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Dialogue and Voice-Acting in Star Fox 64 3D

Hope(N Forever)

Do you wish the dialogue in Star Fox 64 3D to be changed or retained?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wish the dialogue in Star Fox 64 3D to be changed or retained?

    • Yes! Change all dialogue and voice-actors
    • No! Do not change the dialogue or the original voice actors
    • Yes! Change all dialogue, but retain original voice-actors
    • No! Do not change the dialogue, but change voice-actors

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So... apparently one of the greatest games ever is being reworked for a brand new console, huh? Of course I am referring to Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars) being converted to Star Fox 64 3D, for the up-coming Nintendo 3DS!

It was hinted that although most of the core game is to be retained, Nintendo had hinted to change some of the aspects of the game-play, so it is likely not to be the very same game we all familiarised with. By the way, do you know what element of the original game that really added to its legacy? If you say it is the dialogue, you are correct! The dialogue in Star Fox 64 is one of the heaviest, ever embedded voice-acting feature in a Nintendo game, as Nintendo's games at the time are quite notable for their lack in voice-acted dialogue scripts, especially in The Legend of Zelda series, which often is very heavy in silent dialogue!

Anyway, what I am trying to suggest here? Well, with a remake like Star Fox 64 3D, who's to say Nintendo may retain the original dialogue from the original game? I mean, for example, take another remake with a heavy, voice-acting based dialogue - Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, a Nintendo GameCube exclusive! This game is an enhanced remake of Metal Gear Solid which was originally on the PlayStation. Apparently, for the remake they kinda changed the entire dialogue, even though it is basically the same story, although they did invite most of the original voice cast to redo their lines. This ultimate change is mainly due to recreating certain characters, changing some game play elements which needed new instructions, as well as changing certain fourth-wall breaking references (which the series is very famous for) to reflect the GameCube console.

So, yeah... there is a huge possibility Star Fox 64 3D will have a different dialogue from the original. In fact, Nintendo may have to invite the actors from Star Fox: Assault to redo the dialogue instead of the original voice-actors! I am not saying it is going to happen, but that is a huge possibility anyway! This is where the poll I set up comes in. I felt it should be known what the majority of fans think about this fact. Should it or should it not happen, do you suppose? Post your thoughts.

My biggest fear is Nintendo deciding something stupid instead! Like, instead of real voice-actors, they will make the game similar to Star Fox Command and replace the entire thing with gibberish and stuff! Gosh! I wonder how many of you must have thought about this? :oops:

By the way, personally, I have no problems if Nintendo decided to redo the dialogue and cast the newest actors from Star Fox: Assault for the remake, but I'm not sure everybody would feel the same way, huh?

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I'm expecting them to redo the voicing, but I hope they're good. It would be cool to have the voice actors from SFAssault

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I highly doubt they would go back and hire the original cast, and I don't think they would do what they did with Command and make the dialogue all text. Thanks to the massive hardware update to the 3DS, (I mean, look at those graphics!) there would have to be voice acting. So my bet is that they will bring back the VAs from Assault, they did it for Fox's, Slippy's, and Krystal's actors in Brawl, why not for 3D? Or they might go ahead and hire all new actors.

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I wouldn't mind seeing the Assault voice

actors in SF 3DS, but they better not do the

gibberish thing :x

It does seem unlikely that they would, but I

still hope they won't.

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I'd really like them to retain the original voice acting, as nothing can replace a frantic SF64 Peppy yelling advice to you! :D.  If they were to change the voice acting though, I wouldn't mind the Assault actors.

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I'd really like them to retain the original voice acting, as nothing can replace a frantic SF64 Peppy yelling advice to you! :D.  If they were to change the voice acting though, I wouldn't mind the Assault actors.

Totally agree. :)

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Ya I was thinking that they should leave the original phenomenon of "Do a Barrel Roll" and not make a new one.  :lol:

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I don't want them to change a damn thing, but its terribly unlikely that will happen. Leon will very likely get retconned into having his shitty Assault voice.

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I'd like to see Slippy's voice actor from Assault to return.

About the whole Leon thing... Yeah, I'd agree with Rob.

If there's voice acting they'd choose the same actor from Assault or a similar one.

Not only was his voice changed in Assault, they pretty much changed his personality. I see them stick with the current Leon.

(But in Assault they got Panther to be the calm, stuck up character, much like Leon in 64. So such a character would lack in 64-3D)

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if they change Fox' SF64 voice, I'd be very disappointed. His N64 voice was the best one so far. He has some kind of a sarcastic undertone and a straight voice and dialogs. It sounds much better than this kid-like voice of Adventures or this softy-voice of Assault.

So they should keep the whole SF64 voice acting.

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if they change Fox' SF64 voice, I'd be very disappointed. His N64 voice was the best one so far. He has some kind of a sarcastic undertone and a straight voice and dialogs. It sounds much better than this kid-like voice of Adventures or this softy-voice of Assault.

So they should keep the whole SF64 voice acting.

Indeed. Fox's 64 voice was heroic, but smarmy, a smartass with a heart of gold (SORRY TO JET BUT I'M IN A HURRY).

Here's my personal rundown:

Fox: 64 > Adventures > Assault

Falco: 64 = Assault > Adventures

Slippy: Assault > 64 > Adventures

Peppy: I can't really comment on Peppy, I loved his Assault voice, but he was also well into his 50s by then, so he sounded older.

