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Poker Night at the Inventory (seriously, read this before dismissing the game)


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Yeah, yeah, casual game.

But what makes this one special?

1. The Heavy from TF2

2. Strong Bad from Homestar Runner

3. Max from Sam & Max

4. Tycho from Penny Arcade

This is made by Telltale Games, whom I have yet to play a game from them I didn't enjoy. Yeah, it's another poker game, but this game will undoubtedly have some funny moments, given the mannerisms and personalities of these characters. An interview at PAX states that this game will have A LOT of dialogue. More than a Sam & Max episode, which are talkie games in their own right.

It's currently available for pre-order on Steam for less than $5, so it's worth checking out. Methinks it will be lol-worthy, if not for nothing other than the likely huge new library of funny Heavy quotes. I can totally see him putting on the KGB and making fun of Strong Bad XD.


The 2D characters, Tycho and Strong Bad, do look a little out-of-place in the 3D environment, but meh. Max and the Heavy are 3D, I'm guessing they're using Valve's Heavy model and the Max model from Devil's Toybox

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I know it's just a poker game, but still, that's kickass!!!

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Here's the PAX interview that contains more information:


"It was important to build those dynamics to make them feel natural," notes Vanaman. "Strong Bad and Tycho, for instance, hate each other -- I don't think they ever agree -- but Tycho and Max get along really well, where the Heavy is wary of Tycho, loves Max, and thinks Strongbad is a tiny Heavy."

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Haha, Max in a poker game? This I gotta see. :lol:

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Don't dismiss it at first glance, read about it first, then dismiss it.

For only 60p more you can get either Myst (thought of as a classic) or VVVVVV, why would you waste time and money on a poker game that's only defining feature is "Dude, the heavy from TF2 is in it!"? Hell, you can get Dead Rising 2: Case 0 (milwall nil) for that price.

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You don't have a sense of humor, do you?

Yep, hence the milwall nil joke, and the joke about looking at it before dismissing it.

The problem is, unless you are some kind of super fan, or if they are doing something amazing gameplay wise they haven't mentioned, this game has nothing at all going for it. There are many poker games out there, and some go to great lengths AI wise.

I know guys who have made homebrew poker games and they seem more interesting to me because of the emotional attatchment. Likewise, there are many many games out there for the same price that are vastly more interesting some of which I've mentioned. Or you could just buy a pack of cards and you can play during a power cut, all good.

Also finny and related. Some swears.


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  • 1 month later...

New info:

This game provides some items for TF2! You have to unlock them by beating the related character, though.

Enthusiast's Timepiece - Spy watch, The Pac-Man watch from Penny Arcade

The Lugermorph Gun for Scount/Engie - From Sam & Max (not sure if it has any difference from the earlier one... I hope older ones at least get "vintage" status)

Freelance Police Badge for all classes - From Sam & Max, I assume it occupies the "Misc" slot

Iron Curtain - A bad-ass looking Soviet-themed Minigun for the Heavy <- This alone is worth the $5, the thing is beautiful. Wood-grain finish, and Soviet Hammer & Scythe emblems.

Dangeresque Sunglasses - I'm assuming it is an all-classes hat

Poker Visor Hat (for pre-order)



Sometime this month.

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I take it Penny Arcade is not popular in the UK, then?

Also, there are 6 seconds of gameplay footage. :P

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This sounds like its gunna be fun :D

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Wow really? You haven't even played the game and you are already shutting it down. jeez

I think the game is going to be fun, because to me it brings a new approach to a regular game of Poker, Everyone knows the Heavy, and someone at least knows one the other characters. I am not even fans of them, and just the sheer fact that these guys are going to be in a poker game is cool and funny.

Sure there are other poker games out their, but this one is different, and I want to get it because it appeals to me. Also it seems like a funny game to get for the lulz.

For less then 5 bucks, its almost the same price as regular poker cards. and in this case you can never lose the cards, and you have some humorous characters with it :D

Hope that helps ya :P

Wow. Not even a second of gameplay.

Also "4 legends"?

Max, Strongbad, Heavy and ...some no name git.

That no name git is from the Penny Arcade Comics, almost any gamer knows about these comics

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I guess it's more of a movie then a game mebbe??? I dunno, I mean your playing it to hear their humorous comments. also single player Poker? Why? This game should not be single player.

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Penny Arcade guy (I dont read penny arcade. I don't know any people who do.) is not a game character, neather is strongbad.

They re now. *rimshot*

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They re now. *rimshot*

No, they are not. That's like saying Keanu Reeves is a gaming legend because he was in the matrix game.

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No, they are not. That's like saying Keanu Reeves is a gaming legend because he was in the matrix game.

In a game makes them game characters son. Never said anything about a game legend.

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Both where already in games, there is a penny arcade game on the XBLA, as well as Strong bad games on the Wii.

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Penny Arcade guy (I dont read penny arcade. I don't know any people who do.) is not a game character, neather is strongbad.

Strong Bad is a game character:


I know he isn't originally one, but as you can see, Telltale made a point and click adventure series starring him.

Admittedly, I haven't played it, but I imagine it is a pretty decent game. The guys at telltale mainly came from LucasArts back in their P&C adventure days, and they know how to make this kind of game very well.

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Strong Bad is a game character:


I know he isn't originally one, but as you can see, Telltale made a point and click adventure series starring him.

Admittedly, I haven't played it, but I imagine it is a pretty decent game. The guys at telltale mainly came from LucasArts back in their P&C adventure days, and they know how to make this kind of game very well.

See previous comment about Keanu Reeves. See previous comment about nothing being shown to suggest it's anything more then another crappy poker game.

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See previous comment about Keanu Reeves. See previous comment about nothing being shown to suggest it's anything more then another crappy poker game.

Whether or not it's just another crappy poker game doesn't really matter to the creators, it's a marketing idea to get money, people like poker, people happen to like these characters, put the two together, people will buy it.

It's a marketing idea used to make money, and whether or not it's logical or even a good idea, it works, that's why they do it.

Also, I will probably get this, I love Strong Bad, and I love the Heavy!

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See previous comment about Keanu Reeves. See previous comment about nothing being shown to suggest it's anything more then another crappy poker game.

Your original point though was that they aren't game characters, which is false, because being in a game ergo makes them game characters.

The quality of the games they are in is irrelevant.

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