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The Lylat Luxury Hotel: Part 4

Guest Julius Quasar

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"If it's bothering you, don't be afraid to tell us", Zeke chimed in, hoping that Arashikage wouldn't say anything.

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Demyx woke up with a huge yawn and walked out of his room to see everyone. "Good afternoon everybody!"

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"I'm almost over it.  I don't need relationships to f*ck up my head" Arashikage said bluntly

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Avoiding the swear part of his statement, "So... Was that a yes or a no?" She asked in a confused tone.

She saw Demyx walk over. "Morning, Demyx!" She said happily.

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"Morning Demyx!", Zeke greeted, still awaiting a reply from Arashikage.

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"It doesn't matter to me, if it makes you happy, go ahead.  Just don't ask me to watch" Arashikage said

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"What's going on with you three?" Polishing one of his pistols (bloody rose)

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"Thank you!", Zeke thought as he put his arm around Rynian's shoulder

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She turned her head and saw his gun, "Oh, mind if I see?" She said while going for one oh her guns. "I'll let you see mine!" She said, interested in the design of Demyx's gun.

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"Sure" Hands bloody rose over

(By the way all, if I don't respond, my bad, my internet's having problems)

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She took a look at the gun. It was very nice, she liked the color to it. She didn't like it as much as her guns, but it was obvious she liked the guns. Once finished, she handed the gun back. "Thanks!" She said, then returning to Zeke's arm.

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"I have a second one, black with a wooden handle, same model, bloody rose"

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Arashikage puts his duffel bag on the floor and sits down, his back against a wall

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Doggy finally comes out of his room and walks down to the lobby. "Hey! Looks like there's a regular crowd here!" He says upon seeing the group plus one black cat he wasn't familiar with.

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A call arrived to the Hotel, and it

was quickly fowarded to Dr. Kradow's room.

He soon called Deckér...

"What's up doc?" he asked, rather funny.

"Well, the Sirtian goverment found some ruins

on their planet, and they want us to investigate.

My ship is not that great against those corsairs,

so I thought you could help me. If you want to,

of course." He explained.

"Sure! I was expecting to see some action soon."

Replied the blue fox. After that, they went togheter

to the hangar, Dr. Kradow boarded his ship and a

loudspeaker was heard calling the Black Soviet to

come to the hangar. But unlike Deckér and Nikolay -

who spent most of their time relaxing each one on

his own - Black Soviet had actually tried to improve

his 'social' module. He searched the hotel to see if

he could find those friendly beings he had scanned.

He eventually bumped into the group.

"Hello." He said. "I am leaving now. I thought I should

say bye." He added.

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"I'll be right back guys!", Zeke said as he started running toward his room.  As he entered he grabbed a small black box.  It was a standard ring/jewel case, with an embroidered "R" on the front cover.  "I hope she likes it", Zeke thought as he locked his room, ran over to Rynian's, and slid the box under the door.

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Once taking her good looks at the guns, she handed the other back. "Those are really good! Your lucky!" She said, inside a little jealous, but happy with her guns just as well.

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"Why hello there, who are you? My name's Demyx Sakuraba" Walks over and shakes stranger's hand

(POST DANGIT!) (Finally tried posting this like 5 time XD)

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As Zeke was sprinting back, he found the Black Soviet zooming around.  "Morning Black Soviet!", Zeke greeted.

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"Uh, morning." She stated to the ship. This thing is no help whatsoever. He only got me more confused about the situation. She thought, seeing as both of the ship's first impressions with her did not exactly go to well.

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( I feel your pain Demyx.)

"Name's Doggy, Doggy Green." Doggy replies shaking Demyx's hand. "You also into guns? I gotta admit, I haven't seen many actual Bloody Roses."

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As Zeke was sprinting back, he found the Black Soviet zooming around.  "Morning Black Soviet!", Zeke greeted.

"Uh, morning." She stated to the ship. This thing is no help whatsoever. He only got me more confused about the situation. She thought, seeing as both of the ship's first impressions with her did not exactly go to well.

"Hello." He said, pausing. "I am leaving now,

but I thought I should say 'bye'." He said.

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"The silver one's legit, the black one is sort of a modified version of the original."

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"See ya then Black Soviet, come back sometime and visit", Zeke continued as he re-entered the group once again.  "Oh, Rynian, once we're finished up here, check under you room door", Zeke said with a smile.

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