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Incredible as always R3dFiVe! I especially love the design choices taken with Wolf and the...interesting cameo with Panther; I can't wait to see what you've cooked up for his back-story :D

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Thanks guys!

something you should have the right to know, as well:

ZM Anonymous asked the following:

so is the Star Wolf team W/L/PA or W/L/PIG/A or hell, just W/L






my answer:

Minor spoilers here:

Wolf and Leon are what you would call „full members“or something. They are the core and the only permanent members of Starwolf.

Andrew serves as Starwolf’s link to Andross. Being a politician, he’s hated by Leon. You rarely get to see him do anything in combat. Wolf doesn’t even back off from the idea of handing him over to the Cornerian Forces for a nice price. Given that they win the war.

Pigma is like a slave to Wolf. He’s doing all the dirty work and has hardly ever anything to say in the team. I must be a very vague here, if you don’t mind. No, not because it’s sexual but because of Spoi--- just trust me, alright?

About Panther, he’s got NOTHING to do with Starwolf, really. At this point anyway.

However, there’s going to be a little of a foreshadowing of how the Starwolf team-constellation will be, which we know from Assault.

So uh…lemme see….


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Love this stuff R3DFiVe! I really see no problems in your work, except General Scales has a hook on his left hand, not the right. I know you knew that already because I saw these on DA. :lol: BTW, did you really lose your password to your account here? Or were you just to busy? Cuz right now I'm not really sure anymore. :blink:

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dammit, Scales....

oh yeah, both actually. Until the move to this new board, I never typed in my password and suddenly HAD to now. The E-mail account I registrated with was pretty old, and the last time I logged in there was like august 2010 or something, so I lost my password there as well...

I was just too busy to take care of all that.

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Lol, I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't seen a comment on the pic on DA where a guy said the same thing. :lol:

Now I see. In fact, I don't think anybody said here that you lost your password. I was all most certain the Icha said that you did but I guess I was wrong... (Well, sorta.) I got confused with someone else I think...But at least now my idea wasn't really wrong. heh. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...


YEEEEEEEEA. Icha being awesome again!

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My first commission:

In Starfox: The Lylat Wars, Bill wears a brown jacket and also not a red-green vest thing. That's what that dude wanted tho, I'm cool with that.

Should I post that version or do you believe me? lawl

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R3d, your art NEVER fails to impress, I can tell you that!

And the job Icha did with Wolf really added life to the sketch :D

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My first commission:

In Starfox: The Lylat Wars, Bill wears a brown jacket and also not a red-green vest thing. That's what that dude wanted tho, I'm cool with that.

Should I post that version or do you believe me? lawl

Damn fine work good sir. I wouldn't mind seeing the other version if you're up to posting it.

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Thanks a lot, guys! :)

That one.

I deliberately made Bill and his men wear uniforms that looked completely different from the starfox ones. In Command he is seen to be wearing an outfit similar to Fox.

Also, lol tear streak wtf. Yeah he wanted me to make it blue. It looks good the way I uploaded it on deviantart, but I still prefer the more realistic streak.

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I love the design choice that you made concerning Bill's attire; your scheme seems to match better and distinguish Cornerian Armed Forces quite well :D

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YEEEEEEEEA. Icha being awesome again!

I love this :-D Great to see this colored :ok:

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Alright, a rather big spoiler here:

In the course of events in STARFOX: THE LYLAT WARS slippy actually dies.

He ends up as a bloody mess and most of it splatters on Fox. Moreover, Fox doesn’t wipe Slippy’s blood off of his clothes because he misses him too much.

This what I meant with making the story a bit more realistic.

However, in the end after Fox defeats Andross, he uses a cloning machine and Slippy’s blood to create a second Slippy, or Slippytwo, whatever you wanna call him.

So that’s the big twist. In Adventures, Assault and Command we actually see the clone, and not the original Slippy from 64.

