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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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In response to the gentle rub, Zeke's tail began to thump slightly on the bed.  "Wind my tail up and watch it go", he joked, burrowing his head near her shoulder.

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In response to the gentle rub, Zeke's tail began to thump slightly on the bed.  "Wind my tail up and watch it go", he joked, burrowing his head near her shoulder.

She then rested her head on him and sighed. She took a look at her wrist where her watch was. "Oh, we slept in big time, Zeke." She said softly, not wanting to get up. "Should we bother getting up, or stay here?" She said with a seductive overtone.

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"Hmm, let actions speak louder than words I suppose", he pondered aloud, beginning to cuddle with her.

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"Hmm, let actions speak louder than words I suppose", he pondered aloud, beginning to cuddle with her.

She smiled, and started liking his neck, while cuddling back. "Have I told you I love your tail?"

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"I think it enjoyed that comment", he joked as it started waving back and forth along the bed.  In return for the lick, he rested his head on her shoulder and began to lick the back of her neck from his new vantage point.

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Cel stepped out of the elevator and entered the lobby, ready to work for whatever was left of the day he had.  He had slept in, and when he woke he only stayed in bed, eventually falling asleep under the weight of his swarming thoughts.  The tiger's mind was still occupied almost fully by Flux, hoping that the wolf was okay.

But when he didn't see him in the lobby and didn't see him on the elevator, Cel doubted it.

(just for the record Ris  KRystal never left the table) ' I Understand that Trust Airi... ,but can you trust him to understand everything about you? you are a girl I'm not trying to break you two up I never want that to happen. What I will teach you if you want me to  is things about telepathy besides mind reading ,but  you must make that choice for yourself not Gin You can Ask Gin if you want though. Krystal thought back there was honesty in her voice ,but also a sense of worry.

(I know, but she left Airi's side as if leaving her attention lol)

'W-Well...'  This was all a lot to handle.  She couldn't remember ever really making major decisions on her own.  Gin had always helped her out.  Glancing blindly towards the vulpine before turning back, she hesitantly thought to the older vixen, 'What...could you teach me?'

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'Things to do with somones Aura like their location  and stuff like that. It really depends on what you already know.'

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"I think it enjoyed that comment", he joked as it started waving back and forth along the bed.  In return for the lick, he rested his head on her shoulder and began to lick the back of her neck from his new vantage point.

Her neck bent forward a bit in pleasure as she groaned a bit. She simply cuddled with him, wanting to him to continue the nice treatment.

Cel stepped out of the elevator and entered the lobby, ready to work for whatever was left of the day he had.  He had slept in, and when he woke he only stayed in bed, eventually falling asleep under the weight of his swarming thoughts.  The tiger's mind was still occupied almost fully by Flux, hoping that the wolf was okay.

But when he didn't see him in the lobby and didn't see him on the elevator, Cel doubted it.

(Hola, Ris)

Feeling hungry, the wolf exited the room and into the lounge. It was easy to see him. He had a normal expression on his face, unable to put up a smile right now. He did not notice anyone near him.

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'Things to do with somones Aura like their location  and stuff like that.'

'And...A-And it's not rude, right?'

(Hola, Ris)

Feeling hungry, the wolf exited the room and into the lounge. It was easy to see him. He had a normal expression on his face, unable to put up a smile right now. He did not notice anyone near him.

(Hey^^...If I wanted to post my current situation regarding my computer time, where would I do that?)

Cel's ears perked up when he saw Flux, but his hopeful expression faltered soon after.  What if he still wasn't okay?  Would he ignore Cel?

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'We can focus on the non-rude things.'  Krystal replied ears perking.

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'We can focus on the non-rude things.'  Krystal replied ears perking.

'Well...I-If...You won't tell Gin, will you?'

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'If you don't want me to.'

Her tail beginning to swish, Airi forced herself to keep a straight face.  'I don't want him to know.  He'd stop it...So if you're sure...then you can teach me...'

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(Hey^^...If I wanted to post my current situation regarding my computer time, where would I do that?)

Cel's ears perked up when he saw Flux, but his hopeful expression faltered soon after.  What if he still wasn't okay?  Would he ignore Cel?

(The time clock section.)

As Flux was about to enter the hall, he took a look back, hoping to just see the desk, but saw Cel there too. ...Time for the charade... He thought while walking over to him. He thought he might be able to fool him with a smile, so he tried. It was a good smile, just not sure if Cel would now be able to see through it. "Hey, Cel."

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"I won't tell him then.' Krystal replied. 'sleep with me tonight I'll teach you before we go to sleep or in the morning.'

