Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know, it's hard to get my mind off her" Arashikage said"Have you thought of going to a party or something to see other girls? I wouldn't do it, it's just not me, but it might work for you." Gearhart suggested. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "Other girls?" Arashikage asked "I don't know, she might be the only one here who actually might have liked me" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I know that feeling all too well. Trust me, there will and are others." Gearhart said, trying to help Arashikage out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "How do you know? I'm not even the same species as most of the people here" Arashikage said Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 Gearhart looked down at the ground, remembering all the memories of growing up, only having his one friend helping him through it, and how bad it hurt. He put on a smile, and looked at Arashikage. "It doesn't matter what species you are. Just because I am a wolf does not give me a better social background." He said, starting to get a more serious tone, but still trying to be comforting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "But if you look around, how many humans do you see at this hotel? We barely leave our home planet let alone our system" Arashikage argued Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 Gearhart remembered to his past, and how it seemed Nel was the only one that liked him like that, and how he earned some friends. And then the day with Lure, and how much of an inspiration it was. "I can't at all explain my story to you without it getting confusing. Just trust me. Even if it is only one other person, there is another out there, just waiting for you to present yourself." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "And how would I find this person?" Arashikage asked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 Gearhart chuckled. "Well, go to a carnival." He said while rolling his eyes without realizing it, "Or, just putting yourself out there. Don't be jealous of Zeke. You will have that too one day, and with someone better I bet!" He said, hoping to make Arashikage feel better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "Gee, thanks" Arashikage said as he put his head down "I had completely forgotten about Zeke and Ryn" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 Gearhart saw that he was hardly making much progress. He decided to take a new tactic. "Why did you come here? To this system I mean." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I needed to get away. Earth is dying, we don't care what we are doing to the environment. All people care about is their God Damn money! People just want another paycheck at the end of the week, they don't care what they do to get it. In doing this, they are killing our plants for 'industrial expansion.' they say it's good for us. If you ask me, that's a load of bullshit. It would be good for us if these factories could produce clean air to breathe. In the country of china, it's so bad there, every citizen is required to own a gas mask and portable water filtration systems. The government had been working on vessels, about the size of the average minivan, that can take a family of 5 into space. I got a hold of one due to my status with the leader of the Shadow Element. I souped it up before leaving, had the mechanics at SE put hyperdrive engine in it. I escaped an set course for the nearest new system. People aren't leaving the planet because of all the lies the government is telling them. There is life outside of our system. They just want to keep the people there for money. It says in my bible *he produces a tattered bible from his cargo pocket* 1st Timothy 6:10 'for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.' It is very true, and now because of all these people, they just doomed the entire planet" Arashikage said, his sadness melting into anger and grief Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ris Grestar Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 The elevator door's closed as Sarah pushed the button, feeling the floor rumble beneth their feet they could tell that the elevator had begun acending...."what do you think gave them the Idea to put it on the roof?" Sarah asked looking over to Airi, trying to pass the time...(ooc: alright.)Airi shrugged, and with that, Gin released his hold on her. "Stupid..." she muttered. Raising her voice so Sarah could better hear her, the vixen said, "I honestly don't know..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "See, your will to survive is up there! Just transition that to give you hope. You came here to have a life. No way you are going to give up and sulk right here when the person out there for you is waiting!" He responded, hoping this time it would make a difference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know about this other person. What if she doesn't exist" Arashikage asked(sorry, don't look at me to play her, Bri is so not his type) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know about this other person. What if she doesn't exist" Arashikage asked(sorry, don't look at me to play her, Bri is so not his type)"That's the point! Life is testing you to see if you are strong or not! You have passed it's test once, you can do it again by just living your life, and letting it make you stronger!" He replied to Arashikage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ris Grestar Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (sorry, don't look at me to play her, Bri is so not his type)(By the way, who's Bri again? I wasn't much paying attention for that part ^^; ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (Damn, gotta go for a small bit. I'll be back on soon!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know how to go about this" Arashikage said "It's all so confusing"(Bri is Brid Aimeri, she's a newcomer that I really should pay more attention to than I have been, look on my RP characters page for her full bio. But keep in mind, if it sucks its because it was about 4 in the morning that I wrote it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ris Grestar Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know how to go about this" Arashikage said "It's all so confusing"(Bri is Brid Aimeri, she's a newcomer that I really should pay more attention to than I have been, look on my RP characters page for her full bio. But keep in mind, if it sucks its because it was about 4 in the morning that I wrote it)(Ohh, the liger! Heh, from what I saw, I thought she was kinda cool^^...Or maybe it's just 'cause she was a liger and Cel's a tiger and I thought, "Oh, how coincidental" but who knows XD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (Yeah but she's definately not Arashikage's type. There is a lot that I didn't really explain too well about her which I will do when I get around to it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ris Grestar Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (Yeah but she's definately not Arashikage's type. There is a lot that I didn't really explain too well about her which I will do when I get around to it)(Well, maybe it's just me, but I like having a character's personality and background be brought up in the roleplay, you know? Just bit by bit, piece by piece...That's one reason I haven't posted Gin's and Airi's profiles...Then again, I still haven't made Cel's either xD) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arashikage Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (But Cel was just an unimportant character meant to fill the gap of employees at the beginning, I wouldnt expect a profile for him. BRB guys I'm going home) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ris Grestar Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 (But Cel was just an unimportant character meant to fill the gap of employees at the beginning, I wouldnt expect a profile for him. BRB guys I'm going home)(True, true...Well, I asked tyler if I could make an employee because he wasn't on all that much and the front desk was always empty. Then I had an idea for a tiger character I wanted and decided, "Hey, that could be him!"^^) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted August 4, 2010 Share Posted August 4, 2010 "I don't know how to go about this" Arashikage said "It's all so confusing"(Bri is Brid Aimeri, she's a newcomer that I really should pay more attention to than I have been, look on my RP characters page for her full bio. But keep in mind, if it sucks its because it was about 4 in the morning that I wrote it)"Just go places, be friendly, be social, be yourself. Don't act like a player, that only attracts people that just want to 'Hit and Run'. You will understand in time." Gearhart replied. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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