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Post your best drawings here!


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Ok, The point of this thread is if anybody wants to post some good art they did, they can just put it here instead of making lots of topics that only have 1 pic.

But yeah, at the moment I have no drawings to put up.

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Cool! I guess I will post a sketch that I have been wanting to work  on for a while, but I just haven't been feeling it. : /. So, sorry, not the best, but only one I can get a picture of for about three days.

[attachment pruned to save disk space]

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Wish I had my best drawing on me, but I gave it to my sister. It was a three-point-perspective drawing I did, based on Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire (a webcomic I like), and had some of the main characters in it.

My art teacher, who was a girl, loved Gregory peeking in the window of the woman's bath.

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im game :mrgreen:

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Guest krystal08

well...i'm still on it, and i'm having lot of difficulties doing the faces (if someone can help me (by sending my a wolf/fox/dog face with light on one side) i'll be glad) but i can show it...


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Well the girl on the left kind of looks like that gall in aaaaahhhhhhh what's it called? that movie with wolverine in it? anyway that gall that could look like other mutants, mistike?

(sorry I don't know how to spell it.) except she isn't blue and I always thought that gall was weird. and both there faces look funny. other then that, it looks fine. :)

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Well the girl on the left kind of looks like that gall in aaaaahhhhhhh what's it called? that movie with wolverine in it? anyway that gall that could look like other mutants, mistike?

(sorry I don't know how to spell it.) except she isn't blue and I always thought that gall was weird. and both there faces look funny. other then that, it looks fine. :)

lol  Mystique from 'X-Men'.

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Guest krystal08

i'm not a fan and i know her...

well... man...damn... i don't even see a ressemblance... but if you say so...

as for the face, i know, i'm really not good with muzzles...

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No, the pics nice. I just don't care a whole lot for the idea. :) that's all. So don't be afraid to post more art! and remember, the more you draw the better you get! :wink:

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Actually, Starfox inspired me to draw. It was the first thing I ever learned to draw really good compared to my other stuff.

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Guest krystal08

No, the pics nice. I just don't care a whole lot for the idea. :) that's all. So don't be afraid to post more art! and remember, the more you draw the better you get! :wink:

i know, but i need time to do this, AND  some will...

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O_o I couldn't see your pic. even when I copyed and pasted it on the "go somewhere" bar. I still didn't see it.  :?
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If you copy and paste THIS link, it should show up.

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Heh, very cartooni. The head doesn't look that bad actually. :)

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