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Anyone ever just went outside to watch lightning?


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I was just at the local starbucks, enjoying some time with some old friends and realized that there is heat lightning everywhere. Every second there was a flash. Large, small, behind clouds, and in the open. It was absolutely beautiful. Really gives you a new look at the beauty nature. [/sappy opening]

Anyway, has anyone just ever watched lightning?

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A thunderstorm happens quite often around where I live, and every time one comes around, I go outside onto the deck, sit back in one of the rocking chairs, listen to the rain and thunder, and watch that light move across the sky.

It really is beautiful to watch, despite how deadly it can be.

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I usually watch lightning, it's good fun, not for my electronics though :P

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Guest Para Astaroth

Yeah, I love watching it lightning!  If it's in the distance and it's a perfect night with no heat, a slight breeze, and small rumbles in the distance, then it's a good thing to take a nap to.

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I usually like it, but I have a hard time liking it again since it took out my internet a few weeks ago while I was in the Middle of Rolepaying, and took almost exactly 24 for it to come back...

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^ This.

It happened almost daily in Oklahoma (where I grew up), ESPECIALLY in early/middle spring.

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when ever it rains or i go for a walk , and i sleep out side untill it is over :lol: but if there lightning i just with the door open and whatch it light the skies

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Used to. Now, I just sit inside and ignore it, apart from pulling the plug on the more expensive electric stuff I have.

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I'm more partial to the rain rather than the lightning. Perhaps because it's been years since lightning has gotten remotely close to us, and not at an hour in which I'd like to go outside in SoCal.

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