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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"I only know what was at the top of your head.  You are sad about possibly losing a friend, And you are offended about me reading your mind, Sorry!  But that's all I know.  Like I said, It's very hard for me to control my powers, I hope you will forgive me" Aria said

He sighed, happy to know not everything else was looked at. "Well, it's fine." He went a bit closer to her. "Do you think you could try a little bit harder to not read mine, though? It would really mean a lot."

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'I'm sorry Airi i'll be out in a few minutes.' krystal thought to Airi as she finished up her shower.

'Kay...' she replied simply in thought, feeling rather upset.  Krystal had just called her dumb...

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He sighed, happy to know not everything else was looked at. "Well, it's fine." He went a bit closer to her. "Do you think you could try a little bit harder to not read mine, though? It would really mean a lot."

"I'm sorry again.  If I could I would, but it just happens sporadically.  I just wish I could control it" Aria said

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"I'm sorry again.  If I could I would, but it just happens sporadically.  I just wish I could control it" Aria said

Flux then sighed aloud, not thinking of anything. "Well, okay then." He said. If she found out anything about him, he wouldn't be the one to control it. He had no power over Aria's telepathic powers that were apparently not sporadic but reading his mind all the time. Flux pulled himself up off of the pool, and onto the edge, and gave Aria a hand. "Coming up?" He said with a smile.

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Flux then sighed aloud, not thinking of anything. "Well, okay then." He said. If she found out anything about him, he wouldn't be the one to control it. He had no power over Aria's telepathic powers that were apparently not sporadic but reading his mind all the time. Flux pulled himself up off of the pool, and onto the edge, and gave Aria a hand. "Coming up?" He said with a smile.

"Okay" She said, glad he didn't hate her because of her brief invasion of his privacy

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'No new guests today...' Cel thought to himself as he idly checked the files on the computer.  The tiger was seated at the front desk as he usually was, though today was a slow day and a lot of things were on his mind.

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"Okay" She said, glad he didn't hate her because of her brief invasion of his privacy

He pulled her up, accidentally into him making him almost fall as he caught himself. Flux chuckled with a sheepish grin. "Heh, sorry about that."

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'No new guests today...' Cel thought to himself as he idly checked the files on the computer.  The tiger was seated at the front desk as he usually was, though today was a slow day and a lot of things were on his mind.

"Not much happening today" Bri said, in her usual position on the couch

He pulled her up, accidentally into him making him almost fall as he caught himself. Flux chuckled with a sheepish grin. "Heh, sorry about that."

"It's okay, happens to everyone" Aria said taking his hand again

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'Kay...' she replied simply in thought, feeling rather upset.  Krystal had just called her dumb...

with her hair still wet yet dressed krystla cme out of the shower walking  to Airi "I was wrong." She said simply.
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"Not much happening today" Bri said, in her usual position on the couch

"Nope...Kind of sad, actually.  At least I get paid for sitting here." he offered with a light shrug.

with her hair still wet yet dressed krystla cme out of the shower walking  to Airi "I was wrong." She said simply.

Her ears perking up, Airi looked towards the source of Krystal's voice.  "What do you mean?"

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"It's okay, happens to everyone" Aria said taking his hand again

Flux looked at her and his ear quirked the slightest. "So um. Wanna go down to the lobby?"

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Guest Mr. Mario

(Again, sorry for the hold-up, my internet server is terrible and slow, I can't afford to find a faster server...yet...)

The wolf, still sat down in the lobby, hoping to find himself a room this time...

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"Your not dumb your just ill-informed." Krystal replied.

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Flux looked at her and his ear quirked the slightest. "So um. Wanna go down to the lobby?"

"Sure" Aria said "Just let me change first"

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"Your not dumb your just ill-informed." Krystal replied.

Airi's ears drooped slightly, this time out of embarrassment.  "O-Oh...You heard that..."

The wolf, still sat down in the lobby, hoping to find himself a room this time...

Cel couldn't help but wonder what the wolf was doing sitting in the lobby all the time, but he hadn't come to the front desk to get a room.  Wouldn't he have by now?

But things were quiet enough for the tiger to ask himself.  "Excuse me, Sir?" he called, "Did you need something?"

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"Sure" Aria said "Just let me change first"

"Okay. Go ahead and get changed." He said with a smile. Flux was now wondering about this girl, and how she re took his hand.

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"Yes and I'm sorry I forgot that Gin seems to keep you away from alot of things that could help you anyway Airi  I just wanted to know personnaly if you ever wanted your sight back?"

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Guest Mr. Mario

Cel couldn't help but wonder what the wolf was doing sitting in the lobby all the time, but he hadn't come to the front desk to get a room.  Wouldn't he have by now?

But things were quiet enough for the tiger to ask himself.  "Excuse me, Sir?" he called, "Did you need something?"

The wolf, recovering a bit looked around to see who was talking to the wolf...

"Yeah...sorry I couldn't get to the front desk, either nobody was there or...I arrived late..." The wolf said, getting up...

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"Yes and I'm sorry I forgot that Gin seems to keep you away from alot of things that could help you anyway Airi  I just wanted to know personnaly if you ever wanted your sight back?"

The vixen sat up in bed, lightly shaking her head as she rubbed her amber eyes.  "No thanks.  I like my telepathy--It lets me talk to Gin."

The wolf, recovering a bit looked around to see who was talking to the wolf...

"Yeah...sorry I couldn't get to the front desk, either nobody was there or...I arrived late..." The wolf said, getting up...

"Well, I'm here now." he said with a friendly smile.  "Need a room?"

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Guest Mr. Mario

"Well, I'm here now." he said with a friendly smile.  "Need a room?"

"Yeah...is there a sign-up sheet or...what?" The wolf asked, his ears rised a bit...

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" That doesn't mean you won't have telepathy.... well if you change your mind tell me." Krystal said handing Airi her clothes telling her telepathically what she was doing.

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"Yeah...is there a sign-up sheet or...what?" The wolf asked, his ears rised a bit...

"Oh, yeah." Cel replied, sliding it towards him.  "It's rather new, sorry." he explained himself, waiting for the wolf to put down his name.

" That doesn't mean you won't have telepathy.... well if you change your mind tell me." Krystal said handing Airi her clothes telling her telepathically what she was doing.

Cocking her head to the side, Airi said, "Well yeah, sure it would."

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"explain to me how?" Krystal asked.

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"explain to me how?" Krystal asked.

"Well," she began, her gaze trailing off, "as far as Gin and I remember, we only got them when we woke up."

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Sarah was eating down in the dining area only she was sitting alone this time Eating a small bowl of cereal rather then the more filling items at the buffet line since she wasn't very hungry that morning...

Swirlling the spoon around the marshmellow bit's in the bowl, She wondered where Scott had run off to this time. When She got out of bed that morning she found Anne Sleeping in the Pullout sofa bed again. Though sarah wondered why she didn't just sleep in one of the many beds in Scott's room,  She decided not to wake her up Since she wanted to eat her breakfast in peace... But didn't see her brother there nor on the way down...

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