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No, I mean if they added Krystal, the game shouldn't be called "Star Fox 64"

Yeah. That's true.

But this is very off topic.

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Shouldn't this topic be discussed in the Star Fox 64 3D topic? Since it falls under the same thing?

Not saying I don't love your idea, it's awesome, but there's already like a place for this.

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my idea for a sf64 3d multiplayer would be like this: first of all, if you play in singleplayer, you can play only as fox, but on multiplayer you can choose different characters and leave fox as a cpu, all the characters have different "skills", like falco is causes more damage but he always catch the hradest enemies, slippy is a bit slower, but more resistant than the others, but you have to scan (on the orignal star fox 64, only when slippy was alive you could see the boss' health bar) the enemy boss (bosses, like when you're fighting star wolf), peppy is all-round like fox, fitting perfectly when you need to have someone to cover your back. It could have compettitive multiplayer modes also.

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I've thought about co-op missions in starfox a ton myself. Not in 64, but in assault. Like, the foot missions 'n stuff. Co-op story would be sick. I love co-op and it would really help the series a lot.

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Doesn't need to be anything special, but I think player-controlled wingmen would be a LOT more useful.

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i think it would rule....playing a game with two people on the same team is always fun......instead of always trying to attack each other lol

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