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Empire At War arriving soon!!!


Is anyone as excided as I am for StarWars: Empire At War???  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Is anyone as excided as I am for StarWars: Empire At War???

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StarWars: Empire At War will hit the shelves in Feb. 16, Waiting for StarWars players to take command!

Command with the Empire; Keep order in the Galaxy and destroy the rebellious scum!


Command with the Alliance; Free the Galaxy and restore the once remebered glory of the Republic!

I can't wait! They say the graphics of the space battles are incredible! Fleets vs. Fleets, fighters chacing fighters, massive cruisers blowing up in the middle of space!!!

For more info...

>>>StarWars: Empire At War

So, what are your thoughts to this game???

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Hmm... it looks cool! I didn't pick any vote though because they were all... umm... harsh in some places. I love Starwars, Starfox more, but I'll always try a new game out!

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Harsh? You are talking--or typing--to a future Marine! There's nothing you can say that would hurt me... but I would suggest not to try it.

So, C'mon, VOTE! Or say what you think of this game based on the info you know so far.

By the way, you should all try the demo. It's... it's... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! The cinematic cam is really cool to see on a combat or bombing run!

I just hope that I can play with 32 of video memory...

There... I'm in the dark.

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Have you seen the holomessages? And the fights against an Imperial Space Station? It's crazy!!! And the bombing runs on the surface are so... so... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!

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