Privately?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter" Bri said

Flux saw this as his heart dropped a lot. He stood up. "Heh, I'll give you two some time." He said while walking out og the tub, grabbing his towel, and into the door leading to the roof.


"We are more likely to light it on fire, Zeke." Ryn joked the truth with him.

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"It doesn't matter" Bri said

"Oh...Well..."  Cel turned to Flux, letting the wolf decide.

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"Oh...Well..."  Cel turned to Flux, letting the wolf decide.

"Just tell me when you two are done." He said before closing the door to leave the two alone. His ears and tail dropped as he stood there waiting for it to be over with.

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"Anywhere is fine with me, although something to fill my stomach sounds quite nice", she replied with a smile, quickening her pace so that she now stood next to him.  Her tail gently and carefully brushed against his back as they walked

"Okay, then the dining hall it is" Arashikage said


Bri looks back at Flux and as he dissapeared she said "Cel, I'm your girlfriend, you can tell me if something is wrong.  When you sent me out, I could tell you were embarrassed about something.  Don't be.  I would understand"

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"We are more likely to light it on fire, Zeke." Ryn joked the truth with him.

"You know....that's pretty true", he replied with a smile, pulling into a newly found spot and shifting the car into park. 

"Okay, then the dining hall it is" Arashikage said

"Something very chewy, and a meat definitely", she pondered aloud, moving closer to Arashikage.  "Hmm, you're cute enough to eat", she joked, drawing him into a kiss.

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"You know....that's pretty true", he replied with a smile, pulling into a newly found spot and shifting the car into park. 

She hugged him and gave a small kiss before unbuckling herself. "Shall we go see what is going on?" Ryn stated while opening her door.

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Bri looks back at Flux and as he dissapeared she said "Cel, I'm your girlfriend, you can tell me if something is wrong.  When you sent me out, I could tell you were embarrassed about something.  Don't be.  I would understand"


This was embarrassing as it was.

"Okay, see, I...Heh, I know -how- to swim...I just -don't-...You know?"

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