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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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'Plans like that are ment to be changed Gin...one day you will find someone you love.' And I don't want Airi hurt when you leave her for that girl.' Krystal said as a knock came to the door.

"Ugh... Scott could You please get..." Sarah was going to ask, until She turned her head around to See Both Anne and Scott comfotably sleepin together on the couch like a pile of rocks, Making her Roll her Emerald Eye's Before walking over and opening the door herself...

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'I'm not moving untill we come to a agreement even if we both have to agree to dissagree.' Krstal thought knowing who was on the other side of the door anyway. (Ray.)

'In that case,' he began, 'I disagree with your methods and you disagree with mine.  Agreed?'

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'Fine as long as we can still be friends agreed?' krystal thought

"Is Krystal in here?" A young about 14 year old Skunk asked looking at Sarah.

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'Fine as long as we can still be friends agreed?' krystal thought

After a moment's pause, Gin's response came.  'For now.'

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"Is Krystal in here?" A young about 14 year old Skunk asked looking at Sarah.

"Yeah She's in the Bedroom Over there..." She replied Pointing her thumb over her shoulder towards the bedroom. "But Now isn't really the best time..."

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'Fine' Krystal thought back.

"Oh you don't know mom that well." Ray said as she rushed in.

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"Oh you don't know mom that well." Ray said as she rushed in.

"Rude much..." Sarah mutterd as she closed the front door to the room.

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'Fine' Krystal thought back.

"Oh you don't know mom that well." Ray said as she rushed in.

'Mom?' Airi thought to herself as the girl ran past.  '...Weird...'

With a light nod, Gin let his arms return to his sides, looking silently to the skunk as she ran into the room.

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"Mom whose this.?" Ray asked pointing to Gin.

"Oh just a friend Ray."

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"Mom whose this.?" Ray asked pointing to Gin.

"Oh just a friend Ray."

Not wanting to be rude, seeing as he had nothing personal against the young skunk, Gin offered her a smile, raising his hand in greeting.

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'Mom?' Airi thought to herself as the girl ran past.  '...Weird...'

"That would be Ray..." Sarah walking over towards her while still looking through the door frame... "One of Krystal's adopted children, I've seen her aound the mansion a couple of times but never said much to me or scott..."

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"Oh silent type huh?" Ray smirked walking over to Gin she playfully rubbed under his muzzle Comeon say something Unless your too shy...

'Ray..' Krystal facepalmed.

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"That would be Ray..." Sarah walking over towards her while still looking through the door frame... "One of Krystal's adopted children, I've seen her aound the mansion a couple of times but never said much to me or scott..."

"Oh..." she mumbled, giving a short, slow nod of understanding.  "She didn't adopt you, right?"

"Oh silent type huh?" Ray smirked walking over to Gin she playfully rubbed under his muzzle Comeon say something Unless your too shy...

'Ray..' Krystal facepalmed.

Blushing once again, Gin took a step back away from the skunk out of embarrassment.

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'No Airi Sarah And Scott just live at my house.' Krystal thought  to  Airi hearing  her her own face still in her palm.

"get back here Cutie."Ray said climbing onto the bed after Gin.

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'No Airi Sarah And Scott just live at my house.' Krystal thought hearing Airi her face still in her palm.

"get back here Cutie."Ray said climbing onto the bed after Gin.

The bed only went so far back before running into the wall.

His face red, an sheepish smile on his muzzle, Gin held his hands out towards the skunk in a "stop" gesture.

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"Oh..." she mumbled, giving a short, slow nod of understanding.  "She didn't adopt you, right?"

"Nah, Not Really. It'd be nice but... Well... We're just a bit old for it." She Replied.

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"Nah, Not Really. It'd be nice but... Well... We're just a bit old for it." She Replied.

"Well, I like how you and Scott stay together." she said with a smile, relating it to her own experiences.

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Ray just set her palm onto  Gin's. "Your mute?" She asked.

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Ray just set her palm onto  Gin's. "Your mute?" She asked.

With a silent sigh of relief, the silver-furred fox nodded, grateful that she had come to understand so quickly.

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'So do you have any powers?' Ray thought to Gin completly forgettin what  krystal had taught her about 'scaring' others with her powers.

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'So do you have any powers?' Ray thought to Gin completly forgettin what  krystal had taught her about 'scaring' others with her powers.

Although Gin hadn't expected the skunk to have powers of her own, he was used to being spoken to in that sense.  Still, though, he was hesitant to say anything--He didn't believe in telling everyone he met that he was gifted, especially so soon.

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'uhh Gin best not anger her.' krystal warned Gin in thought. she got up and went  to Airi. 'Mind sitting on my lap again Airi?' She asked standing next to the youngest Vixen.

'Comeon at least tell me something... your name...?. Ray thought to Gin.

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"You dropped something" Arashikage simply replied holding the stiletto to Sasha

".....", She stayed silent as she took the knife back and sheathed it.  "The bike is still outside".

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'uhh Gin best not anger her.' krystal warned Gin in thought. she got up and went  to Airi. 'Mind sitting on my lap again Airi?' She asked standing next to the youngest Vixen.

Her ear giving a quick twitch, Airi glanced up towards Sarah before turning towards the blue-furred vixen.  'Do you want me to?'

'Comeon at least tell me something... your name...?. Ray thought to Gin.

The vulpine figured that, at least, wouldn't hurt.  'Gin...And you?'

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".....", She stayed silent as she took the knife back and sheathed it.  "The bike is still outside".

"We need to talk" Arashikage said flatly

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