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Star Fox Sentence Generator


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Using the month of your birthday...

January = I slapped

February = I kissed

March = I kicked

April = I hugged

May = I ripped apart

June = I twisted the spine of

July = I sliced

August = I stabbed

September = I stole

October = I licked

November = I bit

December = I rubbed my cheeks on

Using the day of your birthday...

01 = Fox

02 = Falco

03 = Slippy

04 = Krystal

05 = Wolf

06 = Panther

07 = Leon

08 = Peppy

09 = Gen. Pepper

10 = Dog Soldier

11 = Ruffian

12 = Small Aparoid

13 = Medium Aparoid

14 = Big Aparoid

15 = Queen Aparoid

16 = Pigma

17 = Bill

18 = Katt

19 = Caiman

20 = Gen. Scales

21 = Sharpclaw

22 = Tricky

23 = Muscle Foot

24 = Kite

25 = Krazoa

26 = James

27 = ROB64

28 = Andross

29 = Algy

30 = Fay

31 = Miyu

Using the first letter of your FIRST name...

A = inside Sargasso Space Station

B = inside Great Fox

C = during lunch break in Corneria Defense Force HQ

D = while flying an Arwing

E = while riding at the wings of Wolfen

F = inside a ruin in Sauria

G = while looking for somebody

H = in front of Peppy

I = beside Fox's clone

J = in front of many people

K = with the help of the soldiers

L = while blasting the missiles

M = upon entering Aparoid World

N = inside the Aparoid World

O = In front of the journalist in Corneria

P = while falling from Persimmon's Building

Q = away from home

R = during bed time in Sargasso Base

S = inside Fox's quarters

T = inside Falco's quarters

U = inside Slippy's pond

V = while Peppy lectures us

W = inside Krystal's dresser

X = inside Leon's room

Y = inside Panther's penthouse

Z = while watching Wheel of Fortuna

Using the first letter of your LAST name

A = because the sky is blue

B = FTW!

C = because the sky is red

D = when an Aparoid kisses you again

E = for an Aparoid fused in me

F = but I fainted

G = and then I suddenly lost your memories

H = OMG!

I = so we had a moonlit date with a first class meal

J = and so I got tortured

K = for Peppy's sake

L = while Andrew watched

M = when a meteor hit us

N = then we realized we were all made up of 1's and 0's

O = afterwards, he (she) screamed "CRAAAAAAAWWWLLLIIING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIN!"

P = and then Peppy said, "Do a barrel roll!"

Q = because I wanted to

R = for I AM GOD

S = WTF!

T = because that's the only thing left to do

U = for power

V = while Slippy recorded

W = then I shouted "DIE!"

X = and then Andross ate me

Y = because we had fried Aparoids

Z = XD

I cheated.

I hugged Wolf in Sargasso Space Station FTW!

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I kissed...James.... :x .....inside Fox´s quarters...but I fainted.... :P:shock::shock::shock:


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According to this generator, it says for me...

'I licked Miyu in Krystal's dresser because the sky is blue.'

.... :P Oh, my. :shock:

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Guest Idai Kitsune

... Steve, you're lucky compared to what I got...

I kissed Slippy while flying an Arwing when a meteor hit us...

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This is weird and strange...that is why I am participating!


I sliced Caiman in front of many people, and then I suddenly lost your memories.

What the heck? That's a little...dull...still funny though.

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Guest Kit Airheart

I stole Leon with the help of the soldiers but I fainted...?

Aww man! Why'd I have to steal Leon? XP

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I'll do my friend's:

I slapped Caiman while flying an arwing, and then I suddenly lost your memories.

That doesn't make any sense..

another friend:

I kicked sharpclaw inside Fox's quaters FTW!

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Guest Grimloq


Kit, you might be jealous but I'm not thrilled:

Apparently I rubbed my cheeks on Fox while riding on the wings of a Wolfen and then I suddenly lost my memories.

Which supports my theory I'd had a little to much vodka beforehand.

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Guest Kit Airheart


Kit, you might be jealous but I'm not thrilled:

Apparently I rubbed my cheeks on Fox while riding on the wings of a Wolfen and then I suddenly lost my memories.

Which supports my theory I'd had a little to much vodka beforehand.

Damn you to Hell! ^_^

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O_o I never knew I'd get such reactions!


I rubbed my cheeks on a Small Aparoid during bed time in Sargasso Base,WTF!

That is horrible!!!!......


this is great......

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Guest Herostar

One of my old friends

I kissed Panther inside Panther's penthouse so we had a moonlit date with a first class meal.


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I rubbed my cheeks on a Small Aparoid during bed time in Sargasso Base,WTF!

That is horrible!!!!......


this is great......

dies laughing

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