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:blink: That would be weiiiiiiirrrrd. :lol: but also cool!

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Alright, a rather big spoiler here:

In the course of events in STARFOX: THE LYLAT WARS slippy actually dies.

He ends up as a bloody mess and most of it splatters on Fox. Moreover, Fox doesn’t wipe Slippy’s blood off of his clothes because he misses him too much.

This what I meant with making the story a bit more realistic.

However, in the end after Fox defeats Andross, he uses a cloning machine and Slippy’s blood to create a second Slippy, or Slippytwo, whatever you wanna call him.

So that’s the big twist. In Adventures, Assault and Command we actually see the clone, and not the original Slippy from 64.

O_o I swear if this is an April Fools joke I'm gonna be pissed :lol:

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Be pissed then!


Actually I got this idea floating around since last Halloween and I'm glad I could use it SOMEWHERE haha

But really...I thought about something different at first. I got the whole thing planned out of fox' father being trapped in another dimension (like in the comics). Somehow Fox and his crew eventually GET INTO that dimension only to find themselves in Fred's Animated Series.

I was gonna draw about 5 pics while telling the story...but I am soooooo laaaaaaaazy.

I bet Fred would've loved it tho haha

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Be pissed then!


Actually I got this idea floating around since last Halloween and I'm glad I could use it SOMEWHERE haha

But really...I thought about something different at first. I got the whole thing planned out of fox' father being trapped in another dimension (like in the comics). Somehow Fox and his crew eventually GET INTO that dimension only to find themselves in Fred's Animated Series.

I was gonna draw about 5 pics while telling the story...but I am soooooo laaaaaaaazy.

I bet Fred would've loved it tho haha

:lolhyst: Now THAT would be an interesting twist! :lol: R3dFiVe, you never cease to amaze with your incredible storytelling, character concepts, and ideas! ^_^

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hahaha. Nice. :lol: ...........Waaaait a second. That last pic you stuck up........I have a hunch butch is going to die.

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:lolhyst: Now THAT would be an interesting twist! :lol: R3dFiVe, you never cease to amaze with your incredible storytelling, character concepts, and ideas! ^_^

Well thanks...I guess x)

hahaha. Nice. ...........Waaaait a second. That last pic you stuck up........I have a hunch butch is going to die.

You talking bout that Bill commission? What exactly makes you think that?

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Yeah.....I see butch is one of the statues....."In memory of those lost for corneria" I also see that Bill has a tear going down his cheek...

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In memory of those who died for Corneria, by the way.

And no, the guy wanting me to draw this pic told me to draw a random canine wearing these clothes.

Seriously, alright here you go...


The Bulldog and Huskey squadrons get eradicated entirely. Grunt dies as the first one and we only hear about that. The rest gets slowly killed one after another and we only hear about this through Bill. Near the end...

both Butch and Cider die. Remember; I'm not telling you about the tone of these situations. These are only cold facts I'm telling you. Might as well post this on AL now...

Who hates me now?

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A post I wrote over on AL.

Maybe there's some information that's interesting to you.

Bill's presence is always uplifting.

I remember in the first version of the script, his entire dialogue consisted of mere exposition. Eventually, I gave him a bigger role.

Now Katt is the exposition-chick.


She's such a flat character. She's really funny and all and I like her A LOT (several pages back I told you who my inspiration was for her personality) but the whole thing will be too long anyway to really make her a deep character. And in my eyes, she doesn't have to be!

That much I will tell you: She appears not long after the turning point and makes things a little brighter again. Yeah we need these kind of moments...coz man... there's some real SHIT happenin to the starfox team hehe

So if any of you Katt-fans are looking forward to something more, I'm sorry!

So I'm quite pleased with the final version of this.

Sure, lots of stuff could be handled better, tho...

I'm not nearly as talented as some soon to be directors or writers. I'm very much self-aware.

I wish I could've co-written this with someone else, because I'm not that good of a screenwriter but it's too late anyway.


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