Wolf: 64 = Assault

Leon: 64 >>>>>>>>> Assault :|

Pigma: Assault > 64

Andrew: 64 = Assault

General Pepper: 64 >>>> Adventures = Assault

Andross: 64 = Adventures

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Do the gibberish again. It'll be slightly less annoying than the times they've used real actors.

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Indeed. Fox's 64 voice was heroic, but smarmy, a smartass with a heart of gold (SORRY TO JET BUT I'M IN A HURRY).

Here's my personal rundown:

Fox: 64 > Adventures > Assault

While I think his voice in SF64 is better, his voice in Assault was much better than in Adventures.

As for Peppy, it's really hard to choose. I liked his voice in SF64, but his voice in Assault was great.

General Pepper's voice in Assault I thought was better than his voice in SF64.

Leon, his voice in Assault. Just disgusting.

Slippy's voice in Assault > 64. His voice in Adventures made me sick.

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While I think his voice in SF64 is better, his voice in Assault was much better than in Adventures.

As for Peppy, it's really hard to choose. I liked his voice in SF64, but his voice in Assault was great.

General Pepper's voice in Assault I thought was better than his voice in SF64.

Leon, his voice in Assault. Just disgusting.

Slippy's voice in Assault > 64. His voice in Adventures made me sick.

Fox's Assault voice was so... boring to me. It had no livelihood at all. And Pepper in Assault looked and sounded like a damn zombie dying of cancer. I hated how badly they've treated him.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel like I'm leaping here out of no where, but with being one of those poor souls who only just recently got her hands on SF64 (thank you Virtual Console, but I still haven't beaten it yet), I'm more attached to the voice crew that's handled the most recent games, as in Assault and Brawl. Wolf's massive difference in character delivery was a start from Assault to 64!

Though, I wouldn't be crushed or upset if an entirely new crew was cast. I'm more interested in the acting just being GOOD than any particular actor's delivery.

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I feel like I'm leaping here out of no where, but with being one of those poor souls who only just recently got her hands on SF64 (thank you Virtual Console, but I still haven't beaten it yet), I'm more attached to the voice crew that's handled the most recent games, as in Assault and Brawl. Wolf's massive difference in character delivery was a start from Assault to 64!

Though, I wouldn't be crushed or upset if an entirely new crew was cast. I'm more interested in the acting just being GOOD than any particular actor's delivery.

This was a fairly old topic so topic dredge? Well if it is it's okay since your new here. Welcome to SF-O by the way :welcome:
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  • 3 weeks later...

I liked the voices in 64....except Rob's....hard to understand sometimes...

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I liked the voices in 64....except Rob's....hard to understand sometimes...

I agree. For example:


ME: location confurred? sending surprise OH FUN!!

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TBH, I think they'll just use the voice clips from the 64 game.  Not that I want that, it's just my guess.

...as long as they don't use Peppy's Brawl voice actor. :hehe:

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  • 2 months later...

It depends on what they're doing with the new game. If it's just going to be all of the same levels, and such, I say keep the original campy-yet-amusing voices. If they have new levels added though, they'd require new voices for them, I imagine. (And after 13 years, it could prove difficult to get ahold of the entire original voice cast.)

Or they could possibly do both, (and dub in new voices for the new levels) but they'd need to have good imitators of the original voices.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like it if they kept the voices from 64 but thats so unlikley.

The assault voices were cool because the voices sounded like they were getting older and more mature (eg. Fox and Wolf).

But whatever. As long the gameplays good I dont realy care about the voices. :)

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I honestly think they'll HAVE to get new actors - though whether that means they'll follow the same route as the actors in Assault, or try to find actors closer to the original 64 voices is uncertain, as the Assault Actors were portraying older characters. Fox with his deep voice from Assault may be a bit strange, being 9 years younger here. But who knows.

The audio quality of the 64 lines... the dialogue may be iconic and classic, but the actual audio quality was garbage, at least by today's standards. That and there's Peppy's line telling you to "Press Z or R twice" (the 3DS doesn't HAVE a Z button to my knowledge, so this tip from Peppy would be inaccurate and confusing to newbies), though that one could be escaped by simply putting the other Barrel Roll line in its place.

Of course, this is assuming they don't pull the ultimate cop-out and go Command on us with the voices. They had BETTER not.

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I'm somewhat curious but also afraid of new voice actors to be honest, and I can't really decide what would be better.

I always liked the voice actors they used for the StarFox Franchise even if it was hard to get around with them for the first time. You love or hate them later on, it's always the same no matter if they put new voice actors behind the characters or leave the old ones in all their pride.

Dunno if Nintendo will hire the old voice actors for the remake of StarFox 64/Lylat-Wars, but I can deal with it when they chose to switch the voice actors again. I really would like to hear the voice actors of StarFox 64 or Assault, I really liked them the most. If they change to a complete new voice acting group then I hope they will -at least- sound a bit like those from Assault/StarFox 64. Dialogue change? I don't really know if it would make much sense to change the dialogues in the game, it only would make much sense if they put some new things into the storyline, but other than that they should stay the same...

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not really a fan of gibberish, so outright my hope is that they use voice actors.

As for which ones, I actually really liked the cast from Assault to be frank, so my hope lies there.

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