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James thought, why could'nt they have killed Andross

on the spot.When he went INSANE

it did'nt matter now,he was falling 50 off the ground,

on some god-forsaken wasteland.


Star Fox:Redemption

Jame's chest burned,wether it was the fact that he was

facing betrayal,or that he nearly died from

that fall.He looked up.The CDF were widthdrawing.

He had to finish the job.He grabbed his revolver.

The fate of Corneria.In his hands.

"Pepper,this is James.I'm going in."

It was a true firefight.When James reached the stronghold

there was no way ANY Venomian soldier would last

within a minute in a fight with him.They were undisciplened,and

prone to foolish acts of bravado.

James reached Andross's hangar,it was the only

room before his command station.It was oddly quiet.

Something grabbed him.It was not Venomian.

A creature appeared next to him.It was a mercenary,

however he was a bear and his armor read:URSUS.

They dragged him to Andross.

"Hello James,I'm expecting you.

don't speak.You won't need to speak

whe're you're going."

He stepped out of the room.

All Peppy heard on his headset was

someone screaming in pain.

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:shock: i love the suspense :D
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Pretty small, straight to the point so far, and "Fate of the world" stuff. These are just my opinions on seeing it.

So far, it is not enough for me to really give a good "I like it" just yet. I have personal likes and dislikes to stories, so I'll give it till ch1 to make a better judgment on my feelings towards it.

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It's quite good so far. Nice intro. But as Nick1349 said (can I call you Nick?) I'll wait to chap 1.

Pretty small, straight to the point so far, and "Fate of the world" stuff. These are just my opinions on seeing it.

So far, it is not enough for me to really give a good "I like it" just yet. I have personal likes and dislikes to stories, so I'll give it till ch1 to make a better judgment on my feelings towards it.

Well I guess I should get started on Chapter Numero Uno...ah teh LULZ

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Ok guys I don't have

Chap 1 ready now but...

To satisfy your Grunty Thirst

(cookie 4 refrence) I GIVE YOU:

Falco Works at BK!!!

Falco sat down on the couch,he was

REALLY tired.One whole day of playing

basketball really made his muscles run.

"And now to watch the final episode

of Lost!"

He never had time to watch it during

the events of SF:Assault.

He filpped through his recordngs

of TV shows and,wait why wasn't it

there?Falco gasped...then he screamed.

Needless to say the whole team rushed

over to him.His face was frozen in terror

and it looked like the FUUUUUUUUUU face

on further inspection.Peppy snapped two

fingers in front of his eyes and Falco

instantly lit up.

"Fox,"said Falco

"Yeah buddy?"Responded Fox



"I don't kn-"

"Falco,Slippy deleted your recording."

Krystal said.

Falco got up.


"You were being mean to me so,

I said :I either delete your recording

or I tell Katt your feelings for her!"

Slipy yelled in fear.

Falco blushed and Katt perked her

ears towards him,she knew

that he liked her and vice versa,

but anyone outside that triangle

didn't know.

Everyone was awestruck.

Falco then said to Slippy:

"I'll get you after I watch

Lost on Hulu in my room...


But then he turned on Krystal.

(oh god that sounds wrong)

"How do you know he deleted my


"He asked if he could delete it and I said yes,err

I don't really like Lost...

I mean with the time travel...

and the...yeah I should just

step back now..."

Fox grabbed her and they stepped


Falco's Emotion:RAGE FACE

The Star Wolf team burst in

the door.

"We heard screaming!"

Panther said

"Aww come on guys we were eating at that

Roach coach!"

Leon said,while holding up his soggy


"Falco what's wrong?"

Wolf exclaimed.


Falco stormed up to his room,

locked the door,and lied down

in the fetal position.

"Well we screwed that up..."

ROB said in a Microsoft

Sam-esque voice.

The Next Day...

Slippy slouched on to the floor.

He then shook himself awake and

almost automatically,he grabbed

the nearest bag of Cheetos...and

gobbled up 1/4 of the whole bag.

"I LOVE Breakfast!"

Slippy said with a smile.

He slid down the stairwell

and yelled:


When he got down he noticed that

the Star Wolf team had KO'd

on the floor.


Slippy yelled.

Needless to say,they almost trampled

each other to death when they got up.

Slippy casually walked over

to the fridge and saw a note written on it.

It was from Falco.

...To be continued...

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