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Just a little suggestion...


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Could we maybe tone down the sig/avatar image sizes, please? Thank God I'm not on dialup.

Now, I suppose I can handle a bit of screen-stretching from an overly-large signature image. I mean, I'm probably the last person on the face of the internet who keeps his computer at 800x600 resolution. But when the avatar stretches out the left sidebar? That's just crazy!

I'm pretty sure there are mechanical ways to accomplish this. Like I said, though... just a thought.

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Sig size enforcement would require mods. There is a 300 character limit, but a large image can be referenced in much less than that.

Avatars have a 100x100 limit, but the only way currently to have an avatar is to off-site link it which is actually t loophole in the size limit. I could change that bot making uploads and not allowing off-site, but that is just more to bakcup in case of disaster. Fixing the loophole requires a mod as well.

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Guest Fox235

Okay, all I have to say is that not everyone is going to change their stuff so one person can have a better time on a forum.

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Actually I agree. How about some middle ground? If your avatar is more than 100 x 100 pixels, please resize or change it.

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There isn't a huge problem with this now, but for future protections, it may be a good idea.

Only problem is these mods are not retroactive. If I install a resize or block mod for Avatar size, anyone who already has one that's too big will get "grandfathered in." Of course the solution is to have the other admins and myself go through and delete everyone's avatar that's over 100x100. But that's still extra work for us admins and those whose avatars are too big. Even then, these mods have loopholes, but that's when moderators come in.

In fact, moderating alone can solve this issue. All a moderator has to do is tell an admin about a repeat offender or stubborn user and the admin can revoke avatar rights for that user.

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oh great...I made 4 banners....and like...all of them are bigger than 100*100...well sorry fox235, and back cat, I never thought this would be a problem.... :(

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I'm not enacting anything right now, and probably won't unless it becomes a problem.

But if a mod or admin tells you it's too big, please resize it. I don't want to revoke rights on anyone, and I don't think Dwight, XG, or Milton do either.

Yours is fine, at least on my screen, BTW.

Since Dwight brought up stricter enforcement on the 100x100 thing, I'll poll the other staff and see what the consensus is.

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Guest Fox235


If a few people are TOO lazy to put there computer on a different resolution than that's thier problem.

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It's not always laziness. Some older monitors don't support higher resolutions than 800x600. Also, some school computers are set to that and people don't have permissions to change it (assuming your filters let you get here).

Also, if an avatar skews the table layout, it is too big regardless of whether or not someone's screen res can handle it. (yours doesn't so this doesn't apply to you).

Not to mention, the higher the image resolution, the bigger the file. This board serves a lot of images and people on slower connections who may not be able to afford or live where they can't get broadband may have trouble veiwing some threads.

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That's the same way I feel. Like I said, there isn't a major problem now. But, if most staff vote to enforce it...

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It's not always laziness. Some older monitors don't support higher resolutions than 800x600.

Monitors nothing; try older eyes.

And there's really only one person I've seen with a huge screen-stretching avatar. I don't really want to single them out but... Oh, who am I kidding? I just don't know their name, or I'd single them out like nothing.

I dunno, I just see sig/av limits on most boards I go to, and was surprised nothing similar is in place here. The humongo avatar is really the only thing I care about. But whatever.

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we might get a disable sig in thread view mod, that would pretty much eliminate the problem, I'll see if I can write one, but I suck at php

that way dialup peaploe can hide the sigs, where most of the bigness is....

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Well I myself lag a little bit (I am one of the sad few that is limited to 28k dial up by area) But its nothing major, and really the size doesnt matter when it comes to lag as long as the pic is small in KB, although a few peoples avvies do stretch the screen out a little bit but it doesnt hurt too bad (im not sure wether mine does or not, if so someone please tell me ill shrink it no prob)

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That's better. O_o

It wan't so much that it was too big, but rather the image was too big for the picture. Too much blank space. I wouldn't have done anything if you hadn't cropped it, unless it streched the tables, which it didn't.

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anothor usless thought, for those of us with the php interpreter on our pc's (guilty).....

client side intrerpreting, and image caching, but that's just me.....

...and the security wouldn't be too great, oh well...

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