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(The time clock section.)

As Flux was about to enter the hall, he took a look back, hoping to just see the desk, but saw Cel there too. ...Time for the charade... He thought while walking over to him. He thought he might be able to fool him with a smile, so he tried. It was a good smile, just not sure if Cel would now be able to see through it. "Hey, Cel."

"Hey..." he replied, though it was obvious by his rather weak smile and the light shine in his eyes that Cel was still uncertain.  The tiger didn't want to bring it all up again, but he had to get closure.  "You feeling all right?"

"I won't tell him then.' Krystal replied. 'sleep with me tonight I'll teach you before we go to sleep or in the morning.'

'Okay...So can you make up an excuse?  I mean, there has to be a reason why I wouldn't just sleep with him like usual...' she mumbled in her thoughts.  'He knows when I'm lying.'

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Her neck bent forward a bit in pleasure as she groaned a bit. She simply cuddled with him, wanting to him to continue the nice treatment.

(Sorry for the wait :P)

Zeke was quite glad that she was enjoying it, and nuzzled into her neck, playfully pushing around the fur in that area.


"Damn...outta cigars", Max joked as he put his case down and got up, attempting to remember where he could find more around the hotel.  "I guess the front desk would know", he concluded as he began to slowly make his way down the halls.

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'Okay...So can you make up an excuse?  I mean, there has to be a reason why I wouldn't just sleep with him like usual...' she mumbled in her thoughts.  'He knows when I'm lying.'

'How old are you Airi?' krystal asked a idea brewing in her head.
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(Sorry for the wait :P)

Zeke was quite glad that she was enjoying it, and nuzzled into her neck, playfully pushing around the fur in that area.

(No worry)

She giggled as much pleasure came from it. Ryn almost completely stopped moving, as her tail also now was flickering and wagging now.

"Hey..." he replied, though it was obvious by his rather weak smile and the light shine in his eyes that Cel was still uncertain.  The tiger didn't want to bring it all up again, but he had to get closure.  "You feeling all right?"

Flux knew he was going to pull out stuff about the night before hand; He braced himself for any questions Cel had this time. "A bit better you could say." Still a false smile on his face as he continued the bluff.

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'How old are you Airi?' krystal asked a idea brewing in her head.

'We think we're fourteen.' she replied with just a light nod, not wanting her brother to catch on.

Luckily, he seemed clueless to their conversation, idly glancing around.

Flux knew he was going to pull out stuff about the night before hand; He braced himself for any questions Cel had this time. "A bit better you could say." Still a false smile on his face as he continued the bluff.

"Well..."  With a light sigh, Cel slid his hands into his pockets, looking away slightly.  "I'm sorry about what I said.  It...It was uncalled for..."

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'I can find out for certain if you'd like, but tell me later right now i'm  going to ask Gin.' Krystal replied moving her mind to Gin again'Gin you mind if Airi and I sleep together tonight so we can talk about some...private girl things?' Krystal asked Gin.

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"Well..."  With a light sigh, Cel slid his hands into his pockets, looking away slightly.  "I'm sorry about what I said.  It...It was uncalled for..."

Flux still with a smile, although he was hurting badly inside, took a seat. "It's not your fault. I am not your normal wolf you could say." He said while motioning to the seat next to him. "Sit. You can ask anything you want, and I'll answer honestly. It will make the two of us feel better."

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'I can find out for certain if you'd like, but tell me later right now i'm  going to ask Gin.' Krystal replied moving her mind to Gin again'Gin you mind if Airi and I sleep together tonight so we can talk about some...private girl things?' Krystal asked Gin.

'Erm...What...kinds of girl things?' Gin asked, a little confused and surprised by the sudden question.

(Sorry, I'll be back, Nick)

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(No worry)

She giggled as much pleasure came from it. Ryn almost completely stopped moving, as her tail also now was flickering and wagging now.

Zeke began to slowly lick around the area, and brush his tail against her at the same time.  He knew she was enjoying it, and wanted to show a bit more of affection.


Max continued to walk down the hall, reaching for his empty cigar stash out of habit.  "Hehe, how long have I had those things?", he thought while continuing down the pathway.

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(Sorry, I'll be back, Nick)

(Leaving? Okay. I gots stuff I can do to occupy myself. Lol)

Zeke began to slowly lick around the area, and brush his tail against her at the same time.  He knew she was enjoying it, and wanted to show a bit more of affection.

Ryn was now literally motionless. The back of her neck was now obvious her weak spot for cuddling. "Oh..." She groaned in pleasure.

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