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Star Trek/STFU NOOB Crossovers. :)


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I've been bored for quite awhile, so i've been messing with Photoshop (as usual, :shock:) and thought of the idea of redoing the Star Trek logos with STFU NOOB text and some leet additions as well. So far i've done 7 pics, all of them being 800 * 600 (except for one which is 1024 * 768) so i hope you'll enjoy them. :shock:

Star Trek: Deep Space 9


Star Trek: Enterprise


Star Trek: Generations


Star Trek: The Next Generation (1024 * 768, also the first one i created. :evil:)


Star Trek: The Original Series (Slightly enhanced the colors of the Enterprise.)


Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country


Star Trek: Voyager (My personal favourite. :evil:)


I know i'm missing a few of the movies, but i'll try to add them as soon as possible, or when i feel like it. :P

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That was a good time for a... good laugh, your personal favorite is mine... "Ownager"... weird... but funny.

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Got some fonts, made some background images with Photshop (in some cases i borrowed images from internet, like the DS9 Station, TOS Enterprise and the NX-01 Enterprise.) and then i write the text and make it look as real as possible. :)

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