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What happened to SFO cast?


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I'm sure I'll get a good explanation from DZ ;)

Well, I was out doin some weekly mowing when I needed some music for my iPod, so here I go, typing in Star Fox in the iTunes store search bar and I see SFO Cast, and my god here we are in the stone age when I see that we're just finding out about SFC, the worst SF game ever. And DZ, I love you're attitude and how you had ROB on there fussin' at Peppy (that made me lol) and how informative you were about SF stuff. And after I listened to Episode 3, I realized how awesome SFO cast was. And that you cancelled it. You (DZ) should totally start SFO cast back up, and if you need help with something, anything, here I am.

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I know right? Because SFO Cast was just amazing, and I'm just like really dedicated to get this back or help out with it or something ya know? Something to help SFO Cast anyway I can ;)

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The boards activity has risen like....ten fold since the cast was cancelled.  IMO it really needs to get started back up again.

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Well I hope DZ replies to this soon, maybe we could sweet talk him into it :lol:

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I've missed something here, what is this?

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The main reason I stopped it is lack of things for the show to be about. So, I asked people for suggestions and got no responses.

I'm always willing to bring it back if we can get enough content for it, but unless someone has some ideas it won't happen.

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What kind of ideas do ya need DZ? I wanna help. :cool:

And Redeemer this is a topic about why SFO cast disappeared.

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i would be happy to help... if i could. i listen to mr.K podcast often. i try to think up somthing. mabye just go on about knew memers on the sight and review your oppions on some of your favorite topics and mabye even a reivew for SHADOWS OF LAYLET. that is somthing i would like to listen too

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I don't think we could get multiple (insert time frame) long podcasts straight up about starfox and similar things.

If you do revive it, i could do an off topic section. I'm always trying new things like nerf modding, balisong techniques, HvZ, etc. It would be a general thing.

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What kind of ideas do ya need DZ? I wanna help. :cool:

And Redeemer this is a topic about why SFO cast disappeared.

:facepalm:  :P

Yeah I know, but what was SFO cast? A show DZ made, or..?

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Maybe you should just do one per month, and have a off-topic section.

SF64-3DS is coming out, maybe that would be a good topic.

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I find that from a lot of pod casts I've participated in they have a great tendency to drift off topic.  There is plenty of room for filler as such and I'm sure everything doesn't have to be Star Fox related. Things like current events, other video games and other "off topic" issues can be talked about as well.

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And maybe some SoL stuff like ajc said. :lol:

But see how many people are willinf to help ya DZ? We're all buddies here :P

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Will you guys actually help with the show prep, though? We've gone through this several times where people say they will contribute and when the time comes, they don't.

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Will you guys actually help with the show prep, though? We've gone through this several times where people say they will contribute and when the time comes, they don't.

I definantly will. I'm like committed.

In other words, I'll do my best.

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I guess the first question is what do you guys want out of it?

Obviously SF news, but there isn't enough of that to make a periodical podcast.

Of course special events will be noted as well.

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Well, we got the release of Star Fox 64 3D coming out.

That's some news.

And I kinda like the idea of putting a little off-topic stuff out of it.

And maybe some sort of *Special* thing like every few episodes, just an idea.

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So basically, it's a Starfox Podcast? Well, if I find out how I can, I would have no problem helping out.

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So basically, it's a Starfox Podcast? Well, if I find out how I can, I would have no problem helping out.

Yep. A Star Fox PodCast. :)

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DZ your a staff member to this sight, right. you could tell us stuff thats going on or newthings that are going to be added

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Will you guys actually help with the show prep, though? We've gone through this several times where people say they will contribute and when the time comes, they don't.

I know I will.  Another thing we could add to the agenda is the activity of SFO itself and how it's greatly increased over the last few months.

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Will you guys actually help with the show prep, though? We've gone through this several times where people say they will contribute and when the time comes, they don't.

there's not much i can do but  will try to find stuff for you to talk about.  mabye even have a co-host?
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Didn't. you try to do a radio drama for starfox that didn't take off?

Anyway maybe ask a trivia question each week and annouce the correct answear next week?

You don't have to do this each week, maybe once a month.

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